Saying Bye to the Others

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                 Glory once again found herself in the shelter if the rain forest, though it was terribly burned, she was back home. And now that she was on her way back to Deathbringer, she couldn't help but smile. Everything could finally go back to normal! Well, except for the rain forest, and the RainWings and NightWings that once lived here. 

                 She stared into the rain forest, she cold almost see the younger dragonets chasing each other around, and climbing the trees, and the little RainWings learning to glide through the trees, and picking flowers. She frowned at the thought, because all of that was gone now. All of the happiness, of families and their dragonets, picking and learning of the new fruits hidden in the rain forest waiting to be found, all of the scents of the beautifully colored flowers, it was gone. And she couldn't do a thing about it.

                 Soon Glory found herself in the clearing, she was very catious to hide her wing from the others. Sunny's eyes lit up when she saw Glory, as she ran up to Glory, giving her a hug. "I'm so happy that you're alive!" Sunny said with relief. "I told you that she would make it." Starflight said reassuringly, as he then joined the hug. "Took you long enough." Tsunami said, then joining Sunny and Starflight. Soon after, Cricket yelled "Group hug!", then everyone joined in, even Sundew, except for Peril, obviously, she didn't want to burn everyone's scales off.  

                 "Alright, alright guys, you can let go." she said. She really didn't want to be hugged, her wing was screaming with pain, but she did her best to not roar in pain as they all let go of the hug. Some of her blacken scales her starting to bypass her covering of colored scales, but she soon covered them right back up. She then put her focus on Deathbringer, and asked "Where's Deathbringer? Is he okay?" her voice was rising with worry, she didn't see Deathbringer anywhere, what if something happened to him while she was knocked out? 

                 She desperately looked around the clearing for him, when Peril said "Luna took him to to Possibility, back in the Sand Kingdom to heal up. He should he fine in a few days.". After hearing Peril, she was about to say bye to everyone and go off to Deathbringer, when Tsunami said "What took you so long to get here anyways? It's not a very long flight, were you hurt?" she started to approach Glory, but then Glory stuttered "Well-uh, not- I really have to get to Deathbringer, and I really don't have time...". She couldn't come up with an excuse to get out of this, and Deathbringer was okay...

                 She sighed, "No point in hiding it." She said in an annoyed tone of voice, as she let her true scale color return back to her wing. All the others gasped at the sight of her blacken wing, she really didn't like all this attention. "It's not that bad... is it?" She asked hopefully, wishing they would just leave her alone. "OF COURSE IT'S 'THAT BAD', YOUR WING GLORY IS LITERALLY BLACK GLORY, BLACK!" Tsunami said, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight, she frowned this was going to take a while. 

                 "So that's why you couldn't make it back to the rain forest that quickly, you couldn't fly." Starflight said, as he stepped closer to take a look. Blue frowned, "I could never even imagine trying to fly with a wing like that.". Cricket stuttered in her words, it was clear that she couldn't believe Glory's wing, as if it was a fake, when she said "That's-that's just, I-".  Then Sunny came running towards her with worry sweeping across her saying "Glory! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?!". 

                 She then took her wing and started to take a closer look at it, Glory winced, touching her wing hurt EXTREMELY bad. Sunny noticed, and let go of her wing, then Willow covered her mouth, soon after she stopped and pointed her talon at the edges of her wing saying "Are those... rips?!! At the edges of your WING!". Everyone took a closer look, once again gasping at the edges of her wing. There she was again, everyone gasping at her injury, "Glory just what have you let yourself get into?" Tsunami said. 

                 Peril took a couple steps closer, until she was right in front of Glory, and she could feel the heat radiating off her scales. Peril then said looking at her wing, "Do you mind if I touch your wing? To see if you can still feel it, my firescales, I mean.". Glory nodded, when Starflight said "That's actually quite smart, lava is a type of is a type of fire, and seeing that it hurt her, Glory shouldn't be able to feel fire, like Peril's firescales, on her wing.". Glory was slightly confused, but understood what Starflight meant. 

                 Peril put her talons on her wing, and it actually, felt, well, good, on her wing, almost a healing type of feel. She looked back at her wing, her blacken scales seemed to be, peeling off? "What is happening?!!!" Glory said wide-eyed, she could guess everyone else was guessing the same thing. That's when Starflight proudly said "Well, the extreme heat of Peril's scales are melting off the blackened state of Glory's wing. Causing it to return back to the way it was, of course the small rips at the edges of Glory's wings can't be fixed, but Glory should be able to fly now." Sunny smiled at Starflight, as he smiled back, with Sunny complimenting how smart Starflight was. 

                 "Ohh." everyone said as if they knew that, which obviously, they didn't. Peril continued to put her talons on Glory's wing, until she was completely healed of her burnt scales. It felt amazing, like eating ice cream on a hot day in the Sand Kingdom, or finally catching some good prey. It was a few moments later when Peril finally finished, and said "There you go, it looks like my firescales actually helped someone this time." and she sort of gave Glory a half smile. "Now to see if I can still fly." she said with hope, if she couldn't fly, then she couldn't make it to Deathbringer. 

                 With that she took off into the sky, it felt exhilarating to be in the sky again, as she swooped back down to the ground. "Good as new." Glory said with a smile. "Now that I have my wing back, off to Deathbringer, bye!" she said, but just as she was going to fly off to the sky, Peril. interrupted "You still have RainWings to get back to, that you left with me and Clay!". Glory then remebered how what was left of her tribe had to go off to Clay while she went looking for Deathbringer, she stayed on the ground trying to think of what to do. When Peril said "Glory, look, I know Deathbringer is your husband and all, but there's nothing you can do for him right now. You have to wait until Deathbringer recovers, and until then you have to attend to the bigger problem, what's left of your kingdom, of your dragons.".

                Glory knew that Peril was right, and that the RainWings were more important right now, so with a frown, she said "Alright then.". Knowing that Glory didn't really want to go, Peril said "Sunny, do you mind staying with Deathbringer while he's in the recovering, and then tell him that Glory is waiting for him at Clay's?" Sunny nodded, and waved goodbye to everyone before leaving to Deathbringer, as Starflight followed close behind. "I think it's time we get going Glory." Peril said, as she flew up into the sky, waiting for Glory to follow, Glory then said "Yeah, you're right." as she then thrusted herself up to Peril, and looked back down, to find the others we're flying away. 

                 "Until next time Queen Glory." Sundew said, and Willow followed saying "Until next time!" and waved, then catching up to Sundew. Then Cricket and Blue said "Bye!" as they flew up into the fly together, close behind Sundew and Willow. Tsunami was the last to leave, as she said "I guess I'll be seeing you later, until then!" as she flew off into the sky, with a slight smile. Then Peril started to fly in the direction of the Diamond Spray River, close to where she and Clay lived, and Glory followed close behind her.     

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now