No Control

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Glory's Point of View 

                 Glory was now back in the cave Snowhunter had put her in, and she was was EXTREMELY angry at him. After seeing Deathbringer just a couple mintues ago she was enraged, seeing Deathbringer like that, and there wasn't a thing she could do. The only thing she could do was show how she felt in her scales.

                 So colors of dark red and black spread all throughout her scales, with drifts of orange. "Angry, huh? I demand that you change your scales to yellow and pink, it's much better that way." Snowhunter ordered her at the sight of her scales. Glory couldn't help it, her scales turned into a blend of yellow and pink, against her will, and she hated it.

                 She had no control over herself, as much as she wanted to stuff his horns up his throat, rip off his wings, and spray a dangerous amount of venom all over him, she couldn't. Right now, she was completely helpless, a feeling that she had never felt. And she absolutely hated, she couldn't do a thing, not under Snowhunter's control. 

                 After that little dream visit with Deathbringer, Snowhunter had ordered her to sit down and not to say a single word. So now she was stuck on the cold hard floor of the cave, with only her thoughts to accompany her. And she had no idea what horrible things Snowhunter would force her to do, which Glory also hated. And it'd been two days since Snowhunter had put on that necklace and forced her to get up after being unconscious. 

                 If she wasn't wearing this necklace, she'd be unconscious still, and when she was ordered to wake up, she still had all that smoke in her lungs. It was very painful when Snowhunter ordered that I wasn't to cough, and the burnings on my arms stung extremely. When Snowhunter woke her up, she had been able to take a glance at her arms, and they looked completely blackened from the fire. 

                 Glory wanted to turn her head to at least see what Snowhunter was doing, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried to force her head to turn, it didn't, because Snowhunter had made her sit down in that very spot. Nothing less and nothing more. I wish I could tear this tight necklace off, and run to Deathbringer. The look of anger in his eyes, I've never seen it before, but the worry was their too. And I just want all of this to be over already, I want Snowhunter to die in my talons, painfully, and I want, I just want Deathbringer. Her thoughts cried.

                 Of course, Glory was never going to admit this to Deathbringer, but it was how she felt. And she had no idea if the eggs were okay, if he was okay, especially with the weight of the two tribes now on Deathbringer's shoulders. But her thoughts were soon interrupted by Snowhunter's words, great! Just what I wanted, another order by Snowhunter! I couldn't wish for better. Her thoughts exclaimed sarcastically. 

                "Glory, I have a job for you. Do you mind doing it  for me?" Snowhunter asked her, she so badly wanted to yell at his face, NOOOOOOO! I DO NOT WANT TO DO A SINGLE THING FOR YOU, I WANT TO KILL YOU. But she couldn't Snowhunter had control of her, and she wasn't given permission to speak, but he obviously knew that. She could her talonsteps approaching her from behind, until Snowhunter was standing right in front of her. With his cold scales, and his even colder heart.

                 "Oh, wait, you can't say anything! How could I be so dumb to forget that!" Snowhunter exclaimed, as if he didn't know a thing. Then he put on a smirk, not the ones that Deathbringer had that was kind of cute, but very annoying, this one was just pure evil. "I have a... RainWing problem. You see, your partner, Deathbringer, sent these annoying RainWings, and a couple of NightWings searching for you. And they're actually really close to finding me, and that's a problem, for me." Snowhunter said casually, as if it was nothing.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now