A Dream Visit

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Deathbringer's Point of View

                 Deathbringer found himself in a cave, it was very dark and gloomy. "Am I seriously dreaming about something this depressing?" Deathbringer asked himself. The cave was only lit by a couple of moon globes, but other than that, it was dark. "Why in the world am I dreaming about this? I usually have dreams that aren't in dark and depressing caves." Deathbringer said, as a dragon stepped out of the darkness of the cave, and into the light of the moon globes.

                 "Because I brought you here, for a visit." The dragon said, and Deathbringer stood with anger surging through him, it was Snowhunter. "What? Not happy to see me? But I miss you, so much." Snowhunter said sarcastically, Deathbringer didn't care about what Snowhunter had to say and spat "Where's Glory?". That's all he wanted, all he needed to know. "Oh, her? I put her to good use. She has an amazing new look, with the beautiful necklace around her neck." Snowhunter said, but it was obvious that he was lying. He had that evil smile plastered on his face.

                 "I'M ONLY GOING TO ASK ONE MORE TIME, WHERE. IS. GLORY?" Deathbringer barked at Snowhunter, now enraged at him. "What? I just thought that you should know. You now it was very generous of me to give her one of my necklaces. But if you want to know where Glory is so much, I can just bring her over." Snowhunter said, now grinning at him. Deathbringer was just furious at Snowhunter, but Snowhunter only made Deathbringer more mad than before, once Deathbringer saw what he did. 

                 "Oh! Glory!" Snowhunter yelled, but nothing happened. "I'm so sorry, I have to give her my other dreamvistor! How could I forget! I'll be right back." Snowhunter apologized, as he vanished into thin air, and left him all alone in the dark cave. As thoughts and questions started running though his mind. Wait, what does he mean? He has ANOTHER dreamvistor?! From where and how? What did he do to Glory? Why was he smiling like that? What amazing new necklace? Does it have some kind of enchantment on it? What does it do to Glory? Is she hurt?

                 Before Deathbringer had anytime to process these thoughts Snowhunter came back, with Glory. Deathbringer almost burst into tears, as he yelled "Glory! Your okay!". But Deathbringer stopped breaking down, Glory didn't move a single inch, she just stood there. It was as if she was a statue, and as Deathbringer looked closer, her eyes looked different. Her emerald green eyes, they looked so, distant. There was nothing there, her eyes looked so blank, there was nothing there. But a light shade of green, and nothing else, and she didn't visit even move an inch, like she was frozen in place.

                 And then Deathbringer looked at Glory's neck, around her neck was a necklace. One that was definitely not Glory's kind of style. It was sliver chain like necklace, with a purple stone at the bottom, and a small white star below the purple stone.Deathbringer was alarmed, why isn't Glory saying anything? Sometime like "You frog face!" or "It really took you THIS long?". Deathbringer asked himself, as he turned her attention back to Snowhunter, who had a venomous smile on his face. As Deathbringer demanded "What did you do to Glory?!". 

                 Anger was building up inside of Deathbringer, as Snowhunter then replied playfully "It isn't obvious?". Then Snowhunter's voice darkened, making it cold and lifeless as he said "I told you I'd get my pay back. Sooner than you'd think. And I am, it was so easy to get Glory while she was unconscious you know? And because she was unconscious she couldn't stop me from putting that beautiful bracelet on her. And I know what your thinking, "So I just take the bracelet off.", but no. There's only one thing that can take the bracelet off, it's called flamesilk, and you don't have it. You see, who ever wears it goes under the control of me. So Glory does whatever I want her to do. Oh, did I mention that it gets tighter and tighter around your neck each day? But it stops, after you choke to death.".

                 Then Snowhunter started to laugh, it was a very evil sounding laugh, that made you wish you couldn't hear. And after what Snowhunter said, Deathbringer couldn't believe it, he had Glory, and he couldn't stop it. He wanted to rip off Snowhunter's horns and stuff them down his throat. "WHY YOU-" Deathbringer started barking at Snowhunter, but he was interrupted by Snowhunter's words "Tick tock, soon enough Glory's going to choke to death. And there's not a thing you can do. She's going to die for your crimes.".

                 But before Deathbringer could respond, the cave was starting to disappear, along with everything else. Then, Deathbringer found himself back in his hut, on the bed. Deathbringer looked down at his talons, they'd been curled up into a fist. Deathbringer looked out into the window. The moon was already starting to fall. 

                 It was just a dream. Glory is fine, none of that actually happened. Deathbringer's thoughts tried to convince him, but it felt all too real. His anger, his worry, and sadness, it was all there. No, that WAS Snowhunter. And that WAS Glory. It felt all too real to be just a dream, or more like a nightmare. Glory needs my help, and fast, or before I know it, I'll be too late.

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