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                 Glory reluctantly opened her eyes, the sunlight was flooding out into the rest of the hut. Deathbringer was still soundlessly sleeping, and the dragonets were-. Glory fluttered her eyes open wide, and got up as she scanned the room. The dragonets! They're GONE. WHERE IN THE THREE MOONS DID THEY GO?!! COME ON GLORY! THEY JUST HATCHED YESTERDAY, AND THEY'RE PROBABLY ALREADY DEAD!

                 With scales turning green, she whipped her worried face back to Deathbringer, who was starting to get up. "GET UP." She roared at him, Deathbringer peeked his eye open, but then quickly closed and triedly complained "Just five more minutes please. We were up so late yesterday.". "Since when does Deathbringer complain? Especially to his queen." Glory said getting slightly distracted, as Deathbringer responded "Since now.", then he rolled over getting more comfortable, starting to fall back asleep.

                 Glory jumped on top of him, nearly pinning him down, causing Deathbringer to open his eyes little more. As she then roared straight into Deathbringer's face "SLEEP? YOU NEED MORE SLEEP? YOU CAN SLEEP ALL YOU WANT LATER. CAN YOU TELL ME WHICH IS MORE IMPORTANT? OUR DRAGONETS THAT JUST HATCHED YESTERDAY THAT ARE NOW MISSING, OR SLEEP?! Her thoughts yelled at her in anger. ". Once those words left her mouth, Deathbringer's eyes shot wide open with alarm as he asked "BY THE THREE MOONS, OUR DRAGONETS ARE MISSING?". 

                 Glory got up and off of Deathbringer, satisfied with his reaction, as she did that Deathbringer nearly hoped right off the bed. As she sarcastically said "No, our rats are missing.", he then replied, because he's Deathbringer, saying "That makes since, because yesterday night when we came home, I could have sworn I saw a rat. Oh and look right there! A rat at your talons, they didn't go missing! They still live here!".

                 Glory shrieked, as she jumped off the floor, nearly making a hole in the ceiling, and ran to Deathbringer's side. Deathbringer gave her his most smug face yet, as he causally said "Oops. I thought it was a rat, it was really nothing at all. Sorry, my queen.".  Glory scolded at him, how did he know that I'm afra-, no, I DON'T LIKE rats? Why! That little rat! Her thoughts wondered, as she tackled Deathbringer to the ground by surprise.  

                 "Your NEVER getting away with this." She said, still pinning Deathbringer down to the ground. "Watch me." Deathbringer said, as he started to push her to the side. I know just EXACTLY what your planning Deathbringer! So bring it on, I've seen this move way too many times NOT to know it! Her thoughts said, as she pushed over in the opposite direction, and lightly lashed her tail on his left arm. "What? Wait-what?" Deathbringer asked in confusion, struggling to look up at her, she just smiled at him. Giving Deathbringer an 'Ha! That's-right! I-know-your-ways' look.

                 She then let go of Deathbringer, getting herself back on track. "Anyways, back to the subject. Any idea of WHERE IN PYRRHIA ARE THE DRAGONETS?! OR THEY MIGHT BE ALL THE WAY IN PANTALA FOR ALL WE KNOW!" Glory said, trying to act as cool and collected as she could, though, most wouldn't have thought about it that way. Deathbringer scanned the room looking more carefully then she did, and then walked over to the comfortable makeshift leaf bed the dragonets had slept in. 

                 He, as carefully as possible, ran his claws over it, and took a couple moments to look at it, then went back to looking around the room. "I think we should check the rest of the hut for more clues, before we completely break down and freak out." He said, as he glared at her in those last couple of words, but before she could say anything, Deathbringer flew out of the room. 

                 "He just glared at me! I'm the queen, I should totally execute him. Or make a law about that, I swear I see NightWings in the village always glaring at me. Like they want me dead, they probably do..." She mumbled to himself, saying the rest of her words in her head as she left the room. There was a couple of minutes of searching, until she heard Deathbringer yell her name, and she immediately flew over to him.

                 He was in the upstairs work room, where she spent some of her time with scroll work. Deathbringer looked at her with worried eyes, the large window in the room that kept light flooding in was broken and shattered into pieces all over the floor. "Here. Look here." Deathbringer said, not taking his eyes off the scroll he was looking down at, beckoning her over.

                 "What?" Glory asked Deathbringer impatiently as she ran over to him. Once she got over, right beside him, but not touching him, he pointed at the scroll, and handed it to her. She took the scroll into her talons, it was written in a rush. The writing was barely legible, and quickly written. Whoever wrote this must have been in quite the rush. A broken window? And by the way this was written, it was a bit obvious. Glory thought to herself as she examined the scroll.

                 It read:

Trouble. There's trouble in the Kingdom of the Sea. I fear to say too much, or else SHE will know. But it was the only way, please forgive me Glory. I had to take the dragonets, or else you might have been dead, along with Deathbringer. I can only hope that the dragonets won't die, you can only work and beg for so long. And SHE doesn't always keep her promises, so you must be careful. Trouble. There's trouble brewing in the depths and shadows of the Kingdom of Sea, it's lurking in the shadows, well hidden from the world, and remains unseen. Growing until SHE'S too powerful to stop. You must hurry Glory, for your sake, your kingdom, your friends, your loved ones, the world.

 - Coconut

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now