Yet Another Fire

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                 In the pavilion, Glory was sitting down, doing the worst thing in the world, that a queen has to do, paperwork. She sat there, looking at papers, it was so boring, most of them were just complaints from the NightWings, which was also very annoying! She couldn't figure out how Starflight did it all the time, reading and writing, all this was exhausting. She was getting bored, when Deathbringer leaned closer, putting his wing on her, she turned her head and hissed at him. She did not like being touched, sure she gave Deathbringer permission to touch her after they got married, but she still didn't like it. 

                 Deathbringer smirked at her, as he leaned onto her shoulder, Glory just scolded at him as he asked "My great queen, just what fun are you having?". Glory decided to play along with it, as she sarcastically exclaimed "Oh! It's just such a joy! I'm looking at complaints from NightWings! All powerful, all seeing NightWings!". Deathbringer smirked at her as he added "Don't forget all-handsome, and all-amazing.". Glory just rolled her eyes at him, and continued to work on her papers, and just as she was about to finish her papers, a NightWing came rolling in. "Queen Glory, the NightWing dragonets have been practicing their fire and-" the NightWing started, but Glory interrupted, annoyed by the fact that she was almost finished, and barked "AND? WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT ABOUT THIS? I'M TRYING TO FINISH THESE COMPLAINTS FROM YOU NIGHTWINGS!". 

                 Her scales were starting to turn orange, as she stood up, glaring at the NightWing, in the corner of her eye she saw Deathbringer mouth "Sorry." to the NightWing. Which made Glory sit back down, cross her arms, and roll her eyes at him. As the NightWing quietly stammered back to her "The-uh, they were-uh-", Glory once again impatiently interrupted him and yelled "WELL? SAY IT! IF YOU CAN'T SPEAK, I CAN MAKE YOU SPEAK.", she was now glaring at him, with orange and red scales starting to spread, and the NightWing had pure fear and worry in his eyes as he stared at her. This satisfied Glory, returning her scales back to normal, as the NightWing quickly said "Theclearingthedragonetswerepracticinginlitonfire, andit'sgoingtospreadifitisn'tstopped.". 

                Glory was now alarmed, but she couldn't believe what the NightWing said. Maybe I heard him wrong? Glory thought to herself hopefully as she, as calmly as she could, asked with alarm in her voice "You mind saying that again, slower?". The NightWing nodded and gathered the courage to say "The clearing the dragonets were practicing in lit on fire, and it's going to spread if it isn't stopped.". "WHAT?!" She roared at the NightWing, then green started spreading though her, as she thought. A clearing in the rainforest? That only means one thing...

                 Glory turned her head at Deathbringer, and her did the same, they both had a look of worry in their eyes. As Glory nearly whispered to him "The eggs.", they both looked at each other with dread. And without a second passing, they both flew out of the pavilion, as fast as their wings could push them, nearly knocking the NightWing over. The sun was pass it's highest point, as it was starting to fall, in the distance she could see smoke erupting into the sky, in the exact location of the eggs. Glory looked over at Deathbringer with worry clawing up her scales. She could tell that Deathbringer knew exactly what she was thinking, as she saw the same worry. 

                They both thrust themselves forward, flying as fast as they could towards the clearing, the fire, or more so, their eggs. Once they reached the clearing, they both scanned the area briefly, there was a couple of NightWing dragonets dreaming in the fire, probably about fifteen of them, and there was a couple of RainWing dragonets screaming in the trees, only three of them. And in the middle of the clearing was the large fire, Glory stared at it in horror. But brought her gaze back to Deathbringer, but before she could say anything Deathbringer said "I'll bring the dragonets to safety, you grab the eggs, make sure they're okay. Once you do, place them somewhere safe from the fire, and come back to help me with the dragonets." Glory was surprised, shocked even, she'd never seen Deathbringer so serious before, he was usually just playful, but this time was different. 

                 He was really worried about this, even his face looked serious, Glory was just too shocked to say anything, so she just nodded in response. After that, Deathrbinger dove into the edges of the fire, grabbing the as many dragonets as possible. And flying about a mile from the fire, placing them there, then it was repeat. Glory stared at Deathbringer for a while, but then shook herself back into reality, the eggs I have to go get them. She ordered herself, Glory's face became more serious as she dove into the edge of the fire. The trees were starting to burn, but not as badly as the NightWing Fire three years ago, the trees were still green with moss, but it was very slowly fading. The bushes, and small plants just added to the fire, and the fire was starting to spread, but not very fast. 

                Even though Glory was at the very edges of the fire, the heat was still punching her scales, but she kept going. The grass beneath her talons was black, crunchy, and hard on her talons, as she ran. It wasn't a very far run, because it only took about a minute to locate the tree top. Fire was already spreading up the tree, quicker than it should, but it hadn't reached the eggs, yet. The tree was kind of in the middle of the fire, it would be hard, but if she was careful, she could fly above it. Glory pushed herself up, just enough for her tail to be above the grass, then she flew through the trees the protected the clearing. As she flew, she could feel the heat pressuring against her scales, she felt as if she was going to melt, but she wasn't planning on giving up on her eggs.

                 Once Glory was just above the fire in the clearing, she easily spotted the tree top that had her eggs. But she looked at it with horror, the fire was right beneath the tree top now, at any moment it could spread and burn her eggs! Glory immediately flew right towards her eggs, but the fire was so close to her, and the smoke was everywhere making it hard to see, and it was the only air she could breathe. Glory coughed a few times, but ignored it, she needed to get her eggs before there weren't any to save. 

                 Soon Glory had found her way to the tree top, but there was now fire blocking her way to the eggs, in just a few seconds her eggs could be burned. Glory had no time to waste, she knew it would hurt terribly, but if it meant saving her eggs, she had too. Glory reached her talons through the fire, she felt like screaming, the fire pressed so hard against her scales and talons, but there was no time for that. It took Glory about a couple of minutes of burning talons and scales, coughing, and squinting to see through the smoke, but she felt it. The soft feel of her eggs in her talons, it was comforting to feel, but that comfort didn't last. 

                 As she felt the eggs, her eyelids were starting to drop, and she couldn't stay awake. And the coughing turned into gasp for air, but there wasn't any just smoke. No, I can't just pass out. Not now, my eggs need me. Glory thought to herself, and with that thought, she forced herself to take hold of the eggs. Now that she had the eggs, she had to go, she had to put them somewhere safe. With all her strength, Glory thrust herself up, and out of the fire, but she was still in the mist of the smoke. I just need to leave, anyway from the fire. Glory convinced herself, she could feel her eyelids starting to pull down, and the smoke was starting to hurt her throat. But she forced her eyes open, and ignored the pain, as she just flew forwards. She couldn't tell where she was going, the smoke seemed to follow her, but she couldn't feel the fire below her, which was good, the only burnings she felt were on her scales, and talons.

                 Soon, Glory couldn't ignore the pain, it got stronger, especially with all the smoke. Her wings were losing all their strength, and she couldn't push on. Glory was starting to fall to the ground, but she wasn't planning on crushing the eggs. So with all her strength, she did her best to carefully land onto of the ground, and place the eggs in the grass. Her vision was getting blurry, her eyelids were falling, and she was struggling to breathe as she placed down the eggs, but she managed to do so. 

                 Then she found herself rasping for air, as she fell to the ground, and everything was gone. Everything just went black, the eggs, the rainforest, everything.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now