Meeting Queen Blossom

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                 The colors of excitement, surprise, and happiness raced through her scales at the sight, the RainWings weren't actually endangered. There was THOUSANDS of them, just under this mountain, but so many questions raced her mind. 

                 Why do they live here, under a mountain, concealed under this mountain? What do they have to do with fireflies? Do they have animus magic? How did they manage to live and build under a MOUNTAIN? Did they know of the outside world? Did even know other dragons existed, that WEREN'T RainWings? Did even CARE?

                 She looked at the village around the mountain, it was made of many well made huts on the ground, and vines, fat and green hanging overhead that held up more huts. And beautiful grass grew below, and fruitful trees overhead, it was like the rain forest! She couldn't help herself but walk into the place. 

                 As soon as she walked in two RainWings approached her, the were watching this whole time, in camouflage! She was so busy being excited, she hadn't noticed the two RainWings watching her! She quickly got into a position to spray her venom at them, when the two RainWings looked each other in confusion. Did they not know how to use their venom?!!She thought to herself, as she started to lower her mouth, and look at he other RainWings just as confused. 

                 "Woah, what ya doing man?" Asked the RainWing covered in blue scales, Glory was now even more confused. The other RainWing seemed to notice her confusion, and said "I'm so sorry about him, he's just like that, anyway, you have to go to our queen, and explain your presence. Since you followed Coconut's fireflies here, for some reason.".  Glory just nodded in shock at the orange and blue scaled RainWing, as they lead the way to their queen.

                 Glory was too surprised to say a word, as she walked through the village, all the other RainWings that loved there stared at her confused. Probably because they had never seen her before. Soon they arrived at a large hut, the biggest one, covered in the most beautiful of flower, with wooden stairs, covered with beautiful designs. " Up there." Said the RainWing with orange and blue scales, as she pointed to the large hut.

                 Glory walked up the steps, a new queen, one she had never known, a RainWing Queen. Once she made it to the top, a RainWing guard let her in, through Glory was very surprised, a RainWing guard!?!Why that seemed impossible, a RainWing that ACTUALLY worked!?! She was starting to already like this queen, she thought as she walked inside. 

                  When Glory walked inside, she wasn't expecting what she saw, it was a RainWing, who looked about KINKAJOU'S age! She was sitting down in her throne, as she signaled all the guards to leave. Glory bowed to the queen, and stood back up very surprised. Glory then asked, not afraid of this queen at all, "Who are you exactly?".

                 The queen looked at her surprised, and said " I've never seen someone speak to me without permission, but I think I like that about you. My name is Queen Blossom, Queen Blossom of all Rain Dragons." she then rose up from her throne, Glory then said under her breath "I can understand why..." as she looked at the beautiful pink colors that covered her scales.

                 Queen Blossom scolded, and a bit of orange came out of her scales when Glory said that, but it disappeared. "But just who are you?" Queen Blossom asked her, as she leaned a little closer to Glory. "Well, first off, you should know, were NOT called Rain Dragons, the dragons you rule over are called RainWings, YOU are a RainWing, I am a RainWing." Glory said, as she rolled her eyes. "Oh...." Queen Blossom said, as a little gray entered her scales, she was obviously new at this queen job.

                 "But," she continued, "My name is Glory, Queen Glory of the RainWings.". Queen Blossom's face immediately lit up, as Glory looked at her confused, but then Queen Blossom's returned to normal. " Where are you from, what are you doing here, and how did you get here?" She asked as she sat back in her throne. Then Glory responded "I am from, well, uh, under a mountain. My egg was stolen from my home in the Rainforest Kingdom, and brought under a mountain. I can explain that later though, I got here by following a bunch of fireflies, and why I am here, but I was curious to see where the fireflies were going.". Then Queen Blossom mumbled angrily "Coconut.".

                 "Don't tell anyone, but I'm so happy another queen is around, I have soo many questions about being queen. And especially ruling this place, and the outside world, my great-great-great-great grandfather forbid anyone from leaving this place, so we have no idea what's out there!" She said excitingly, Glory was just happy that she wasn't like any another queen, who tried to kill her, imprison her, or use her as ART.

                 "Tell me! Pleaseeeeeee. I would love to learn of the outside world!" Queen Blossom asked as if she was a dragonet who wanted to stay up all night. Glory felt bad, and started explaining all the different tribes, Darkstalker, the SandWing Secession, the Dragonets of Destiny, the contents, Jade Mountain Academy, RainWings, and what had just happened over the course of yesterday. "....And now I'm here." Glory finished. The conversation between the two seemed to go on for centuries, with all the questions Queen Blossom asked.

                 "Really?! I hope Deathbringer is okay, but we have scales that change COLOR, based off how were FEELING!" Queen Blossom asked surprised. "Yes, but  we can hide how were feeling sometimes, but other times our emotions are too big, and we can't control our scales. But they're also for camouflage, which you already know. And most of the time we have our normal scale color, like yours is all those pinks." Glory said slightly annoyed on how little she knew.

                 "And then we have VENOM! That comes from our MOUTHS, that we can shoot at dragons, WHENEVER we want to!" Queen Blossom said still surprised. "Yes. But if we shoot our venom were we don't want it to go, a family member CNA shoot their venom where you did, and cause the venom to die out." Glory said, more annoyed. "Ohhhh, can you teach our tribe how?" Queen Blossom asked with hope.

                 Glory thought for a moment, and then remembered all the questions still crowded up in her head, and said "Once you explain to me a few things. Like how did those fireflies do that, is it animus magic? And how that hidden entrance is there. And how your tribe works." Glory asked. Queen Blossom's face dimmed, but then she said "Well, no, we don't have animus magic. A relative of mine that died centuries ago made it with animus magic, but he was killed before any RainWing could inherit his magic. And those fireflies, well I'm surprised you don't know, ANY RainWing can do that, we have the ability to control animals, not dragons though. That relative of mine gave all RainWings that magic, just before he died, but it comes with a cost, every time one of the animals we control is hurt, we feel the same pain. Coconut sometimes collects fireflies, by bringing them to her.". 

                Glory stood there shocked, she had NO idea that RainWings could do that, if she did, she would have had a bunch of Dragonbite Vipers kill those NightWings! Queen Blossom grinned at her expression, "Oh, and you should be careful, at the age of one, all dragonets are taught to fight. And that's all there is to know." Queen Blossom finished. Glory stood there more surprised the she ever was in her life, she hadn't ever thought of that, if she did that, maybe RainWings would have a name for themselves, maybe they would have a FIGHTING chance!

                Glory then regained her face, and said "Well, if you teach me how to use that magic, I'll teach you how to use your venom." Queen Blossom's smile got so wide, you'd think it'd fall right off. "You got yourself a deal Queen Glory!". Queen Blossom said, as she held her talons out, Glory shook her talons, and smiled back, and said "Same goes to you Queen Blossom.".

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