It's Just You and Me

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                 "Glory, we have eggs?" Deathbringer asked, as he took at couple steps closer to Glory. Glory's scales were staring to turn green, with a couple bits of dark purple, she couldn't look Deathbringer in the eyes, instead she just looked down at her talons as she said "Yes, but-". Glory stopped, and looked up at Deathbringer, he was crying the happiest tears he'd ever shed since their wedding. He had a giant smile on his face, as he pulled Glory close, hugging her tight, practically lifting her into the air, and spinning her around. 

               Once Deathbringer set her back down on the ground, Glory stared up at Deathbringer with confusion, and asked "You're not mad?". Deathbringer looked at her eyes, smiling bigger than she thought was possible, a small laugh escaped his mouth as he said "Glory, no. Of course I'm not mad, this is the greatest thing ever, apart from when you said yes from my proposal. Glory, this, this is amazing, I could never be mad.". Glory didn't feel like giving Deathbringer too much, she was the queen after all, so she just hugged Deathbringer, bearing her head deep into Deathbringer's chest, almost starting to cry.

                 After a while, Glory let go of Deathbringer, and for a long couple of moments, they were just staring at each other, with big smiles. Until Glory took a breath, and asked "Well? What are you waiting for?",  Deathbringer just smiled at her, as they both tore their gaze from each other, and walked towards the eggs. Her and Deathbringer stopped in front of the eggs, both giving there gaze to the eggs, as Deathbringer said "They're beautiful Glory.". Glory laid her head on Deathbringer's shoulder, while placing her talons on his, and said "Yeah, they are.". 

                 They both stood there, just staring at the eggs, when Glory noticed that the moons had fallen, and the sun was rising. And said "We should probably go, we have a whole day ahead of us.", as she turned her head to Deathbringer, while he was still looking at the eggs, he sighed, and said "Yeah, your right.". With that response, Glory left Deathbringer's shoulder, and walked towards the eggs, until she was close enough to grab them. Once she did, she carefully flew up to the tree top, trying her best not to drop them, and placed them in it, until it was wonderfully hidden away in the tree top. "There." Glory said, still flying in front of the tree top, where she hid them, she took one last glance before she turned around and said "Alright Deathbringer, lets go.".

                 She heard Deathbringer sigh, and then catch up with her in the sky. The sky was still colored with orange and pink, the sun was only slowly arising, and the wind moved slow against hers scales. She looked over at Deathbringer, who was flying beside her, she laughed and said joyfully "Deathbringer! We have eggs! I mean that's amazing!". After saying that, with her wings wide open, she spun around Deathbringer, under and over, with a wide smile, and yellow and pink scales. When she finished, she went back to flying beside Deathbringer, when she looked at him he was smiling back at her. 

                 "Wow my queen, are you sick? I've never seen you show so much love, and your scales, there pink and yellow, this isn't are wedding! Is it?" Deathbringer said, "Well, it isn't are wedding, but the sun and sky is quite beautiful today." Glory responded to Deathbringer, stopping in the sky, as she hinted to Deathbringer what she meant. He did the same, the both were just there, in the sky, over the rain forest, gazing into each other's eyes. Then, Deathbringer wrapped his wings around her, and she did the same, she felt warm in the protection of Deathbringer's large wings.

                 They intertwined their tails together, it was like they were the only dragons in the world, just her and him, in the sky. Deathbringer took Glory's talons with his, they both just looked at each other, not wanting to look away, until Deathbringer pushed his snout close to hers, and she did the same. They had their snouts pushed against each other, both closing their eyes, as happiness ran through her scales. Then they kissed, it was a long while, just her and him, protected from the world and their problems by their wings, and tails intertwined together. After a while, Deathbringer pulled away, and so did she, both smiling at each other, with the top of their snouts pushing against each other, almost in a heart shape.

                 Then Glory opened her wings, with Deathbringer doing the same, revealing the whole world around them. Then she laughed, as she flew back, in a circle kind of motion, when she faced Deathbringer again, she smiled, and started flying forwards. As she looked back at Deathbringer with a smile, as he is smiled back they both laughed, and Deathbringer circled towards her. They both flew side by side, wingtips touching, smiling at each other, doing little circles around each other or just in the sky. No words were spoken, just laughs and smiles, and every now and then one of them would push themselves further than the other.

                 It felt amazing, and just relaxing, like time had stopped and it was just them. Glory never wanted it to stop, but she knew not all good times could last forever. Once they made it back to the village, they both stopped, hovering over it. The sun was now more than a small yellow line, it was starting to arise. And dragons were starting to wake up, she even saw a few already flying in the sky, doing what they needed to do in the mornings. Glory sighed, and looked over at Deathbringer, who was now looking over at her. She gave Deathbringer a small kiss on the cheek, and Deathbringer gave her that smirk in return, as he asked "My Queen?". Glory just scolded at him, and dove down into the pavilion, with Deathbringer close behind her. 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now