Going Back to the Rain Forest

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                 Glory was starting to wake up, regaining her consciousness. She observed her location, there was trees around her, but no ones of the rain forest, and the sky was colored black, she was still in The Old NightWing Kingdom! 

                 She had to get back, Deathbringer needed her help, she immediately took off to go back to the rain forest, but then she quickly fell to the ground. As a roar of pain left her mouth, her wing, it felt horrible. She turned her head to look at her left wing, it was completely blackened like the charcoal looking trees she'd seen in the rain forest, parts at the end of her wing looked ripped, and the place where her wing connected to her back was lower than it should be, so she was pretty sure it was dislocated.

                 "My wing!" Glory panicked, she tried to fly, over and over again, but she couldn't. Each time she got an inch into the sky, she fell back down, with her wing hurting more than before. "What am I going to do? I can't just STAY here forever, Deathbringer needs me. And this 'Just fly away to the rain forest' idea isn't working." She said, she looked away into the forest she found herself in on the Old NightWing Kingdom.  She took a breath, "Looks like I'm going to have to walk there, if I ever want to help Deathbringer." She said annoyed.

                 Glory was walking a VERY EXTREMELY LONG walk to the entrance to the rain forest, she wasn't even sure it was the right direction. She then came up with a smart idea, something Starflight would have thought of way before she did. Because she felt like this was getting her nowhere fast, she marked each tree she pasted by with her talon. 

                 Glory kept thinking about Deathbringer, he was in really bad shape. But instead of staying with Deathbringer, she left him, if she just would have stayed. None of this would have happened. But once again, of she did, then there wouldn't be a single RainWing alive. And she did have Deathbringer now, so everything was good, except for her. She looked back at her wing, that still looked horrible. 

                She changed her scale color, so it didn't look like charcoal, half expecting this to work, and it did! She could hardly even tell her wing looked messed up, the slight rips at the end were hard to notice, and she was sure she could pop her wing back into place if she tried. She didn't want the others to worry about her, Deathbringer was more important. She knew it would be painful, but she had to try, so that when she got back to the rain forest, the others could focus on Deathbringer, rather then her.

                 After six attempts, VERY PAINFUL attempts, to pop her wing back. She almost gave up, but she gave it another shot for Deathbringer, "Seventh times the charm!" Glory said in disbelief. "And here we go again." Glory said nervously, as she got her talons into place. She shut her eyes, and went at it. A faint roar once again escaped her mouth, as she heard a little pop noise. She looked back at her wing, she did it! "Woo! Yeah, that's right!" she said to her wing with excitement. 

                 She tried to fly once more, but it was still to painful, she was sure it would eventually heal, but she still couldn't fly for more than a second. And in that second, she saw the entrance! It was about a mile walk to the entrance, she really had been walking for a while!

                 But she had to be careful, if she returned her scales to their usual color, the black that covered her wing would show. As she excitingly we walked towards the entrance, he wing brushed against a tree, causing her to wince. Then, her blackened scales showed themselves, but she quickly covered them back up. If her scales revealed that easily, she would have to be careful. 

                 Soon enough, Glory found herself in front of the entrance to her rain forest. But she had to be cautious, she wasn't planing on drawing attention to herself, at least until Deathbringer was okay. She entered the entrance, and it felt amazing to be in the rain forest, even if it was burnt and broken down, but at least she wasn't in The Old NightWing Kingdom. 

                 Now, she was off to find her friends, which she guessed were in the clearing. Near the edge of the rain forest, so that Deathbringer could rest. 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now