A Rainforest to Live In

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                 Glory smiled, the biggest smile she had smiled in a while, as she stared at the crowd of RainWings, and Deathbringer. Once Deathbringer announced her the new queen, and she announced him the new king. Every dragon who had came, Sunny, Clay, Peril, Turtle, Moonwatcher, Qibli, Winter, Clay's siblings, Starflight, Fatespeaker, Tsunami, Sundew, Willow, Cricket, Blue, Kinkajou, Jambu, Taramin, Queen Thorn, Queen Ruby, Queen Coral, and all the others, except for a couple of the other queens, ran up to Glory. As Sunny yelled "Group hug!", they all rushed in, including Deathbringer even, they all hugged her, or at least tried. Glory felt very cramped, squished, and annoyed, but she knew they all meant it out of love, plus there was no way to escape this one, not like this. 

                 "Okay, okay, can you please let go of me now?" Glory said, as everyone let go, and spread out, to make space for the other dragons who were also hugging her. Deathbringer was the last to stop hugging her, when he let go, Glory remembered what Deathbringer had said before about a surprise, so she suspected this was it and said "Thank you." as she gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Deathbringer smiled, but then said "Actually this wasn't the surprise, your surprise is a little farther away. But before we could take you to it, we had to officially crown you queen. So that you could take the RainWings with you.". 

                 Glory looked at Deathbringer with a confused expression, and orangish purple slowly making it's way up her scales, as she crocked her head and asked "What? What else is there? And why do I need a whole tribe of RainWings?". Deathbringer just smirked and said "You'll just have to wait and see.", and this is why Glory hated surprises, especially ones that came from Deathbringer. She just scowled at Deathbringer, that's when a loud voice caught her attention, it was Tsunami ordering the RainWings "Alright! This way this way! Follow Turtle!".

                  All the RainWings looked back at Tsunami in confusion, Tsunami was a little annoyed, but didn't let it show, but Glory knew, she'd annoyed Tsunami too many times not to. Tsunami then explained "The SeaWing, up there follow him!" she pointed up to Turtle, but no one could tell who she was pointing to, as whispers came from the crowd of RainWings, mostly ones that said "What's a SeaWing?". Tsunami's face got even more noticeable of how annoyed she was as she clarified "The dragon who is a pale greenish color. Who always looks nervous and sad.". 

                 Turtle's face dimmed, but Kinkajou flew closer towards him, and put her wing over Turtle, to comfort him, some of the RainWings realized who Turtle was, but others didn't, still. And he smiled at Kinkajou, forgetting was Tsunami said, and when Tsunami saw Kinkajou, she then yelled to the RainWings "The dragon with the RainWing beside him!". Anger was clearly rising in her voice, some of the RainWings backed away from her, and others failed to notice as she then once again heard whispers from the crowd of RainWings, all of them were the same. "What's a RainWing?". Tsunami's face enraged, as she then yelled "HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A RAINWING IS? YOUR A RAINWING STUPID! I SWEAR IF I HEAR ONE MORE DUMB COMMENT I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR EARS OFF, AND TIE YOU GUYS TO A ROCK IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN, UNTIL YOU DROWN! THEN THERE WON'T BE ANY RAINWINGS LEFT TO EVEN REMEBER!".  

                 Glory let a laugh escape her mouth, Tsunami was the funniest when she was mad, all the RainWings backed away from Tsunami, and flew up to Turtle and Kinkajou. And before Tsunami could say anything else, Riptide came over to calm her down, and she blushed at him, and he blushed back. Why are they not married yet? Glory thought to herself, as she got up and flew beside Turtle. Deathbringer, Sundew, Willow, Sunny, Starflight, Fatespeaker, Clay, Peril, Jambu, Tsunami, and Riptide then joined her, Turtle, and Kinkajou in the sky as they flew off with the RainWings behind them. The others went back to their kingdoms and homes, as they waved goodbye.

                 It was a long flight, well actually it wasn't that long, Glory and the others were used to long flights, the RainWings though, not so much. They kept complaining all the time, even though Glory their queen, she couldn't stop their complaining, they weren't used to flying long distance, sure they could work, which was more than the last RainWings, but they couldn't help themselves when it came to complaining. The only thing keeping them from just falling out of the sky was Tsunami's threats, like "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO FLY, I SHOULD JUST CUT YOUR WINGS OFF!" and "I SWEAR IF YOU COMPLAIN ONE MORE TIME I'LL CUT OFF YOUR SNOUT, TEETH, AND TOUNGE, AND SHOVE IT BACK ON!" or the threats were occasionally somethings simple, leaving you to guess what horrible things she might do, "BY THE THREE MOONS, IF YOU SAY ONE MORE SINGLE WORD I SWEAR.". 

                 "Where here!" Turtle excitedly announced, as he landed, everyone else followed, especially the RainWings, they were eager to stop. Once they landed, Glory realized where they were, Glory looked ahead of her, all the RainWings did, they were back in the rainforest. She didn't want her tribe to see this, this was the place where so many RainWings, animals, trees, and even fruits died. "What are we doing back here? This is defiantly, not the place I want to go right after being crowned queen of another group of RainWings. I don't like this surprise Deathbringer." she said, as she shot her head at Deathbringer. "Glory, trust me. Your going to love this surprise." Deathbringer replied assuringly back to her.

                  But  before she could make a comment back to Deathbringer, Turtle placed his talons on the ground, and Sundew did the same, they both closed their eyes, as Turtle whispered something to the ground, and Sundew didn't but she looked as if she was talking in her head? Tsunami and Turtle had told her of this ability that LeafWings had before, leafspeak! She now remembered, it was the ability to speak to all plants, that was what she was doing! But why? All the plants in the rainforest were dead...

                 Glory was just as shocked as any other dragon there, the rainforest was returning. As green as ever, all the leaves, and plants pricked up with happiness, and the fruits were rapidly growing. It was bright and beautiful, all of the flowers returned with colors that popped and lit up the rainforest. "The rainforest! Turtle, Sundew, thank you!" Glory said when they finished, but then they replied "It wasn't our idea.". "It was mine. Every queen needs a kingdom." Deathbringer said from behind her, she wipped around. Tears were running down her cheeks, as pink and yellow exploded out of her scales, spreading everywhere on her. "Deathbringer." Glory said with love, as she jumped into Deathbringer's arms, a Deathbringer caught her.

                 Glory looked up at Deathbringer, wiping the tears from her eyes, "Thank you." Glory said, gazing into Deathbringer's eyes, and him doing the same. Glory couldn't hide her smile this time, as she pushed her snout on his, as she closed her eyes, and they kissed. It felt like a lot of time passed as they kissed, it felt amazing, this kiss felt better than any other she had with Deathbringer, okay maybe not better than their wedding kiss, but it came pretty close. She pushed her snout a little closer as they kissed, once they both very reluctantly. Once they looked around, all the other couples realized that they were kissing, and decided to do the same. There was Clay and Peril, Starflight and Fatespeaker, Tsunami and Riptide, and Sundew and Willow. 

                 Once they all pulled away, Glory then announced to her tribe "Off to the rainforest!", and she flew off, with the RainWings behind her, the old village that had been rebuilt with Turtle's magic in front of her, her friends close behind, and Deathbringer beside her. "Shall we?" Glory asked Deathbringer, as she hovered over the RainWing village. Deathbringer smiled at her, and replied "I think we should my queen.", "Then same thing to you, my king." Glory said right after he said that, and she gave Deathbringer a little kiss on the cheek, and headed down to the village, with the RainWings behind her, and her friends even closer.            

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now