To Teach and to Learn

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                Queen Blossom dragged Glory out of the hut, all the way down the stairs, to a clearing in the village. Queen Blossom looked so excited to learn how to use her venom, as though she might burst, her scales were turning every color of yellow and pink, but in a messy kind of way, not the way Glory looked when she was marrying Deathbringer, the way she looked, was... less pretty. Queen Blossom was also amazed at the colors her scales were turning, and got EVEN MORE excited, which Glory didn't believe was POSSIBLE!

                 "Okay, okay. Calm down, your scales are already telling me how excited and happy you are, TONE IT DOWN, OR I SWEAR I WILL RIP YOUR SCALES OFF." Glory said. "Okay, okay. Sorry, I'm just SOO EXCITED!" Queen Blossom said. "Really? I thought you were EXTREMELY SAD." Glory said sarcastically. "Now, do you want to learn to do this, or not?" She asked Blossom, and she vigorously nodded her head, trying to keep all of her excitement in her. "Alright, so it's really easy, to do, but first we need a target..." Glory said as she started looking around the village. 

                 That's when Blossom ran towards to edge of the village, and came back to her with a big piece of wood. "We can use this, it's some scrap wood from the huts." Blossom said. Glory took piece of wood, which was about the size of a window, and placed it against the mountain. "Alright, now that we have that covered, you just need to take aim at the wood, and shoot. It almost feels like spit in your throat, but you know it's venom when you feels more liquidly, I really don't know another word for it, but you know what I mean, right?" Glory explained to Blossom. As she responded "Yeah, I know what you mean, I think I got this.". 

                 Then Blossom spat out venom, but it splattered everywhere on the mountain wall, and hit nowhere close to the wood. "Oops." Blossom said sheepishly, as she started at the venom, it was nearly everywhere on the mountain wall. "That's why mountains are made out of stone." Glory said, but Blossom took what she said literally, and said "Really?!! I had NO IDEA!". Glory put her face in her talons, and sarcastically said "You really didn't know that? Everyone knows that! NO BLOSSOM, MOUNTAINS ARE NOT MADE OUT OF STONE FOR VENOM PRACTICE!". "Sorry, sorry. I, sometimes I don't know what to take literally, and what not to." Blossom said looking down at her talons. 

                 "Sometimes?" Glory asked in disbelief, as she raised her eye ridge and looked at Blossom. Blossom gave in and said "Okay, what I meant to say was... all the time.". They both laughed, but then Glory got herself to calm down and focus on the venom on the mountain wall, and so did Blossom. Then Glory asked, "We should get that fixed up, do you have any family members, so that we can get this fixed up?", then Blossom looked back at Glory with a sad look on her face. "I don't really have any family, my mom died a couple years ago, forcing me to become the queen... And I don't have any sisters, or brothers, and if I do then mom never told anyone" she said.

                 Glory then felt bad for her, and said "Hey, it's going to be fine. The venom will dry it's self out.", then she muttered "Eventually.". Blossom looked at her confused, and asked "Did you say something?". "Uh, no." Glory said, trying not to look suspicious. "Well, I'll show you how to shoot venom, ONCE you teach me that animal control thing.". Glory said trying to change the subject, and it worked, Blossom's face lit up. As she said "Okay, this way!", as she once again dragged Glory to large hut, not as big as Blossom's hut though, and it was filled with all different kinds of animals. 

                 "This is where we keep our animals," Blossom said, that's when she remembered hers, Sliver, there was no way he could have made it out in time... "Here, you can choose an animal to practice with!" Blossom finished. Glory looked around, until she saw firefly, a lonely one, just flying in the large hut. "I think I'll take the firefly." Glory said, pointing her talon at it. Then Blossom said "Okay, I'll bring it to you.", then Blossom took a breath, closed her eyes for a moment, and the firefly started flying over to Glory. Glory was amazed, but didn't let her scales show it, but Blossom differently noticed, and grinned. 

                 Then the firefly stopped right in front of Glory, just hovering and staring at her. Then Blossom said "Doing this is pretty easy, and very simple. All you have to do is calm yourself down and just focus on the animal you're wanting to control, then in your head. You'll get all these different locations of the animal you wanted, you simply just chose one of those locations, and boom. You're in the animal's mind, seeing what there're seeing, making them do what you want them to do.". 

                 What Blossom said did sound pretty easy, but there was so many things to think about! So many problems, how could she just tune them out? Them she thought back to when she was sitting on that tree, just looking at the stars. With that thought, she felt as if her problems simply floated away into the night sky. Then she took a breath, and closed her eyes and focused on fireflies, and suddenly she could see all the fireflies on both Pyrrhia and Pantala. But she chose the one in front of her, and opened her eyes, she saw herself! 

                 She was looking through the firefly's eyes! She then made the firefly fly to Blossom, who was looking as proud as ever, and she had the firefly fly around Blossom until she became VERY annoyed. When Blossom then became focused on killing the firefly she had control of, she snapped back into herself, letting Blossom kill the firefly. "That's RIGHT! I just taught Glory how to do that! I should totally be a teacher!" Blossom said as she danced around. 

                 Glory just burst into laughs, as she watched Blossom dance around, and when Blossom heard Glory's laugh, she joined in. Then they were both on the ground laughing, "Now, you have to continue teaching me!" Blossom said. That's when she remebered about Peril, Clay, Kinkajou, Taramin, and Jambu, how long had she been here? They were probably looking for her by now, she had to leave. "I'm sorry Blossom, but I have to go, I have some friends, and they're probably looking for me by now." Glory said to Blossom, her face dimmed when she said that, but not wanting to make her sad, she quickly said "But I'll be back, maybe sometime tomorrow, okay? And maybe I'll bring my friends, okay? Then I'll continue your teaching, but you can practice while I'm gone, okay?". "Okay." Blossom replied, with some of her scales turning gray, but she quickly changed them back.

                 Glory ran out of the mountain, and thought to herself, hoping that Queen Blossom would hear her thoughts, I'll be back before you even realize I'm gone. 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now