Queen Blossom's Little Surprise 'Visit'

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                 Once Glory and Deathbringer made it to Clay and Peril's door, the shifted to a stop. Then they both looked at each other, with large smiles on their faces, and fell down on top of each breathing hard and giggling. "I'm... pretty... pretty sure, that... I... won... that." Deathbringer said, while still grasping for air. "No... I... don't... think... so. You had... the head... start." Glory responded to Deathbringer, still catching her breath.

                 They both sat there, just in the grass for the moment, until Glory could feel her heartbeat slowing down, matching Deathbringer's. They both sat up, smiling, and they leaned closer together, until Glory could her Deathbringer's heartbeat, matching hers. DEA also seemed to notice, and smiled at her. They pushed their snouts together, so close she could feel Deathbringer's breath on hers. 

                 They both closed their eyes, knowing exactly what they were going to do, kiss, but before they could kiss, Clay walked put of the doorstep. Glory had forgotten they were right in front of the door! But Clay just stared at them blankly, and they stared back, still in the same upright position, but with their heads turned at Clay. It was after a couple of moments of staring, Clay gained a smug look on his face, just realizing that she and Deathbringer were about to kiss. He then said "Oh, you two were about to kiss! I'm so sorry, you can pretend as if I'm not here.".

                  "Took you long enough!" Glory yelled at Clay, letting go of Deathbringer's talons. Clay got a guilty look on his face, and looked at his talons for a minute, and she looked back at Deathbringer, with an I'm-sorry-about-this look in her eyes. Deathbringer got the message and said "It's fine. At least your happier than you were before.". Glory smiled at him, and said with realization " That's what you were trying to do?". Deathbringer blushed and said "That's what a husband is for right? Cheering their queen up, especially when she needs it most.".

                 Glory smiled at him, as she felt bolts of pink starting to run up her scales. Then she remembered she had other things she needed to put her focus on. Queen Blossom, she thought to herself. Her face expression turned from happy to serious, Deathbringer noticed this, and just nodded, as is he could read her mind. " Come on Clay, we've got news to tell everyone about Queen Blossom." she said, as she beckoned Clay inside, as he followed Glory inside to the dinning table, Deathbringer closed the door behind them.

                 "Kinkajou! Tamarin! Jambu! We've got news!" Glory yelled into the house, as Clay yelled "Peril, come on honey! Over here!". Glory looked outside from her seat, the sun was already gone, but the moon was still climbing the sky. Glory had to tell them as fast as she could, she needed to practice, and the best time of day to practice things like animal control was at the night, under the stars. 

                 " We're here!" Kinkajou yelled, as she and all the RainWings ran from the extra rooms to the dinning table.  And Peril just walked out of their room, like she was only here to see Clay, which did make since. Once Peril sat down at the table, Glory told them everything. "...And then Deathbringer and I made our way here." Glory finished, but then Clay interrupted with a smirk on his face "And, once they made it to our doorstep. I just so happened to walk outside onto the doorstep when I saw Glory and Deathbringer just about to kiss.".

                 She and Deathbringer blushed, and started to look down at their talons, side eyeing each other. While everyone went "Ooooo.". Glory was annoyed at their childish behavior, and some of her scales turned orange as proof. Deathbringer seemed to be the only one who noticed, as he quietly backed away, he knew her too well. Then she said in a calm voice "Guys! Stop it, we're married!", but when they didn't stop oooing. She spat at them " IF YOU GUYS DON'T STOP OOOING RIGHT NOW, I'M GOING TO STUFF MY TALONS DOWN YOUR THROATS, UNTIL I CAN RIP OUT YOUR VOCAL CORDS AND STUFF THEM UP YOUR SNOUT! SO, WHO WANTS TO GO FIRST?!".

                All of them shut their snouts, as Glory sat back down in her chair, not even realizing that she was towering over the others as she was yelling at them. As she then turned her head away and proudly said "That's what I thought.". When she turned her head, she saw the sky, it had darkened, how long had it been? She needed to practice, somewhere where she could be alone, and not crowded by all these dragons. So she quickly said "Alright, anymore questions?", and before anyone could respond she said "Good, then you guys understand. Alright then! Well, it's getting pretty late, best that we head off to bed. Okay, goodnight! Sweet dreams!" She then pushed them into their rooms, except for Peril of course, the followed Clay, but they all had the same confused expression. 

                 Deathbringer was the last dragon to push off to sleep, but before she could, Deathbringer gave her a why-are-you-doing-this-weird-thing-that-everyone-can-tell-is-weird look. Glory sighed, and then sat down in the chair, as he sat next to her, holding Glory's talons in his, which made Glory feel better, but not a whole lot. Glory looked at Deathbringer were, who was ready to listen, she then said "Okay, fine. I just needed sometime alone. I knew if I told them 'I'm going to go relax under the stars in the middle of the night!'. That they would just follow me and-" before Glory could continue, Deathbringer gave her a kiss on her cheek. 

                 Glory smiled at him, then he had a look in his eyes, now she knew just what to do. They put their snouts together, and kissed, enjoying every moment, until Deathbringer pulled away. "Just calm yourself down, okay? Remember, one step at a time." He said, as he was still holding her talons, and she didn't dare to let go. Then a shape stepped out of the darkness, soon enough the light revealed the dragon's scales, pink and green, pink and green all over, but she still couldn't quite make put who it was.

                 Glory got up from her chair, ready to attack to dragon in the dark, so did Deathbringer, he was ready to defend her. "Relax, no need, it's just me. And I've come, to say, make a few changes in your plans. Very, very permanent plans for you, ones that you can't change." The dragon hissed, with a voice cold and evil, it was as if she could feel it in the air. 

                 The dragon then stepped out of the veil of darkness that she in within, revealing herself. Glory and Deathbringer gasped, it was the same evil monster from before. "Whay you surprised? Your little sister just came for a visit Glory, can't you give me a hug? Just a little one, it won't hurt, no promises though." Said the voice, the last bit sounding sharp and cold, like Glory was being stabbed with a knife made of ice. 

                 The dragon standing before her, in her friend's house, one of the dragons on her murder list, it was the one who had found her evil and cold voice, it was Glory's little sister, the one who was now threatening to kill her, it was Queen Blossom.

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