The Attack

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                 "We have to be prepared, the NightWings are planning to launch an attack, and wipeout our tribe." Glory said to Deathbringer, they had went to a private place in the forest, to talk about the situation. "I just don't know, the NightWings, they can be, unpredictable, and we have no idea how much time they've been planning this" Deathbringer said, with a half worried and sad expression on his face. She could understand, NightWings had been his tribe, and the thought of killing them was, just hard. Glory put her talons on his, Deathbringer looked up at her, starting to smile, but she could still tell he was worried. 

                 "It's going to be okay-"Glory was soon interrupted by the large amounts of smoke coming from her rain forest, coming from where, where ALL OF THE RAINWINGS LIVED! Pale green soon covered every scale on her body, as a worried expression covered her face.  "NO! I have to go, I have to go and save the RainWings! I can't stand here an watch, I have to DO SOMETHING!" Glory soon leap off her feet, and into the sky, flapping her wings as hard as possible, all she could focus on was her kingdom, forgetting about Deathbringer.

                 Deathbringer was worried, he didnt want Glory to die, or suffer, or get hurt, she was much too important to him. Just as he was about to go after Glory, fire spread around him, trapping him in the fire, the forest was on FIRE, and there was nothing he could do. He couldn't save himself, he couldn't save Glory, he couldn't the RainWings, and he couldn't save the rain forest. He could then feel the heat around him getting hotter and hotter as each moment passed him by, he yelled for Glory, but she was too far now. Then, everything went black, as he felt himself drift away, in someone else's talons...

                 Glory hadn't made it in time, the whole village had been burnt down, there was nothing left. Until, she heard a distant cry in the fire, getting more and more quieter. She swooped down, she had to save as many as she could, as many RainWings were left. Down near one of the huts, was Kinkajou, with scales downed in white, and holding her was Tamarin. Beside her was Jambu, who was too scared to notice her. "Up here! Tamarin and Jambu! I now the way out! Follow me!" she yelled, they obediently followed her out, she was their only way out. 

                 Soon Glory lead the others to a clearing, the wettest part of the rain forest,  where the fire couldn't spread. "Alright, I'm glad you guys are okay, I thought I had no one left, no RainWings left." she said, she was so relived, then she looked at Taramin, still worried, then she realized what Taramin had been staring at, Kinkajou. "What happened?" Glory asked, with worry rising through her voice. Taramin looked up at her, and then back at Kinkajou, "Well, me and Kinkajou were about to go midnight flower searching, when the NightWings came, I could hear so many wing beats, then I felt it the fire. It was getting close to me, too close, that's when Kinkajou jumped in front of me. Protecting me from the fire, but, at the same time, sacrificing herself instead." Tamarin said, as purple covered her scales, mixed in with gray, and drops of emerald. 

                 Trying to keep Tamarin calm, she said "It's gonna be okay, everything it gonna be okay. Kinkajou will wake up, eventually." Tamarin looked up at her with a smile, as little speckles of pink appeared on her scales. Then Jambu finally said something, "Glory, little sis, where's Deathbringer? Did he get caught in the fire..." as that thought entered his mind, pale green started to spread on his scales. 

                 Glory was just realizing this, she had left Deathbringer, in the rain forest, that was on FIRE.  She had just left her husband, to DIE, in such panic about the rest of her tribe, she competently forgot about Deathbringer, what if-what if he did get caught in the fire? What could she do? He could be dead! But she couldn't leave what was left of her tribe here. Purple entered her scales, along with a little of orange, and lots of gray. She wasn't sure what to do, save her husband, or save what was left of her tribe?

                  Jambu seemed to notice her sadness, shame, and anger, he said "Leave, I can take care of Tamarin and Kinkajou, you need to go save Deathbringer." Glory wasn't sure what to do, Jambu said it was okay, but was it really, or was he saying it out of love? "But-" she started to say, but then was interrupted by Jambu "No, I know he needs your help, more than we do. I can take them to Clay and Peril's place, near the Diamond Spray River, we'll be safe there. There we can wait for you, AND Deathbringer." Before she could say anything to Jambu, he left, signaling Taramin to grab Kinkajou and come with him. As Taramin whispered a small "I hope you find him, and thank you" as she carried Kinkajou away with her.

                 Now, all she had to do was find Deathbringer, and save him from danger. Can't be too hard, right? But first, she was going to need, a bit of help, it was Deathbringer after all...                

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now