Getting Some Help

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                 Before Glory could do anything about Deathbringer, she had to gather some help, as much as she wanted to go and save Deathbringer herself. So she decided to head to the Kingdom of Sand, to meet up with Sunny. Though, she had to take a few stops, it was a long flight there, and her wings were aching. So she took a stop at Jade Mountain, for a rest, but she knew, the longer she waited, the more time Deathbringer could be suffering. 

                Once she woke up, the stars were still shinning, but she could tell that the sun would rise soon, which meant she had to start flying, she stretched her wings, and took off. Soon, she could see the Scorpion Den below her, so she knew she was close to Sunny, and closer to saving Deathbringer. She just arrived at Thorn's place, a couple Outclaws were standing guard, but everyone in the Kingdom of Sand knew who she was, the guards gave her a small bow, and allowed her in. She rushed into Thorn's place, as fast as she could, some of the Outclaws gave her a weird look, but never questioned her. 

                 She burst through the doors, urgently looking for Sunny, remembering that she probably would be with her mother, Thorn. So she ran as fast as she could through the place, when she finally found the place where Thorn and Sunny were, it seemed they were in a conversation, but she really didn't care. 

                 "Sunny!" she yelled, even though she was in the same room, everyone looked at her, she felt awkward, but didn't let her scales show it. "Glory! Your're okay!" she said happily, hugging her, she could feel the warmth of her scales, she just wished she could let her problems melt away into her scales, but she couldn't, she pulled away from the hug. "Wait, why are you here? You have a whole Kingdom to run!" She said, as worry started to enter Sunny's face. "No, actually I don't have a kingdom to rule..." she said, shamefully. 

                 "Wait, what happened, do you mean?.." Sunny said, as she started to look even more worried. She nodded, and then as quickly as she could, she spilled it all out to Sunny. "...Then I headed here, to get your help, but not only yours, but all of us. I need to save Deathbringer, he might be endanger, and-and I can't bear to live, knowing I let him down..." She looked down at her talons, with a sad look on her face, she could feel gray colors trying to spread, but she pushed them back, and tried to look brave, and ready to do everything. 

                 "Oh, Glory, I didn't know so much could have happened... but it's going to be okay. I'm sure nothing big has happened to him, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" She had so many responses to that, Deathbringer could have been taken hostage by the NightWings, killed in the fire, killed, there was so many, but she didn't feel like arguing. She felt like saving Deathbringer. 

                 "Alright then," a voice said, it didn't come from Sunny or Glory, but Thorn. They had both forgotten that Thorn had been watching the whole conversation. "I'll send a messager, to all of the others, Tsunami, Starflight, Clay, and I might know another dragon who could help, it just might take them awhile..." Thorn said. As she walked off.

                 Later that afternoon, Sunny, Peril (She had come for Clay, since he couldn't make it), Starflight, and Tsunami were all sitting together, as Glory retold what happened. All of them were sitting down, in Thorn's palace. A fire was burning and crackling, as they all sat together. Glory had everything she needed, her friends, that was all she needed to save Deathbringer, they would help her out, just as she would do the same for any of them. 

               I'm coming Deathbringer, just you wait she thought to herself. 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now