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                  Moon's eyes flicked, as they returned back to normal. Everyone was just frozen in place, to shocked to say a word. Until Tsunami spoke up, and said in an annoyed tone of voice "Seriously Moon? Another prophecy? I hate prophecies, just as much as I hate annoying dragons.". She took a glance at her at those last words, referring to her as the "annoying dragons". 

                  She glared at her, just a bit, until Moon apologized "I'm sorry Tsunami, but I swear, I don't do it on purpose.". Tsunami looked at Moon, with a searching face, for a long time. Until Tsunami reluctantly muttered "Fine.", with those words spoken, Clay asked "What could all of this mean?". Starflight decided to add on to his question, asking "And how does this tie to Glory and Deathbringer, their dragonets, and Coconut?". 

                 From there it was just a question after question, all exploding in her face. "Whose this SeaWing anyway?" Tsunami asked, "Has her animus magic turned her evil? Or was she already thus way?" Turtle asked. "What is this item we need to find? Will it stop her?" Qibli asked in deep thought, "Why does this dragon hate the world so much? I love it."  Kinkajou said, as she turned her head over to Turtle, smiling and blushing.

                 "What does the prophecy mean by "someone is lurking within your walls"? Is she watching us right now?" Sunny said, as she blamed around the walls of the cave cautiously, as Winter added on to Sunny's question "Or, we have a traitor.". Winter jumped to his talons, glaring at everyone in the cave, especially Peril, who glared back at him, Clay too.

                  "I bit Winter is the traitor! No one can hate everyone that much. Even I don't hate everyone like Winter does!" Peril said, eyeing Winter, who huffed, and sat back down. There was many more questions to follow, but she was really just too deep in her thoughts to listen.

                 What if Quickfangs, Rainshadow, and Firefly are already dead? And I'm already failing as a mom, before I got the chance to even BE one. And with all these questions, we'll be stuck in this cave for the rest of the century, but I can't wait until then. If these dragons can't help me, on can't help the world, or should I say my dragonets, then. Then what's the point in staying here? I should go, I'm sure they wouldn't even notice at his rate. 

                 She took a last glance at her friends, but just before she could get up, she felt a tail twine around hers. With scales the felt wonderful around hers, Deathbringer, it was definitely Deathbringer. She turned her head around, to see Deathbringer smiling at her. Not like an 'I'm happy' kind of smile, more like 'It's okay' kind of smile. 

                 Deathbringer brought himself closer to her, until she could feel his soft cool scales on hers. Then he wrapped his wing around her, it felt relaxing. Like her she was walking in the hot kingdom made of sand, with the heat punching her. But then she found water, not freezing water, but nice cool water. And it felt wonderful on her scales, that was really the only way to describe it. 

                 Glory laid her head on his shoulder, wanting more of the feel of Deathbringer's scales against hers. She felt Deathbringer push his wing tighter against her, as he whispered into her ear "It's going to be okay.". His voice felt nice and warm, like drinking hot coco on a cold snowy day. "Alright then." She whispered back, a smile forming on her face, as she picked her head off of Deathbringer. 

                 Now she was staring at Deathbringer, and so was he. Both with small smiles on their faces, Glory decided to give him a little, just little bit this time. So she leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek. After that, they both smiled at each for a while, until Moon's words brought their attention. 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now