Getting Hit Out of the Sky

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                 "Morrowseer? Really?" Sunny said surprised as ever. "Why so surprised Sunny? It makes since, he's just as evil as his dad, just alike." Tsunami said. Nightmare scolded, and said angrily "I am NOTHING like my dad! Don't you EVER say that!". "I don't think you have the authority here. I'm pretty sure, I'm the authority figure here." She said as she scolded at him, now threatening to use her venom once more. At that sight, Nightmare kept his mouth shut, and sat down with fear within his eyes. 

                 "But I was so sure that Morrowseer never had a wife..." Starflight said confused, and deep in thought. Nightmare looked up at Glory for approval to speak, as if she would blast her venom at him if he did without permission. She gave a small nod, still scowling at him. He then spoke, saying "Like I said before, he kept who my mother was unknown, both to me and the world..." he then just stared off into the distance, she ALMOST felt bad, but she didn't. But of course, Sunny did, and gave Nightmare a look of sympathy in her eyes. And just as Sunny was going to say something sympathetic to him, she looked out towards the sky, it was darkening, they had to go back, and fast, the volcano looked as if it was about to erupt again.

                 "We should go, Sundew and the others are probably waiting for us in the rain forest by now. And the volcano look like it's gonna erupt again, also it's getting pretty dark." Glory said, she then pointed her talon towards the volcano. "What about Nightmare? We can't leave him." Sunny said. Luna then said "I can tie my won't-burn-as-much flamesilk around him." she then grabbed Nightmare and tried her won't-burn-as-much flamesilk around his wrists, as Nightmare tried to hold  back his yelps of fear.

                 "And Peril cover us from over head, just in case the lava comes by." Glory said. But then Peril said "I'm not large enough to cover all of us, not at once.". "Then me and Luna can fly alone. Your fire proof, right? Since you have the flamesilk, right?" Glory asked her, Luna nodded back at her. But then said "I'm not sure about him though..." She pointed at Nightmare, "It should hurt much right? Since your an ALL SO POWERFUL NightWing, correct?" She said sarcastically to Nightmare. 

                "One last question, what about Deathbringer?"Tsunami asked. She looked back at Deathbringer, who was lying on the floor, feeling as useless as ever. What about Deathbringer? She thought, how was he supposed to get to the rain forest in her condition? " You guys can leave me behind, I got you guys into this mess anyways." Deathbringer said. "What? No, the NightWings got us into this mess. I went looking for you because I love you, that's all there is to it." Glory said, Deathbringer blushed. Besides after all she went though to save Deathbringer, she wasn't going to leave him behind, not again, not EVER. 

                 "Tsunami, you remind helping me carry Deathbringer?" Glory asked,  Tsunami nodded. "And Luna mind if I use some of your NON-BURNING silk?"  Glory asked, she didn't want to burn Deathbringer. "I don't mind a single bit." Luna then sped the silk from her wrist, after that, she handed it to Glory. She and Tsunami started to wrap the silk around Deathbringer. "Alright, I believe it's time we left this place." Glory said. "Agreed!" Luna, Sunny, Tsunami, and Starflight said in unison. Then they all took off into the sky.

Everything was going well, the small pieces of lava never seemed to hurt Peril, and Deathbringer was okay, as in he was very easy to carry, and never got hit by lava, other than that, he was not okay. So, nothing happened on the way to the entrance that lead to the rain forest, but it seemed too good to be true. That's when she was shot out of the sky, all she saw was an blur of orange, next thing she knew, she was crashing down. She could hear voices calling after her, but it soon became very distant, and she could feel herself closing her eyes, as everything just... faded away.

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