A New Prophecy

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                 "...So then we followed Moon over to you guys, and well, you know the rest." She finished explaining, as everyone sat there wide eyed, staring at her and Deathbringer. It was very awkward in the silence, and she hated awkward silence. So she asked "What was it something I said?", as Tsunami replied "No, it was everything you said.". 

                 "I can't believe all that happened to you in a day! The most exciting thing that ever happened to me in a day was the day I "almost" killed Winter." Peril said, just as surprised as everyone, as Winter glared at her for that. "One day, I'll "almost" kill you. Just when you least expect it Peril." Winter said, she saw Clay pull his wing tighter around Peril, as he said "Not as long as I live.". She saw Peril give a look to Clay, with a twinkle in her eyes, love. But Clay was too focused on Winter to notice, not that he needed to.

                  Sunny gave her a look of compassion, as she asked " Are you okay Glory? That's a lot to take in.", she just nodded. It was a lot to take in, and having to tell everyone didn't make it any easier. "Am I the only one focused on the fact that Glory and Deathbringer had eggs?!!" Kinkajou nearly screamed, but everyone was too focused in their own thoughts of worry and panic to focus on her. 

                 But Glory still blushed at Kinkajou's words, she also heard Starflight say "How is this even possible? Why would this, why did they, why this, how did they?". He was completely out of words as he paced around the cave, it was just complete chaos. Words ran around the cave, humbling with other ones, some louder than others. "Guys." She said, trying to snap everyone out of their own thoughts and words, but no one seemed to notice.

                 So she tried again, louder this time, nearly yelling "GUYS!". Everyone stopped in place of their words, thoughts, and movements, all staring at her. As she said " We can't just sit here and panic all night. I have a world to save, and I came here to get help, not a bunch of panicking dragons.". Their faces went from worried to their normal expressions, as they tried to wrap their heads around this. 

                 "As much as I hate, hate hate hate to admit it. Glory is right. We need some type of plan." Tsunami announced to everyone, they all nodded. As Starflight said "Well, first off. Turtle? Tsunami? Do you guys know anything about a SeaWing, as Coconut said, with animus magic maybe? And Glory and Deathbringer, you guys know any dragons that know Coconut, and hate you two very much?". "I think that's just about any dragon whose ever met one or both of us." Deathbringer said, turning his head over to Glory.

                 They were both thinking the same thing, she could feel it. All of their memories of the dragons who had tried to hurt them by their love for each other, it was her only weakness, other than rats. But only Deathbringer knew that, and if he dared to say a word, she kill him herself. 

                 "Well, I know pretty much every dragon by now-" Tsunami started, but was quickly cut off by Qibli's words. "Guys, guys! It's happening, again." He said with alarm in his voice, they all turned to him, she was going to ask what "it" was but she already knew from the moment her eyes met Moon.

                  Moons eyes flickered white, a couple times, until her eyes were completely white. Her voice was hers, but also not her own. She didn't know how to explain it any better than that. She stood up, as Deathbringer placed his talons on hers, they both took a small glance at each other smiling. But they both turned their attention back to Moon very quickly. As Moon started to speak.

"Look deep beneath the depths of the sea

In the deepest of shadows

A place well hidden from the world

A place where nobody goes

Beware the dragon who watches

Beware the dragon who knows

Beware the dragon that hates the world

And it's heroes

Something is coming to rid the world

Someone is lurking within your walls

All dragons and all there is will come to an end

Go find the item that has it's power, before it's too late".

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now