Talking With Deathbringer

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                 "Before you go off challenging me for the throne, you should figure out what the challenge really is." Blossom said, her voice suddenly turned cold, and mean, she observed the village, and then hissed at her "Animal controlling skills. Ah, yes. That shall be the challenge, since it's something new, that gives me an advantage. Tomorrow, when the sun has reached its highest point, what do you call that again? Ah yes, I remember, you lazy type RainWings who give us a bad name call it sunstime, how stupid. Anyway, meet me at the top of this mountain, got it? And now, leave my presence.".

                 Glory was just too shocked, as she flew away towards to entrance. "How did the fun loving dragonet I saw before, just like that, change into a cold hearted viper?" Glory asked herself as she wand Deathbringer walked back. "I-I don't know. She was just so happy before, but her heart changed, just as soon as you challenged her for her throne." Deathbringer said. 

                 Then Glory started to actually remember what she said, she called her and the tribe she ruled lazy RainWings! Only Glory, and occasionally Deathbringer had permission to say that, not her! Coming from her messed up snout, it was mean and evil! Getting so angry inside, and accidentally let it slip her mouth, as she said "I swear, I can show just what a lazy RainWing can do! She's gonna wish her egg was never laid!".

                 Deathbringer gave Glory a 'I know what she said was evil of her, but we don't have time to plot her death' look. Glory stopped walking, and sat down, then Deathbringer did the same. They were both just sitting in the grass, gazing up at sun, it was still up. But it had been falling, still, it wasn't close to sunset. And in the distance, Glory could see the trees, they really weren't that far from Peril and Clay's home. 

                 That was when Glory just spilled all her problems out to him, saying "I just don't know what to do! What are the chances I'll actually win this? She's been doing that magic way longer than me! And even if I do manage to win, where would all the RainWings live? Would they respect and trust me? They don't even know a thing about the outside world? If I took them out of that mountain, where would we go?". Glory turned her head to Deathbringer, as they looked into each others eyes, Glory just sat there waiting for all the answers. Deathbringer gave Glory a smile, and put his talons on hers. 

                 Then Deathbringer calmly said " It's going to be perfectly fine. Just take things one step at a time, I think I'd be better to do some practice, don't ya think? And after that, we'll figure everything out. And I'll always be there, there to help and support you.". Glory felt some of her scales turn pink and blue, just his voice along helped her calm down. 

                 "Yeah, I think your right." Glory said, but before she could get up, Deathbringer put his snout against hers. She could feel his breath on hers, slow and light. Then, they kissed, it was for quite sometime, but Glory didn't want to let go. It felt to amazing to just let go of, but she did, very reluctantly though. They both smiled at each other, but Glory could feel the sun falling. Though she wanted to stay in this moment forever, Glory had things that needed to be done.

                 Then they both got up, and Deathbringer gave Glory one last kiss on her cheek, with that they started running over to Peril and Clay's house. Well, it really felt like racing, she and Deathbringer were closely matched as they ran. They could feel they wind brushing past them, as they ran, always looking back at each other. With big smiles on their face, sometime Glory would giggle at Deathbringer, or sometimes it would be the opposite. Either way, they were having a fun time, together, just the two of them.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now