The Rest of the Jade Winglet

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                 "Glory!" Moon exclaimed, with her face turning into a smile, but she was still careful not to touch her. As Moon then asked "What in the three moons are you doing her-". Moon stopped, Glory knew that Moon could read her thoughts, and she didn't have to talk to tell er what was going on. Moons face dimmed, but then Moon placed her talon on hers, making Glory wince. And then she looked up to Glory, with a brave expression on her face, "It's going to be fine. And I'm sure the others would love to help." Moon said, letting go of her talon, which felt like such a relief.

                 Moon turned around, and took a couple steps forwards into Jade Mountain Academy and beckoned her and Deathbringer to come. As she said "Come on this way. But be quite, most of the students are sleeping at this hour. And we don't want to attract attention." she then started on the path that lead to the rest of the Jade Winglet, with her and Deathbringer close behind. 

                 Deathbringer gave Glory a confused expression, pointing at Moonwatcher, then her. But before Glory could answer, Moon did "I can read minds, kind of surprised Glory didn't tell you.". Deathbringer gave a low glare at Glory a look that meant 'Oh-that-might-of-been-something-important-to-tell-me-earlier'. Glory just shrugged, there isn't anything I can do about it now, and he knows now anyways. So what's the difference now anyways? Her thoughts said reasonably as they followed Moon.

                 It wasn't very long until Moon stopped in front of a cave. This most be were the rest of the Jade Winglet is. Her thoughts guessed, a Moon nodded telling her that her guess was correct. "Guys, I have a friend who needs help, our help." Moon announced into the cave. I'm her friend? I never really thought about it that way, but I guess it's something like that. Glory's thoughts wondered, as Moon turned her head around and said "Yes. Of course were friends.". But she then quickly turned her attention back to the cave.

                 "Again? How many dragons need our help? Isn't there about millions of dragons in the world?" Winter complained to Moon, as Qibli said "Yes, but none of them as special as us. I'll help, anything for you.". She then her talons, scramble off the floor, and she saw Moon crack a smile. Glory knew that feeling all to well, she turned her head over to Deathbringer who was listening to the conversation. And then she felt herself smiling at him, and pink trying to race up her scales.

                 "What if we fail? What if someone gets... hurt?" She heard a voice say, she knew that scaredy cat voice from anywhere, it was Turtle. "Turtle! Stop worrying! It's going to be fine. A dragon needs our help, and that's all I need to hear, I'm in!" The was definitely the positive voice of Kinkajou, as Turtle quickly added "Well, if Kinkajou is in, so am I.". 

                 "Will, I don't want to be stuck with this icicle for a brain. I'm in, as long as it's not too long, I don't want to be operated from Clay that long..." The dragon's voice trailed off, it was definitely Peril, from the way that she talked about Clay. "Well, if your not coming. Then you can stay here all alone." Qibli said joyfully, "Yup! I agree with the SandWing. Stay here and rot to death for all I care!" Peril added more happy than Qibli. 

                 She heard a low growl, probably Winter, and than he said "Fine. But if were helping a dragon friend of yours, then mind at least telling us who it is?". She heard him mutter something, but she didn't care to listen, it would only make her angry. Moon smiled as she said "Well, only if you guess." she heard Winter growl, but more in a complaining type for way. Then he complained to Moon "You know that there's about a couple of, I don't know, billions of dragons out there!". 

                 "Well we know it's not Moon, so a couple billion minus one." Qibli said, in a clever, rude, but silly kind of way to Winter. She heard Winter just growl at Qibli, and Moon glared at him and his thoughts, as he backed off. "Ohh! I know! Is it Winter?" Kinkajou guessed excitedly.  Everyone took this into thought, as Turtle said "Winter is friends with Moon.". Then Peril added to Turtle's words saying "They are? Um, no one told me that. I thought they were just those types of dragons who just knew each other, but weren't close enough to be friends.".

                 Glory could almost feel Winter's death glare at Peril when she said that. "And Winter does has problems, lots of problems. Now that I think about it, do you do therapy? I feel like you should get a therapist, really. You need one, terribly bad." Qibli said, as though he was really into the thought. "No, I don't need therapy, Qibli. I already know who to fix my problems, it goes like this: Qibli's death." Winter said, now scowling at him, with his angry cold blue eyes. 

                 "Okay, okay Winter. Can you two stop? And Winter, please stop thinking about that. I think I might have nightmares about terrible ways for Qibli to die." Moon interrupted them, she heard Turtle and Kinkajou shudder at the thought. But other than that it was quiet for a while. That is, until Peril broke the silence with her words slicing through the air.

                 "If were going to have to guess, correctly, it looks like this is going to be a long night." Peril said, as Glory heard some settling down on the floor. She heard Moon sigh, as she gave in and said " Fine. Okay, here's my hint, she's a Dragonet of Destiny. Yup, that should be easy enough.". They all at once realized who Moon was talking about, and at the same time, all in unison beamed "Sunny!?". 

                 Moon stuffed her face in her talons and mumbled to herself " This really is going to be a long night.". She then raised her head back up to her friends, and then Moon said "No, try again.". All of Moon's friends took a second to think, is it really taking them IS long?! Her thoughts complained, and Moonwatcher nodded at her, embarrassed. "Tsunami?!" The rest of the Jade Winglet guessed again, with slightly less confidence than before. 

                 "I swear I'm going to claw my face out, NO!" Moon said, dragging her talons down her face in embarrassment. As she whispered "Sorry, it's been a long day.", Glory didn't need to talk, she knew that Moon could here her thoughts. Don't worry a bit. We all have our coconuts-for-brains sometimes. Her thoughts said, as Moon gave her a soft smile, and Glory's gaze wondered to Deathbringer. He was reading the note Coconut had left, again.

                 Glory took a few steps towards Deathbringer, but he was too focused on the note to notice. Feeling sorry for Deathbringer, she wrapped her right wing around Deathbringer reluctantly. And Deathbringer looked up to Glory's face, putting the note back in his pouch as he gave her a half smile. She smiled back and laid her head on Deathbringer, as she whispered "The dragonets are going to be okay. You are their father after all.". She could feel Deathbringer's smile on her, she didn't even have to look, as her thoughts whispered to Deathbringer, I love you Deathbringer. And I'm not planning on letting you go.

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