A Secret Undone

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                Glory woke up, worried and scared, with green everywhere over her scales. She'd never let one color cover up every single scale on her body, well except that one time, but only for their wedding. That was the only time she'd felt an emotion this strong, strong enough to cover every scale on her body. She found herself breathing very hard and rapidly, but she quickly slowed her breath down.

                 Why was I so scared? Glory thought to herself, it went a few couple moments of staring outside at the stars that were falling down with the moons, and deep thought. But then she remembered, she had a dream! Glory found herself ashamed, of herself. How could I, may I remind, QUEEN GLORY OF THE RAINWINGS AND NIGHTWINGS, TWO TRIBES, be scared, of a DREAM? Glory thought to herself, still very ashamed, but also very angry. Glory started to think back to her dream, and exactly what happened within it.

                 Lets see, I was in the rain forest, but where? Glory questioned herself, as she started to think back to where she was in her dream. Oh! Now I remember, I was in the rain forest, in the spot where I hid the eggs... And Deathbringer was there! Glory was starting to worry herself, she looked to her side, to find that Deathbringer was still there, sleeping beside her. What am I thinking? It's just a dream, it didn't really happen. So I was there with Deathbringer, the eggs laid in front of me... Glory now remembered her dream loud and clear.

                 I had a dream about my worst fear, my fear of Deathbringer, rejecting me for the eggs. Hating me for it, and destroying the eggs, before they even had a chance to live a life. Glory sat there horrified at the thought, what if that Deathbringer does do that? What if he never wanted to be a father? Glory turned her head back at Deathbringer, who was sleeping peacefully beside her, she smiled at him. But that smile quickly left her face, when she tore her gaze from Deathbringer, and back to her horrible nightmare. "I need to take my mind off of things." Glory said, as she shook her head at herself.

                 Glory carefully got out of the bed, being careful not to move any of the sheets, since Deathbringer could be woken up so easily. As she slowly walked over to the door, slowly closing the door behind her, giving one last look over at Deathbringer. She was actually surprised to see that he didn't wake up when she twisted the knob on the door handle, making a small squeaking noise. He probably just a little rust on his assassin skills, or it's probably because he snores SO LOUD. Glory thought to herself, but then quickly pushing the thought aside, as she walked down the stairs, and quickly left the hut, leaving the door behind her only slightly open. 

                 Glory spiraled up into the sky, pushing her wings close, soon she had made it high enough, overlooking the whole village. With the moon pressing on her scales, and the stars there to guide her way to any location. She could see the whole village, all of the other huts smaller than her and Deathbringer's, a small amount of the huts had lights on, shining in the night, others were just dark, with dragons sleeping within them. 

                 Glory took her gaze from the village, outwards the rain forest, and started flying towards her eggs. It was just her and the wind pressing against her scales as she flew. But she then came to a sudden stop, she heard wingbeats, and not far behind. She whipped around, but saw not a single dragon, Glory gave the area one last hard stare. Then said "It must be nothing, and if it is I WILL SPRAY VENOM INTO THEIR EYES, AND DOWN THEIR THROAT.", hoping that if someone was following her, that they'd be scared off by her threat, but if really didn't matter if they did follow her, she meant what she said. 

                  Glory turned back around, and continued to fly, with the moons and stars still looming over her. Soon she found herself hovering over the area where she had hid her eggs, Glory winced as she looked, this view brought back the memories of her dream. But she ignored those thoughts, Deathbringer wasn't even here right now, with that, she swooped down into the area. The trees felt nice, it felt as if they were protecting her from everything, they cover the sky, only leaving enough space for a dragon, about Glory's size, to fly through. Wingbeats, again, Glory whipped her head around, the sound of wingbeats was a little distant but it sounded pretty close. 

                 Glory stood there in place, ready to kill any dragon that came for her or her eggs, at the thought of eggs, she took a small glance at the tree top where she hid her eggs, but then returned her focus. Then, the wingbeats just stopped, "That's right. Get close to me, and you'll never see the next day." Glory spat into the open air, as she whipped around, and flew up to the tree top. As she reached her talons inside of it, until she felt the soft feeling of the eggs in her talons. 

                 With that feel in her talons, she grabbed the eggs, and cautiously flew back down to the ground. Once she landed, she carefully sat the eggs down in front of her, just smiling at them, she wasn't going to let anyone hurt them. Then she heard rustling in the bushes, it startled Glory, but she didn't let it show, instead black and red spread on every single scale, she was letting anyone lay a claw on her eggs. Glory opened her mouth ready to shoot her venom at the dragon in the bushes, she didn't need to say anything, the furious look in her eyes said everything for her.

               Then the dragon who had been hiding in the bushes stepped out, and she opened her mouth a little more, ready to shoot. The dragon was still had to see in the dark, with their black scales. Must be a NightWing, but why? Glory questioned herself. Then she took a closer look, the dragon was crying? She then took a closer step to the NightWing, who was concealed by the darkness, then she realized who the dragon was.

                 When she did, Glory's scales changed back to normal, with an expression on her that ment she was shocked, very very shocked. The dragon who was staring right at her, who followed her all the way here, who had tears falling down his eyes, it was, it was Deathbringer.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now