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               Glory and Deathbringer flew off, with her leading the way to Queen Blossom's village, it was kind of quiet the way there though. Once Glory landed on the ground, Deathbringer followed, but with a confused expression on his face. He then observed the area and turned his eyes back on Glory and asked "My queen, if I may? What are we doing? There's nothing here, are you seeing things?".

               Glory gave him an annoyed expression, and said sarcastically "If I was seeing things, I'd be seeing you, dead.". " Ahh yes, that does make sense." Deathbringer replied, Glory gave him a little smile, and said "Queen Blossom's village of RainWings is this way." She then walked through the mountain, Deathbringer, in disbelief, followed her. She adjusted her eyes, and found the light again, that lead her to the village, and started walking towards it, she then turned to Deathbringer, who looked completely helpless. Then Glory told him "Come on! This way!". 

                 Deathbringer nodded, still overwhelmed and followed Glory to the light, she turned to Deathbringer who was starstruck by the sight of the village of RainWings. She almost burst into laughter when she saw his face, he then said " I never knew that RainWings actually capable of DOING SOMETHING. Especially something like this.".  Glory couldn't help it, she started laughing so hard, at Deathbringer. "What? It's true, isn't it?".

               Glory calmed herself down, and said "Just follow me, and DON'T BE YOU, I don't want the first NightWing they see to be you. But I don't exactly have a choice.". Deathbringer returned his eyes to her, and got that smug look back on his face, and said "Oh Glory, you know I can't help myself.". With that Glory took off, to Queen Blossom's hut, with Deathbringer beside her, still with his smug face, tried of it, she playfully pushed Deathbringer and said as she smiled " Stop it! Don't do that!".

                 Eventually, Deathbringer stopped, and once they arrived at Blossom's hut, the RainWing guard let her in. At the sight of a RainWing guard Deathbringer was just as shocked as Glory was, but then quickly regained his face as they walked in. Queen Blossom was talking with a dragon when Glory and Deathbringer entered the room. She had a yellow and purple scale color, but it sparked some light purple because of some that Blossom had said to her.

               "Uh, Blossom? I mean, Queen Blossom, am I interrupting something... or?" Glory asked, making Blossom notice her. "Glory!" Blossom said, but she then noticed everyone that was in her hut, and quickly cleared her throat and corrected herself saying "I mean, hey Glory. Your not interrupting anything at all actually.". Glory pointed her talon at the dragon she was talking to, Blossom then looked at the dragon, realizing what she meant, and said " Oh! Her? She's Coconut, the one who lead you here. I was just talking to her about being more careful." she then eyed Coconut, and returned her eyes to Glory, then to Deathbringer.

                 She beckoned all the dragons to leave the room, and then asked excitedly "And who's this?". As she then got up from her throne, and walked towards Deathbringer. And before Deathbringer could give some dumb answer, Glory covered his mouth and said "This is Deathbringer, the NightWing I told you about.". Deathbringer gave Glory a scowl, and pulled Glory's talons off of his mouth and said proudly "I am Glory's bodyguard, and with me, she'd be dead. I am also Glory's most important dragon.".

                 " Please, I could care about a cow more than you." Glory said. "Yeah, but you didn't marry a cow did you?" Deathbringer said, "Whatever." Glory said trying to get out of situation, but Deathbringer just gave her his smug look. And then they both turned their attention back to Blossom, who was just sitting down, watching and waiting for them to finish arguing. Once they looked at her Blossom said, "Now that you two are done, do you mind?" As she pointed at Deathbringer, and said "I've never seen a dragon that's not a RainWing.". "I don't mind one bit." Deathbringer said, as he turned to her, giving Glory a sly smile.

                 Blossom then, almost immediately ran towards Deathbringer, looking at even single scale of his, each and every inch of his wings, from tail to talon, until Glory said "Okay Blossom I believe that's enough." as she pulled her away from Deathbringer. "Jealous much? I thought that you said you could care about a cow more than me?" Deathbringer said smirking at her. "Anyway," Glory started trying to avoid this conversation with Deathbringer, "How's your venom training going?" Glory asked curiously.

                 Blossom looked down at her talons, and started fidgeting with them, until she found the courage to say "Not so well, just let me show you." she then flew out of the hut, towards where she was practicing with Blossom yesterday. Deathbringer looked at her confused, and Glory explained "RainWings here don't know how to use their venom, and if I taught her to use it, she would teach me the animal control thing. And she did, now I have to finish teaching her. Not that it went so well the first time...". Deathbringer just nodded, as they headed out of the hut, and to where Blossom was.

                 Once Glory and Deathbringer landed next to Blossom, her scales turned purple, as she pointed at the mountain wall where they practiced yesterday. She and Deathbringer both looked, very very surprised that Blossom was really that bad at using her venom. The mountain wall was covered in black! Some of the venom on the wall was dried out from yesterday, and some of it was still dripping fresh off the wall. " Oh my moons." Glory said astonished. 

                 Deathbringer getting a little nervous said "You know what? I think I'll be better if I stay back here." he then stepped away. Glory smiled, with the same smug face of Deathbringer's this was her chance to get back at him. She then looked back at him, with the same smug face and said "What? You scared? I thought that you were my bodyguard?". Then dramatically she said "Oh my! What if I die today?! Whatever shall I do with out my bodyguard?!".

                 Then the three of them broke into laughs, when they finally calmed themselves down, Blossom asked Glory "You mind showing me how to do it? Like the whole venom thing." . Glory smiled, and then said "Of course, you need it.". With that, Glory stepping in front of Blossom, and took aim at the scrap piece of wood laid on the wall, and shot at it. 

                 And was a perfect shot! Or so she thought, "Boom! Perfect!" Glory said proudly. Deathbringer and Blossom had no reply, confused Glory asked "What did I do something?". Blossom pointed her talon at the wall of black, some of her venom had landed on hers. Still not understanding she said "Okay so I was a little off but-" Glory cut herself off.

                 As Glory paid more attention to were her venom had hit Blossom's. She could hear a sizzle sizzle on the part of the mountain wall were their venom touched. "Glory doesn't that mean?" Blossom started. But Glory cut her off, still to shocked, as she said "Yes, you're-you're my younger sister.".

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now