~Chapter 22~

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Minho's POV

After what happened in WayV base, we rushed to the hospital that i was in when i was injured. Right now, we all are outside the operation room. We have been here for the past 5 hours, it's 5:45Pm and no doctor came out. 

"Why are they taking so long?" I said as sighed deeply,m with my head low. 

"She will do it, don't worry. She is strong." Chan, who was sitting beside me, comforted me. The others were sitting a little far from where we were sitting. 

"If something happens  to her." I paused as tears started running down my face. 

He seamed to see my tears as he hugged me and i immediately responded the hug as i finally let my tears run down my cheeks. "Everything in gonna be ok, Minho." He said with a low and cracked voice. He was hurt too and i knew. 

"I can't lose her too, not like this again." I said as more and more tears excaped my cheeks. 

After som seconds i felt more hands around us and whe i looked up from Chans shoulder, i saw everyone hugging us sobbing. 

"She is gonna make it Minho." Jeongin said with a sad smile and tears. 

"She won't leave us like that." Seungmin said. 

"Thank you , everyone." I said and smiled at them as i hugged them all. 

We stayed like this for some minutes, untill a doctor came outside the operetion room and we immediately run to him. 

"Is she alright?" I asked as soon as we were infront of him. 

"Are you relatives?" He asked and i looked at everyone else. 

"Uh, yes. I am her fiancé and these are, uh her and mine brothers." I said as i wiped my tears.

"Mrs. Haneuls surgery was difficult because the bullet was deep inside and she had lost a lot of blood. Because of how weak her body is, she fell to a coma." He said and we all looked at him with wide eyes. 

"Do you when she is going to wake up?" I asked and he sighed at my response. 

"That depends on her body and how long it will take her to heal. It might be day, weeks, months or even years, but because it seems like her body knows the pain odf a bullet, i think it wil take her to wake two months." As he said that i sighed in releaf. "You can see her now. Excuse me." He said as he bowed at us, we bowed back and as he left we all went to Haneuls room. 

As we entered my eyes softened at her adorable sleeping face. I sloly sat on the chair beside her bed as everyone sorounded her bed. 

Haneul's POV 

Everything around me is blitch black. My body acches so much right now that i don't know how to react. I look around me and again everything i see is black. 

"Haneul, sweetheart?" I heard a voice calling my name, a voice that i am beggibg to hear for years. 

I turn around and i see her. Tears started running down my cheeks. "M-mum?" I said as i see her also crying. I immediately run to her hands and hugged tight. 

"My sweet little girl." She said as she broke the hug and grabbed my face in her hands as she wiped my tears. "I have been watching you for so long. Hunney you need to go back, those boys need you." 

"but i don't wanna lose you again." I said between sobbs as she smiled at me sweatlly. 

"I will be fine, i will watch you from here. You have to go back to them, to him. He is been crying this whole time out there. You have to finish what you started, love." She said as she hugged me again. "Be safe ok?" 

"Ok, mum. I love you."  I said as smulied between my tears. 

"i love you more my little girl." And with that, she disappeard. I am alone again in the darkness. Untill i hear fainted noises, fainted voices that i know very well. 

"Haneul?" A boy said, who i think was Jeongin. 

"Yah, wake up bitch." Another voice said and i am sure he was Hyunjin. 

"Love?" The voice that i have been waiting for so long to hear, Minho's. "I know you probably can't hear me right now, but i am so so sorry fro saying that you are just our mission, it's not true. You are not our mission anymore, you never were, you are a part of us, of our family, of my heart. I love you." He said as i fell him grabbing my hand and squeze it. My heart melted at his words and his touch. 

I want to cry, i want to scream, i want to wake up and hug this man untill he can't breathe anymore. "I love you more."

"Get well soon sis." Another voice said and i assume it was Chan. 


I assume, hours passed  and the boys have been here the hole time. i could hear thwir fainted voices talking to my like i was aeake and i just wanted to open my eyes to tell them that i am ok, that they don't need to cry, they don't need to worry about me.

I understand when they left because it was again dead silence. I was alone again in the darkness. How i wish i could open my eyes now, but they feel so heavy. I can't move my hands, nothing. I am useless. 

After some time that i was alone in the darkness, i felt someone grabbing my hand and squeeze it again and i know that this touch, was Minho's. 

"I know you probably can't hear me, but i bought you flowers princess. Please wake up soon, i can't without you around." He said and i could hear his little sobs. "I am leaving now. Please wake for me atleast." He said and let go of my arm and left the room. 

I was alone now, untill after some time i felt someone grabbing my hand again. 

"Hello Reina." I heard a voice saying soft but at the same time he was serious and i know very well who he was. "All tens are here and we all know what you want at this time and we will do it. We will finish them." He said and i smiled in my thoughts at what he said. 

"Get well soom reina." I heard another voice, a girls voice, say and i wanted to smile at them to show them how proud i am. 

"Hope to hear you scolding us soon." I heard another male voice saying and i wanted to hit him for his behavior. 

"We love you." The first voice said and i wanted to smile at them and tell them that i love them too. 

After some time i felt alone again, in the darkness. I guess i have to wait.


500 read i am gonna cry😭 thank you all so much<33 

Who were they?

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