The Mystery Behind the Fire

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                 That very morning Glory woke up, realizing she was the first one to wake up, she wanted to wake up the others. But looking at the sky, the sun hadn't been out yet, she still had a about an hour, so she forced herself up, and found her way out of the palace. Now she was just somewhere in the sand, she could still see Thorn's palace, but not very well. 

                 She sat down in the warm sand, she just wanted to be in the rain forest, having the best of times with Deathbringer, or ruling her kingdom, was that so bad? She could remember Deathbringer's smug face, and Jambu's bright pink scales, and Taramin and Kinkajou always playing together, insuperable, the two of them. But look at where she was, stuck, without Deathbringer,... without a village to rule, and only four RainWings to watch over. 

                 She looked back down at the sand, she still remembered how much Deathbringer had complained. She once I got so annoyed of Deathbringer saying how EASY it was to be a queen, and how hard it was to be her bodyguard. She was SO ANGRY, being a queen doesn't just mean dragons go and do your EVERY command. To give him a little taste of what leading a group of some kind, for her it was the RainWings, she gave him a new job. 

                 She gave him a job, teaching the RainWings how to fight, after a week of TRYING to teach them, he gave up. Then saying that he'd never do it again, for his job back, so being as nice as she is, Glory gave him his job back, though he did say it UNDER HIS BREATH sometimes... Deathbringer had said "They were TERRIBLE, and UNTEACHABLE I'm surprised they've learned ANYTHING in their WHOLE LIFETIME. And they are SOO LAZY, you can't believe how many times one of them asked to SLEEP during training! I just asked them to get warmed up, by doing ONE FLIGHT FROM A TREE TO ANOTHER TREE AND BACK! IT WASN'T VERY HARD? WAS IT? Then it was complaints EVERYWHERE, like "Can we take a break for suntime?' or 'Can I take a nap?' or 'Do we have to?'. And THEY signed up to do this!!"

                 Deathbringer than dragged himself down to her talons, looked up with hope in his eyes then said "PLEASE TAKE ME BACK! I can't take this anymore! Pleaseeeee, I'll do whatever you ask of me!" tears had started to form in his eyes, as he looked up at her. Then she thought about what he had said for a moment, then said, looking down at Deathbringer "Anything?" she said as a smirk started to appear on her face. "ANYTHING" Deathbringer said, without even paying attention to her expression. 

                 "Well, if you stop talking about how EASY it is to be queen, and abmit that you WERE WRONG, then you can have your job back." She said to Deathbringer, she could tell he was very reluctant, but then he had said "Fine...", then he got back up and off the floor, and started to leave, when she said, "Oh, and one more thing,". Deathbringer stopped, and looked back at her, slowly starting to walk towards her. "What is it?", she started to blush, and she could feel some of her scales turning pink, she then said "Give me a kiss, before you go back". Deathbringer then walked back to her, and she dove in for a kiss. 

                "Hey, how you doing?" she heard a voice saying from behind, she turned, realizing it was Sunny. "Good" she replied absentmindedly, as she stared into the sand. "The others are ready to go, they told me to go look for you, and that they'd be here in a second." Sunny said, as she started walking towards Glory, and sat by her. Sunny then said "The sunset is beautiful, don't ya think?" She then said "Yeah, I just wish Deathbringer was here with me..." as she stared into the sunset. 

                 Sunny then tried to cheer her up, by saying "Well, just know, Deathbringer is looking at the same sunset." Glory wasn't feeling like being positive, so she said "Or he's dead, or he's trapped in a cage, or under a mountain, or blinded, or on Pantala...". That kind of brought Sunny down, she realized this with Sunny started to look down at the sand, with an sad kind of expression on her face. So, trying to cheer her friend up, she said "Hey, but I'm sure that Deathbringer is fine. I mean he is a TRAINED ASSASSIN, surely he can't be killed that easily, right? I mean you got to stay positive." She looked at Sunny, trying to smile, luckily she didn't notice how fake her smile was, because Sunny smiled back at her. 

                 Glory looked back, she could her talons coming towards them, it was Tsunami, Starflight, and Peril. "You guys done? Because I thought we were going to save Deathbringer, but of course we can always just sit on the sand and talk, as if nothing was WRONG." Tsunami said impatiently. "Well I'm ready to go I was the one waiting on YOU GUYS." With that they took off flying into the sky, towards the what-was RainWing Kingdom. 

                 Hours later, the sun was beginning to lower, and they had finally arrived. "Well, we arrived to of what used to be the RainWing kingdom, please, no pictures please, and thank you." she started to joke, trying to lighten the mood. As they flew through the rain forest to reach what was left of the village, she noticed the trees had been black, with charcoaled look and feel, and beaten, some weren't even standing. And the grass wasn't even green, the way it was supposed to be. And there wasn't a single fruit left in the rain forest, the only fruits she could see didn't even look like fruits, they were burnt black, and the other ones were terribly smashed. It felt terrible, the RainWings and animals that had died, and all the plants too.

                   What made this feeling even worst, was seeing the village, after the fire had cleared.  There was the dead corpses of so many RainWings, just lying on the ground, and the homes were broken down, and were STILL breaking. Glory couldn't bear to look at it, if it hadn't been for her, maybe she could have still saved the RainWings and maybe they would still be alive. She heard the others so surprised at this, and heard them gasp at the sight. 

                 Glory, Sunny, Tsunami, and Starflight carefully landed on the ground to observe the village from the ground, while Peril observed the village from the sky, they had hoped to find some kind of clue. Sunny could tell that Glory didn't like this, and said "Hey, you don't have to do this, if you don't want to. We would all understand". Glory wanted to leave so BAD, but she wouldn't leave her friends, so she replied to Sunny saying "No, I'm not going to leave you guys no matter how much I want to. I can't leave you guys alone here in my Village, stuck with my problems, so no." She spread her wings out, and stood up, making herself look big and queenly. 

                 "Guys! I think that I might of found something!" they heard Starflight call from somewhere close by in the village.  Sunny and Glory exchanged glances, as they both ran towards the direction of Starflight's voice. They found Starflight, with Tsunami beside him pointing at the ground, it was a very thin and clear piece of something, something very familiar, but she couldn't tell what it was. But if Glory looked very closely around the village, she could see it everywhere. That's when Tsunami said "Oh my, I can't believe it. I know what that is, it's what started this whole fire, it's-it's flamesilk."

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now