A New and an Old Queen

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                 As Glory looked to where Deathbringer and Tsunami had landed, she saw every RainWing in the village was there, all gathered. She also saw her friends, and a couple others. Sunny, Starflight, and Fatespeaker were holding off the RainWings, and along with the help of Sundew every now and then. Tsunami, Peril, Clay, Riptide, Sundew and Willow were all talking in a group about something. Blue, Cricket, Jambu, and Tamarin were trying to sort some sort of fight between a couple of RainWings. Moonwatcher was also sorting out a fight, but between Winter and Qibli instead, who were probably fighting over something stupid, again. Turtle was pacing around nervously, while Kinkajou was trying to help Turtle calm down. Queens Thorn, Ruby, Coral, Moorhen, and Sequoia were all in a circle, with serious faces, probably talking about their kingdoms.

                 Glory didn't have anywhere to land, except for the very center, in front of all the RainWings. And once she landed, every dragon shut their snouts, and stared at her, and there she was again, in the awkwardness of silence and staring. Then Deathbringer quickly ran up to Glory, as they both stood side by side, Deathbringer cleared his throat, she knew he didn't like speaking in public like this, but she couldn't do anything if she didn't know anything. Glory could sense and see the fear in his eyes as he stared at the extremely large crowd. For comfort, she placed her talons on top of his, he gave a brief look at Glory, and smiled, as his tensed face relaxed.

                 Deathbringer then announced to the crowd "Everyone, please welcome your attention to a very important dragon." Deathbringer turned his head at Glory, and smiled, as she did the same. "This dragon is my wife." He said, still looking at her. "This dragon is very rude and sarcastic, but she's always there when I need her." Tsunami said. "This dragon saved me, and my tribe, even though she didn't have to." Starflight said, turning her face up to her. "This dragon was always there to support me, and I'm always going to do the same for her." Sunny said, while leaning closer to Starflight, making him blush. "This dragon was there to kill the dragon who was trying to kill me, I wouldn't have even met Peril, because I'd be dead." Clay said, putting his head on Peril. "This dragon was willing to accept me." Peril said, as she then looked back to Clay, who still had his head rested on her.

                 "This dragon was a good queen to her tribe, even after defeat." Queen Thorn said, as she stood up. "This dragon is my sister!" Jambu yelled both excitedly and proudly. "This dragon was a best friend!" Kinkajou added in, as if she was completing with Jambu. "This dragon believed in me when no one else would." Tamarin chimed in. "This dragon won't go down without a fight, unlike me." Turtle added, with this face dimming, as Kinkajou sat closer to him, giving him comfort, and making Turtle sheepishly smile at her. "This dragon is very brave, and never afraid, almost as amazing as me." Winter said swelled with pride. "This dragon was willing to help me find my sister, even though she was one of the reasons for the loss of the Old RainWing Rain Forest." Blue said, with a look in his eyes that said 'thank you'.

                 "This dragon is never afraid, or resistant to harm her enemies, so I wouldn't want to get on her bad side." Cricket said, slightly afraid, as she took a small step back. "This dragon helped my wife's friends, and she doesn't have very many, so that was great." Willow said, smirking at her wife, Sundew, who was scowling at her. "This dragon didn't get on my nerves, and that barely happens with other dragons, so that's all I need.". Sundew said, still scowling at her wife, Willow. "This dragon's name is Glory, and from here on out, she's your new queen." Deathbringer finished, as Clay handed Deathbringer a crown, and he placed it on Glory's head.

                  Glory smiled, and let the burst of pink and yellow ripple throughout her scales, but before anything else happened, she announced "And Deathbringer," she looked at him, with a smile that looked as if it might fall right off, and grabbed his talons, still facing the crowd and said "Deathbringer is your new king!".

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now