Going for A Walk, with Fireflies?

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                 Glory rubbed her eyes, she had just woken up, she looked around, now remembering where she was. I'm at Clay and Peril's place, she remembered. She looked back out the window, it was dark out, with only two moons to light the night sky. "Well, since I'm awake, why not a little walk outside?" she said to herself, as she got up at walked towards to the door, and opened as quietly as she could, without waking anyone up. Once she did, she left it a crack open, so that when she came back, she could easily close the door, also so that no one would notice that she left.

                 When quietly walked down the little hallway to the front door, and opened it as quietly as possible, and left it a crack open. Now, she was in the tree area that was around Peril and Clay's house. She could feel the soft grass beneath her talons, the crickets singing their music, the owls cooing, and best of all the wind flowing beneath her wings, as she spread them out. She walked to a place in the area around Clay and Peril's house, and climbed up a tree, until she reached the very top, from there she sat down, looking up to the stars. 

                 Each night when something was going on, something that she couldn't fix by spraying her lemon out at a bunch of dragons, she would go out into the rain forest, and it would calm her down. The rain forest was there when she was angry, mad, or confused, and didn't know what to do, now that it was gone, she found it quite relaxing up in the tree. That was when something caught her eye, something bright, that was flying below her. She looked down, cautiously, with her venom ready, just in case. 

                 But she overacted, it was a firefly! No one knew this, but she secretly loved fireflies, though she rarely saw them, she loved them. They were like little lights at night, that flew, they just had this glow that Glory found beautiful. But what is it doing here? she thought in confusion. Then she looked father behind the firefly, it was a whole ARMY of fireflies, there was so many, Glory could bearably look at the brightness of the fireflies. 

                 They all seemed to be going in one direction, all in the same movements, which was so odd. She'd never seen so many fireflies at once, but when she did see a lot, they didn't all do the same exact thing. They were usually carefree, and buzzed around in all different directions, going where ever they liked. Glory didn't feel like leaving the relaxing feeling of the tree, and the stars, but she had to figure out what was going on. So, she jumped off the tree, and followed the fireflies to where they were going.

                 It was a long walk, the fireflies were flying close to the ground, and at the same speed, never slowing, never speeding up. They flew west, so far, that she was beginning to lose sight of the tree filled area around Clay and Peril's place. She was getting nervous though, the moon was beginning to get bored, and switch places with the sun, and she could see from a distance Ruby's Palace. How are these fireflies not getting tried? They've flew for practically the WHOLE night, Glory thought. 

                 Glory's legs were getting sore, when the fireflies came to a sudden stop, and turned to the mountain. What are they doing? They're going to crash into the mountain if they don't- , Glory's thoughts were interrupted when she saw the fireflies fly straight through. "What the?!" Glory said in confusion, how in the THREE MOONS did they do that!??  Glory thought to herself. In curiosity, Glory approached the place where the fireflies flew straight through the mountain, and leaned against it, when she fell right through!

                 She found her self INSIDE of the mountain, how in the world did that happen? Maybe it was animus magic? But then, why in the world would they mack that? She thought to herself, as she observed her surroundings, it was dark, and she didn't see the fireflies anywhere. She then took a couple steps into the darkness around her. When she saw light up ahead, she quietly walked towards it, when she saw the most amazing, and strangest thing in the opening, where the light was. Inside of the cave someone was hiding this from the world, why? She didn't know, but she planned on finding out, because what she saw could fix her RainWing problem, what she saw was... RainWings, a whole secret tribe of RainWings unknown to the world!    

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now