A New Worry and a New Dragon

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Deathbringer's Point of View

                 Deathbringer stood there, terrified. Glory was lying there, just on the ground, not moving an inch. What if she's dead?!! What in the world am I doing? I have to help her! Deathbringer's thoughts yelled at him. He then ran over to Glory, and placed his talons on Glory's shoulder, and asked "Glory?". There was no response to his question, so with more worry spreading through his voice he once again asked "Glory?", this time he shook her a little bit. 

                 And this time there was a faint response, so quiet, not even a mouse could hear it. But Deathbringer did, very closely, as Glory asked "Deathbringer?", she opened her eyes just a little bit to see Deathbringer, and she smiled at him, he did the same. But that moment didn't last long, because her eyes closed back up, and her scales went from pink to white. At least I know Glory is alive, but she's still hurt. Deathbringer thought to himself still worried, but not as much as before. 

                 He took once last look at Glory, and reluctantly let go of her, and walked over to the eggs. They were still safe and sound, Glory hadn't failed to save the eggs, maybe not herself as well as the eggs, but they were safe. Deathbringer didn't want to leave Glory, he wanted to stay by her until she woke up, but the eggs had to be safe. So he took the eggs in his talons, and walked off.  

                 It wasn't a very long walk, Deathbringer found a field of tall grass and flowers, bright and beautiful nearby. With trees here and there, and bushes fulled with berries, it was until he found the perfect spot. It was a large tree, with branches and leaves very large, that hung over, and on the tree's trunk was a large bush, with a few berries. He set the eggs down, and reached his talons in the bush, it was perfect! It felt like just enough space to hide the eggs. 

                 So Deathbringer pulled his talons out of the bush, and took the eggs, placing them inside. Deathbringer had to shift them around, until, finally, they weren't even noticeable. "Now that that's done. Glory needs me." Deathbringer said to himself, as he walked out of the tree. Then he was hit right in the face and tackled onto the ground, it was all just a blur of light blue. Deathbringer was on the ground now, and before he could do anything, he felt talons pin him down to the ground, and a small amount of blood fall down his snout. 

                 He looked up at his attacker, it was an IceWing. With shinning light blue scales, and royal blue eyes, bracelets covered most of his arms, with one ring around his talon, and the IceWing's talons were cold against his scales. But it kind of felt nice on his scales, his cool scales cooled him down from the heat of the fire. "You are going to pay." the IceWing said, the IceWing sharply inhaled, but before the IceWing could just his frostbreath, Deathbringer bit his arm. Causing the IceWing to lose his grip, and his frostbreath, for the moment, and Deathbringer threw the IceWing's claws off of him. 

                 The IceWing jumped away, they both stood there, glaring at each other, just for a second. Blood was starting to trickle down the IceWing's arm, as Deathbringer demanded "Who are you!?". The IceWing laughed, as he then returned his angry gaze back to Deathbrigner and said "Wow, I'm not surprised you don't remember my parents, and my sister. But of course you don't, and I don't think that you cared then, but now you will.". Did I kill his parents and sister? From the way he's looking at me, I think I did. Yeah, I defiantly did, but of course it wasn't my fault, I killed dragons because that's what I was ordered to do. I was TRAINED to. Deathbringer thought to himself.

                  "My name is Snowhunter, and I'm going to make sure you pay for your crimes. Sooner, way sooner than you think. If your interested in how, her name," Snowhunter started, then he walked up to Deathbringer, and crushed his talons under his cold ones. Then whispered into Deathbringer's ear, "Her name is Glory.". Anger and worry swept through his scales, he's going to hurt Glory! Do something! Deathbringer's thoughts ordered him. So just was Deathbringer was going to claw Snowhunter's face off, he said "Bye now." and touched one of the bracelets he was wearing on his wrist, and vanished.         

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now