The Fight

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                 "Queen Blossom." Deathbringer hissed, and Blossom's smile got big, as she then said in response "Yup, that's me. But this is taking forever... I have better things to do." As soon as she said she had better things to do, she turned her gaze at Glory, with a  murderous look. But Glory showed no fear in that monster of a little sister, and just like that Blossom unexpectedly leaped at Glory. 

                 Blossom had Glory pinned down on the floor, as each second passed by, she felt Blossom's talons digging into her, and blood started to fall down her scales. It was painful, but she didn't scream, instead she stalled her, and said "If your going to kill me, at least let me know why." She really didn't pay attention to her answer, because she was staring at Deathbringer, who got into the kitchen and grabbed a pan.

                 As Deathbringer started to run from behind her, trying to hit Blossom's head with it. Blossom noticed her gaze was looking behind her, rather than at her, and then smiled at Glory. As she took one of her talons out of Glory, which was now dripping with her blood, and grabbed Deathbringer's neck before Deathbringer could knock her out. "Sneak attack? You almost had me there. But your not as slick as you think." Blossom said. 

                 Glory looked around and yelled "Peril! Cl-" but was then interrupted when Blossom Doug her talons even deeper into Glory, and it was just too painful for her to speak with. Blossom gave Glory that evil smile and said "Oh, your friends? I have Dragonbite Vipers surrounding each and everyone of them, they can't escape. And Deathbringer, I could kill him right now.". She pulled her talons even tighter around Deathbringer's neck, causing Deathbringer to have to try to rasp for air.

                 Glory wanted to rip off Blossom's wings, stab them back on, rip off every single on of Blossom's talons, stick her talons up her eyes, and shoot venom up her mouth. Wait, venom! She thought to herself, that how she could get out of this! If it was a swift and easy kill, but first she'd have to hold off the vipers. "It's your life, or his. If you don't decide, I will just kill the both of you." Blossom spat at them.

                 She had to do it now! It was now, she had to take control of those vipers fast! She took a small breath and closed her eyes, luckily Blossom didn't notice. She'd only have a second before Blossom would realized that Glory had taken control, and killed Deathbringer, so she had to do it fast. "One." Blossom started. Glory calmed herself down, just focusing on Dragonbite Vipers, when Glory tapped into the magic, and located the hundreds of Dragonbite Vipers in the house. 

                 She knew it was going to be hard work,but she could do it. "Two" Blossom said, digging her claws slightly deeper into Glory and Deathbringer. Boom! She did it she was in the vipers! But it was too early to celebrate, Blossom would soon realize it. And she did, but Glory was too slow, and she was too fast. Blossom let go a Deathbringer, who was too busy on the ground grasping for his breath back to help her. 

                 Blossom turned her venomous gaze to Glory, dead in the eyes. She then returned the the talons she'd been using to precise Deathbringer, back into the deep holed marks that she'd left in her. Glory then roared of pain, very loud, louder than she knew was possible. "Looks lie your dying first Glory." Blossom said, as she opened her jaws. Deathbringer attempted to hit Blossom, but he was still too out of breath to really do anything. 

                 Black splattered all over her, just out of control. And Glory screamed, it was venom, Blossom's out of control venom, that just sprayed all over her. It stung and burned, it felt that way everywhere, then, then she blacked out, or she died. Glory wasn't sure, not yet.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now