Seeing Friends Again

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                 Moon gave her a sweet smile at her last thoughts, but quickly returned to her friends. At the moment she still had her wing around Deathbringer and her head on him, with his head on hers. And Deathbringer had also intertwined his tail with hers, and for once, it was actually comfortable touching another dragon. 

                 "FATESPEAKER?!" They all yelled at Moon, except for Winter he'd given up after two guesses. Moon was now laying down, half asleep as she said "No! First, Fatespeaker isn't at Dragonet of Destiny, she's in the alternates. And two, HOW HAVE YOU NOT GUESSED THE DRAGON I'M TALKING ABOUT?!! THAT WAS YOUR THIRTY-SECOND GUESS!!". All of them gave faces that said 'I-don't-know', as Moon put her face in her talons and sighed. 

                 Moon gave in, as she said " You know what? It should be better if I rather just showed you.". "About time! I wouldn't exactly like to wait here all day, with these dragons." she heard Winter complain. "I don't think anyone would want to say in here all day with you." Glory heard Peril say, then she heard Qibli speak, but she didn't really pay attention to it. Only because Moon, was beckoning her and Deathbringer over into the cave, and she gave a small nod. 

                 She lightly nudged Deathbringer with her shoulder, and he lifted his head off of hers, allowing her to do the same. Glory moved her head over to Moon's direction, and Deathbringer nodded, as she took her wing off him, and they untwined their tails. After that, Glory walked over to Moon, with Deathbringer at her side, as she announced "I am the dragon Moon spoke of, and we need your help.", she pointed her wing at Deathbringer clarifying who we was.

                 As soon as those words left her mouth, she and Deathbringer revealed themselves out of the shadows. "And what do we owe this honor? Oh great queen of the lazy RainWings, and terrible NightWings." Winter said with sarcasm mixed in, glaring at Deathbringer when he said NightWings. Glory gave Winter a cold glare just for being Winter, and barred her fangs at him, ready to fire. "It's about time that we got rid of Winter." She heard Peril mutter, just a little too loud.

                 And she was, just until Moon interrupted them. Jumping in between her and Winter, with her talons out. "Stop! Winter can you just calm down? Glory is not a NightWing, and Deathbringer has nothing to do with you. And Glory, please try your best not to kill him." Moon said, Glory sighed, but closed her mouth, reluctantly, very reluctantly. "I can try, but no promises." Glory said, giving one last glare at Winter.

                 "We all try, trust me." Peril said, as she whipped her head away from Winter, glaring at him in the process. As she flicked her tail at him, threatening to turn Winter into ashes. "Aww. It's okay. We all still love you Winter!" Qibli said, putting his arm around Winter's neck, Winter scolded at him a shoved Qibli away. "We just keep that love in the back of our hearts, the very very back, and never show it." He added as he walked over to sit beside Moon.

                 "Anyways, what could you possibly need our help with?" Kinkajou said, decided to ignore the whole Winter thing, as she turned her head over to Glory. "Please tell me it's not saving the world, again." Turtle asked hopefully, she gave him a sorry expression. Then said "Doesn't the world always need saving? But before I can tell you guys the whole situation, I think I'd be better if f everyone was here. I don't want to explain this twice.".

                  "Everyone?" Kinkajou asked just as confused as everyone else, well, except for Moon of course. She nodded, as Deathbringer said "Yes, everyone." He turned his head over to Glory, she had started walking with Moon leading the way to her friends. He got up, and followed her right beside her, with the rest of the Jade Winglet behind them. 

                 It was pretty dark in the hallways as they walked, but she could still see Deathbringer's smirk as he continued "Because, Glory, you couldn't save the world without me.". Glory pushed him over with her talons as she said "I would have better chances saving the world with a monkey than a frog face like you.".

                 Deathbringer can back to her side, still smirking. As he then said "Well, I don't think that a monkey, can do this.", before she could respond, Deathbringer raced in front of her, stopping her and everyone else. As he pushed his snout against hers, closing his eyes, and she did the same. As they kissed each other, with pink on tip toeing onto her scales.

                 Glory let go, and smiled at him, smirking even, and Deathbringer was doing the same. As Deathbringer wrapped his arms around Glory's neck, putting himself closer to her. She then putt her wings up, blocking anyone's view, only faint moonlight came though her wings to shine through. Deathbringer closed his eyes, and Glory was halfway to doing to same, when she felt talons push open through her wings.

                 Glory froze, staring at the dragon, she forgot that the Jade Winglet was still there. Deathbringer placed his talons back on the ground, as she put her wings back to her side. And Deathbringer walked back to being beside her, as the dragon, Qibli, said "Sorry to interrupt, butttttt, don't we have a world to save?". Glory stood there slightly embarrassed, but to cover that up she sarcastically said "No, last time I checked we have to save every dragon whose ever met Winter. They must be on the verge of killing him by now.".

                 "All you have to do is get some fruits, and smash them into pieces. But just imagine that fruit is Winter." Peril said, with a grin on her face, she saw Moon with a worried look. By Glory's guess, Peril was probably thinking about it very violently right now. We all stared at Peril, with no words, until she quickly said "Not that I actually do that anyway...". 

                 Peril was now embarrassed, but Deathbringer decided to change to subject "So, to my queen's friends? If I remember correctly.". Moon absent mindedly nodded at Deathbringer, not taking her eyes off Peril's thoughts. Until Moon finally found the strength to say "Yeah.", and reluctantly continued walking. 

                 The rest of the Jade Winglet was talking or fighting, or something  in between behind her and Deathbringer. But she really didn't pay much attention, she was too focused on her friends to actually pay much attention. How long has it been? I don't really remember, since I barely visit. With the whole 'ruling a kingdom' and 'being a queen' thing. Well, I'm sure Tsunami doesn't miss me, and I didn't miss her very much either. Her thoughts rambled, as they walked.

                 But her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Moon's voice, and her stop. As she whispered "Here." and then she pointed to the cave. It was lit with torches, and the sound of dragons arguing, definitely Tsunami's doing. And DEFINITELY my friends. Her throughs assured her, but before anyone could do anything, her instincts kicked in, and he walked right into the cave, presenting herself.

                 The arguing stopped, as all the dragons stared at her with a blank expression. It was everyone, they were all here, Clay, Tsunami, Sunny, and Starflight. The silence and staring was very awkward, and Glory hated awkward. So she asked "Are we all going to stare at each other all day? Because I have a world to save, and not particularly anytime for this.". 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now