Getting Caught

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                 Glory flew off, as Coconut gave her a smile and waved goodbye when she flew in the slight other direction from Glory. The moons was starting to fall when she looked up to the sky, to see the stars that lit the way to her and Deathbringer's hut. It was getting pretty late, so she had to hurry, she already knew that Deathbringer was worrying about her, even if he was sleeping already. She knew this sense Deathbringer constantly trying to protect her from everything, that's why he became her bodyguard.

              There was even a time when Deathbringer would eat all her food first, to make sure it hadn't been "poisoned". But Glory was pretty sure he just wanted some of her food, that was why she had told him to stop doing it. But of course, that didn't work, so she had to to literally make a whole official law about it, to make him stop. She could remember the entire law in her head, that she wrote, it was "From now on, Deathbringer is no long allowed to eat Queen Glory's food, before she does, to "protect" her, unless permission is given. If Deathbringer dares to eat Queen Glory's food before she does without permission, Queen Glory will RIP HIS TEETH OUT, YANK HIS TONGUE OUT, AND PULL HIS MOUTH OPEN SO WIDE, IT WILL BREAK, AND MAKE THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE CRACKING NOISE.". 

                Deathbringer had alarm in his eyes when she announced that to him, and Glory was smiling at her success. As she then imaged what it would be like if she really did that, not to him but to someone like, say, Tsunami? And ever since that day, Deathbringer never even touched her food, at least until after she touched it. Glory snapped herself back into reality, as she realized she was going past the village, being so distracted by her thoughts.          

                 It took Glory a while to realize where her hut was, the village had grown way bigger in the last two years. But once she did, she swooped down to her and Deathbringer's hut, landing right on the doorstep. She sneaked to the back of the hut, then flew up, her and Deathbringer's hut was two stories, their bedroom was on the second story. With that, she changed her scales to match the darkness around around her, just in case, and slowly opened the window to their room.

               Then, she swooped inside the house, and turned around to close the window, as swiftly and quietly as she could. Unfortunately, she accidentally dropped the window, causing a big bang noise all throughout the hut. And the noise was only louder because the house had been so quiet, she could feel purple trying to touch her scales, but she couldn't let it. Her scales were her last line of defense, she spent a little life time to match the darkness around her, until it looked as if she wasn't there. 

                Glory stood there as silently as she could, slowing her breathing down, practically holding her breath, pushing herself so close to the wall. She felt as if she was the wall, pushing herself so close to it, it felt so odd, and cold. If the wall had feelings, it'd probably feel depressed, and sad all the time. Glory was deep in her own thoughts at the moment, not paying any attention to her surroundings. That's when the sound of talon steps climbing up the stairs brought Glory back to reality.

                Glory froze in place, almost paralyzed by the fear of being found, but she didn't let it show in her scales. If she wanted to stay hidden, she couldn't let it show in her scales. Then she heard the talon steps getting louder, the closer the noise came, until she heard the door open. Light from the rest of the house came flooding into the room, but Glory failed to change her scales in time. Deathbringer came out of the door, they both kind of just stared at each other for a long hard moment.

                 Until Deathbringer broke the silence, and looked at her with his expression looking confused, as he said "Glory?" raising his eye ridge at her. She lowered her eye ridges, looking very annoyed, as she then said "No, I'm just some random dragon who just likes to practice her camouflage by breaking into dragon's houses. YES I'M GLORY! WHO ELSE WOULD I BE?". "Well, you could be some dragon who was trying to sneak into my hut and kidnap me or Glory. Or try to kill us, or steal our stuff, or, well, really, anything." Deathbringer replied, Glory gave him an annoyed look, as Deathbringer put his signature smug face on. 

                 "Stop!" Glory said playfully, as a small giggle escaped her mouth, and she threw herself into his arms. Glory put herself deep into his chest, all she could see was Deathbringer's dark black scales, she could feel it against her face. It was hard, and scaly on her face, though most dragons would find this uncomfortable, but Glory found this comforting on her. Maybe the dragon she had her face on was Deathbringer, or maybe it felt good to let go that fear she had, or maybe it just felt good to take a small moment to just be with Deathbringer.

                 She then pulled her face away from Deathbringer's chest, and looked at him in the eyes, still holding Deathbringer's arms. Deathbringer was giving her a smile, not a very big smile, but it was pretty cute. Deathbringer let go of her, as he walked to the bed, beckoning Glory to come over and sit down with him. So she did, "So," Deathbringer started, looking at her "You want to explain why your home, this late? I was worrying all night." Deathbringer finished, still looking at her for an explanation. 

                  "Well..." Glory started, as she started to stare into the room, tearing her eyes away from Deathbringer's gaze. Glory really didn't want to tell him yet, green was starting to crawl up her scales as she thought of what Deathbringer's reaction might be. "Can we just talk about this tomorrow?" Glory asked him hopefully, meeting her eyes with his again. Deathbringer sighed, and reluctantly said "I guess.". 

                  Glory let a sigh of relief leave her mouth, as Deathbringer laid himself down in the bed, and Glory did the same, falling right beside him. Deathbringer sighed once again, and turned to the opposite side of her and whispered slightly annoyed "Goodnight Glory.". Glory now felt ashamed, with dark purple up her scales, she frowned at Deathbringer. But then just said "Goodnight.".

                    Everything is going to be okay, Glory thought to herself, trying to keep herself calm, as she drifted off to sleep.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now