From a Stranger to a Friend

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                "So now were here, in a village burnt into ashes..." Glory finished, as looked at her village, she just couldn't shake the thought of all the RainWings that had died in this very place. "So, why do you think Luna ran off to the RainWings?" Tsunami asked eagerly. "I'm not sure why she did-" Cricket started, but she was then interrupted by Blue. "Maybe, maybe because she didn't. What if Luna really DIDN'T leave, what if she was FORCED to?" Blue asked, worry was starting to spread in his eyes. Cricket tried to clam Blue down, she put her talons on his, Blue turned to Cricket, then she said reassuringly "Luna is going to be fine, Luna is brave, and fearless, remember? She's your sister, she can take care of herself."

                 Starflight then said, "That is possible, and if so, they must have forced her to burn all of the RainWings. But the NightWing's plan was to take it over, not to burn it down, so Luna must have found a way out of the predicament. But CLEARLY not the way she wanted to, because now the rain forest and practically EVERY RainWing is gone. But they must have gotten control of her afterwards, or you guys would have her with you" then started looking around at the village. "But where? Where would they take Luna?" Sunny asked, "AND Deathbringer." she included, remind ing everyone that the goal was to save Deathbringer, Luna was more of the side mission.

                 "But why Luna? Blue's also a flamesilk." Willow asked, then Sundew mumbled "And not very hard to capture either...". " Don't say that! Blue can be very dangerous!" Willow loudly whispered, as she lightly whacked her tail on Sundew. "And if they did take Deathbringer, why?" Tsunami asked, as she started into deep thought, "I say we go see if this Deathbringer guy is dead already, of he died, then we'll see his dead body!" Sundew said, Glory's face got slightly sadder when Sundew said that, and she seemed to notice and then quickly said "Not that his is, anyway!". They all nodded, and flew off, as Glory lead them to where she had left Deathbringer.

                 "This is it." Glory said as they all stared down into the spot Glory had lead them. Glory was too afraid to look, but she didn't have to, because Peril said "Well, look s like Deathbringer is alive, probably, because he isn't here." Glory was relieved, it felt like she had just been able to breathe again. "Then, what happened to Deathbringer?" Sunny asked.  "Maybe the NightWings took him, or somebody saved him, or he flew away just in time, or maybe he was killed in fire while trying to escape, or maybe someone killed him and took his body? Or maybe-" Cricket stopped, Blue had lightly kicked her to the side, and singled her to stop. But Glory showed no emotion, they had enough problems, they didn't need to deal with a depressed RainWing, and a depressed RainWing couldn't save Deathbringer.

                 "ANYWAY, we should all probably get some rest, the sun has fallen, and the moon is rising." Peril said pointing at the sky, and she was right, no one realized how long they had been searching for clues, the day was already ending. "Yeah. Come on let's go, there's a clearing I know, where the fire didn't spread. But I must warn you, it's very wet and sticky over there." Glory said, she then flew to the location of the clearing, with all the other dragons behind her.

                 Once they made it to the clearing, they all got comfortable, and fell asleep, except for Glory, she just couldn't sleep, especially when she knew she could be sleeping with Deathbringer beside her. She kind of just sat there, looking up to the stars in deep thought, when Peril said "Alright, really? You aren't exactly the best at hiding how you feel, even though you always try to act cool so the time. So I'm ready, ready to go look for him." while stretching out her wings. She looked back at Peril, with sympathy in her eyes. 

                Then Sunny said "We're ALL ready." after that comment, Tsunami said "Did you and Peril really think you could ditch us that easy?" she started to grin. Then Sundew said "We're sticking to you guys like a sundew." "And you CLEARLY need us, if you think you can survive alone." Cricket said, with a wide smile on her face. "I'm in if Cricket is!" Blue said excitedly. Willow was the last to say something, "The earlier the better, right?".  Glory smiled, they all believed and trusted her, even after what happened. " Well, if you guys are up for it!" she said, then they all flew off, knowing exactly where to start, the NightWing village.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now