Explaining Things

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                Once she and Deathbringer got back, the sneaked into the extra room though the window, and drifted off to sleep. But Glory just didn't want tomorrow to come, she'd have to explain everything, she didn't like it when EVERYONE was staring at her in silence. She was worried, but it felt better when Deathbringer sensed her uneasiness, and intertwined his tail with hers. 

                 When Glory woke up, Deathbringer was still asleep, that is until she pushed him a little bit, gesturing Deathbringer to get up. It didn't take him long, he rubbed his eyes and stretched his wings out. Then, Glory opened the door, and walked down the little hallway, with Deathbringer close behind, only to find Peril, making breakfast. 

                 As soon as she saw Glory she stopped cutting the pig on the counter, and looked just as shocked as Deathbringer. "Again?" Glory said annoyed, but that's what snapped Peril back into reality. "Glory!? You BETTER EXPLAIN, NOW." Peril said confused, but slightly angry, but Glory knew it was out of love. But she didn't want to explain this to everyone once at a time. "Let's just wait for everyone else to wake up, please?" Glory asked, Peril let it go, and went back to breakfast. 

                 Once Peril was finished, it looked amazing, it was bacon, with a cow, three ducks and two goats, that were wonderfully seasoned. But there was also fruits, some were colorful in weird shapes, and some were simple and plainly colored. Peril didn't even have to call Clay, the food called him, but she did call the RainWings, yelling "Kinkajou! Tamarin! Jambu! Breakfast!".

                 " Is that food I smell?" Clay said walking put of their room, "Yup, and I got a cow, one of your favorites!" Peril said proudly. "Aww Peril, you know that all animals are my favorite, but thank you." Clay said as he stared at the food. Peril gave Clay a kiss on his cheek, and Clay smiled at her, but then he quickly returned his gaze to the food.

                 Clay was just about to start eating, when Peril quickly pulled away the food, and put it in the dinning space. "We've been over this! No eating, until the food is IN the dinning room, AND because we have guests, we have to wait for THEM." Peril said, then Clay responded with a sad face "But-" he started, but was then interrupted by Peril when she said "No. Why don't you say good morning to your friends?".

                 Clay turned his head, then noticed Glory and Deathbringer. Clay was so focused on food, he forgot that Glory had disappeared just yesterday. "Hey Deathbringer. Nice to see your good. And hey Glory! Your scales look pretty today." He said, as he returned his eyes to the food, and went to go sit by Peril. "Clay and food, am I right or what?" Deathbringer said, as he joined them at the table.

                 Glory then took a seat next to him, after that, Tamarin and Kinkajou came walking in, and Kinkajou excitedly said "Good morning!! Glory! On my moons! Your okay!" She ran to hug her, she then said "Deathbringer!". But then calmly replied, " Can't help you, Kinkajou is impossible to separate from dragons when she's in hug mode." he then gave his little smug look.

                 Then Tamarin joined in, then when Jambu saw this, he went in too. "Can we eat now??" Clay begged Peril, she then said "Not unless everyone can sit down.". With that Tamarin, Kinkajou, and Jambu immediately took their seats around the table. Then Clay yelled " Lets dig in!". Then we all took what we wanted, and starting eating, when Peril swallowed her food and asked "Now, WHERE IN THE THREE MOONS DID YOU GO?!!!". 

                 Everyone turned at Glory, waiting for an answer, except for Clay, he kept eating, but he was still listening. "... And then me and Deathbringer returned here." Glory finished. Everyone looked at her like she had a scavenger on back. "Can you guys stop looking at me like that?" Glory asked, breaking the silence in half. "Uh yeah, it's just maybe, I don't know EVERYTHING you JUST SAID!" Peril said sarcastically. 

                 Once everyone had finished eating, Glory announced "I'm leaving, to go visit Queen Blossom. I'll be back soon!" but just as she started to walk through the door, she was stopped by Deathbringer. "Uh, no. Your no going anywhere without ME again." He said, Glory smiled at him, "If that's what you want, but just know, none of the RainWings there have ever seen a NightWing, or any other dragon." She said. 

                "So I'LL be the FIRST NightWing they will ever see, that sounds like a bonus to me!"  Deathbringer happily said. With that she flew out of the door, with Deathbringer beside her. She heard Kinkajou and Jambu yell "Have a great time! We'll be waiting for you!".

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now