It's a Wedding! - Glory and Deathbringer

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           Today would be the day, the day that Glory and Deathbringer would finally get married, she had been waiting for this her entire life, well, not entire life, but ever since they had met each other. Way back then, that very morning, near the IceWing Kingdom, she couldn't believe that they had met that long ago. 

           Deathbringer had only asked her to marry him, a couple months ago, but she could remember it like it was yesterday. She had just finished her queenly duties, and decided to go out and get some fruit, to eat for dinner. When she had heard rustling in the bushes, she dropped all the fruit she had collected, and got ready to attack whoever was hiding, when Deathbringer had jumped out of the bushes, yelling "Surprise! I got ya! You looked so nervous, aw, it's so cute when you get nervous, with that face!" 

           She'd been so mad at him for scaring her like that! She was the QUEEN of both his tribe, and her own, and Deathbringer just went on, SCARING LIKE THAT! And surely, she would not let Deathbringer get away with it, so she had tackled him, while he was still laughing at her. That's when they got into a playful little fight, run there, and attack now. It was really just fun and games, until Deathbringer had stopped, with a serious look on his face. Worried, she stopped as well.

           "What's wrong? Are you okay? You look so serious, I've never seen you look this way, is there something wrong?" She'd said, worried, but trying hard to make sure the Deathbringer couldn't tell. "Well, I have a qeustion, a very important thing to ask you," Deathbringer had said, as nervousness started to creep within. Relieved, she asked "Well, what is it?". Then she had been able to tell that Deathbringer was nervous, but he had hidden it well, with that smug look on his face.

             "Well, I know that we've know each other for a while now, and I was wondering, well, if you we're ready, I know that you've kind of always we're like a friend, maybe even more than that, but..." Deathbringer got more and more nervous as he went, his voice getting shakier and shakier, trying to calm him down, without showing that I really cared, I said "Well, yes? I'm not trying to stand here for my entire life!". 

              Then Deathbringer let out a little smile, as he held out her talons, touching Glory's, both smiling at each other.  Deathbringer then let the words escape his mouth, "I love you, and I always will. Will you marry me? I understand if your not ready, but-" Yellow and pink burst through her scales, she couldn't help it, she then hugged Deathbringer, tightly, and felt him hug her back. She then had said "Of course I will, I've been waiting all this time, just for you to ask me that very question. Of course, I love you, I would love to get married!"

          Which brought her here, to this very moment, where she was about to have a dream come true, marring Deathbringer. She was so happy, as the very same colors that appeared on her scales, the night Deathbringer had asked her to marry, appeared once again, except this time more beautiful then ever before. Clay was the one who was marrying the two, the flower girl was Kinkajou, her best dragon had been Sunny, and there had been so many attending the wedding, The Dragonets of Destiny, their relatives, close friends, and even some of the very queens themselves, even some dragons from Pantala had came!

            "Glory?" A voice called from behind her, it was Tsunami. "It's time, time for you guys to FINALLY get married! It took you guys long enough!" She said, as a smile crept on her face. "Wow Tsunami, thanks. But, how about you talk to me when you and Riptide get together, how about that?" Glory said sarcastically. Tsunami blushed, and they both burst into laughs. But, it was cut short when Tsunami stopped, and said "Alright, but seriously, it's time, Deathbringer is waiting for you. Don't want to leave him waiting, now do you?".  Glory got her serious face on, but her scales could still show how she felt, and as soon as she saw Deathbringer, looking so handsome, she couldn't stop smiling, and Deathbringer felt the exact same way.

               When Kinkajou finished flowering the isle, Glory came down it. And slightly nervous, she felt green crawling up her, but pushed it back down, as everyone watching the wedding gazed in awe, nobody had seen her these combination of colored scales before. But when Deathbringer saw her, his whole jaw dropped, making Glory blush.

                Once she had walked up the isle way, Deathbringer said " Wow, I've never seen you look so gorgeous before. Almost as handsome as me. You should be proud." She rolled her eyes, while letting a smile escape her face, when Clay start the ceremony. She had been completely ignoring what Clay was saying, and spent her entire time staring into Deathbringer's beautiful eyes, he was doing the same to Glory. 

                 It was until Deathbringer had to tear away from Glory's beautiful looks, when Clay stomped on his tail to catch his attention, which soon caught Glory's, when Clay said to Deathbringer, "Do you accept Glory as your wife?" and without a single second past by, he had said "Yes, no doubt about it". Then Clay turned to Glory, asking the same question, and without a doubt, "Yes" was all she could say, and she did. Then Clay had said the words that made her whole world light up, "You are now pronounced husband and wife!". Everyone sitting down got up in cheers, yelling things like " Whoo!" or "Congrats" or "We knew it would happen at some point!".

                     And with those words, coming from Clays mouth, Glory hugged Deathbringer as hard as she could in excitement, and pulled away, still holding her arms around Deathbringer, as they stared into each other's eyes full of happiness. She said, " Guess we finally made it, we're officially married, who knew this would happen? Life can be surprising sometimes, don't  you think?". Then Deathbringer replied "Well, I'm glad that life brought me here, here with you." They both blushed at each other, then, to truly make their marriage official, Glory dove in for a kiss, pushing her snout against his, and Deathbringer gladly accepted it.

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