We're Back!

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                 Glory looked up, the sun was already beginning to fall, and let the moon take its place. Glory wasn't sure what she should do, if she flew back to Clay and Peril's house, they would probably be sleeping by then, and Glory just wanted to spill everything to them.

                 That's when Glory remembered what Blossom had taught her. Glory calmed down, and focused on her memories of the stars, the animals, and the wind at night. She then took a breath, and shut her eyes, looking for a owl, she could easily see Peril and Clay through a owl. That's when she found an owl located right outside of Peril and Clause home, it was perfect. 

                 When she opened her eyes she saw the mountain side Peril and Clay lived in. She then made the owl fly towards the door, it was still open! They must have left it open when the RainWings went out for suntime she guessed. With that she made the owl fly inside of the place, first she went to Peril and Clay's room. She saw them talking, so she saw them talking, so she had the owl fly just close enough to hear them. 

                 "What if Glory was taken? What are we going to tell Deathbringer? He'll go on a whole search!" Clay said. As Peril reassured him "First off, Deathbringer just got here, like ten minutes ago, and he's resting from his flight-". Glory made the owl leave, she didn't need to hear the rest, Deathbringer was OKAY. And that was all she needed, with that she had the owl fly to the room Glory had stayed in.

                 It was locked, so Glory had to get to him through the window. She made the owl fly back out of the house, and towards the window in the room Deathbringer was staying in. Though the window, she saw Deathbringer, he looked better, way better then when Glory saw him at the Old NightWing Kingdom. 

                 Glory used the owls beak to tap on the window, and get Deathbringer's attention, after all he was woken up easily. He was taught to, because assassins had to be ready for other killers in the dead of night. Deathbringer immediately woke up to the sound, rubbing his eyes " Glory? " he asked hopefully. 

                 She made the owl tap again on the glass, Deathbringer looked straight at the owl and said "Owl, WILL YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME TO REST?! MY WINGS ARE SORE, AND I AM TRIED! SO SHUT YOUR BEAK!". Glory wanted to laugh, but if she lost focus she would lose the owl. Deathbringer got back down to sleep, when she made the owl tap it's beak on the window again.

                 Deathbringer got back up, even more annoyed he said " By the three moons, WHAT DO YOU WANT?!". She made the owl use its feathered wing to point at Deathbringer, and then in the direction she was in. "You want me to, follow you? I must be hallucinating birds can't communicate with dragons! What am I thinking?" Deathbringer said in disbelief. 

                 She had the owl tap at the window once more as Deathbringer was getting back to his rest. "Okay, I might be crazy, BUT I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU! So FINE, I will follow you! But I SWEAR, if your wasting my time!" Deathbringer said, finally giving in, as he opened and jumped out the window. Glory had the owl fly to the sky, and watched Deathbringer follow, obviously annoyed. Soon, Glory spotted herself, and had the owl fly towards her, close enough were Deathbringer could see her.

                 Glory let go of control of the owl, as Deathbringer's expression changed from annoyed to excited. He bowed down to Glory and said "My queen." as he looked up into Glory's eyes. "Just get over here you dumb NightWing!" She said, as she pulled Deathbringer closer to her, and kissed Deathbringer.  

                 Then they both reluctantly let go, and Glory said "It's about time you were done moping around about how sick you are!". " Wow, I'm so sorry that YOU left ME." Deathbringer said sarcastically, then both practically DIED of laughter. Then they calmed down and sat down, looking at the sun setting. "So how did that owl lead me to you? You got some type of animus magic I don't know about?" Deathbringer asked her not expecting her to say yes. 

                 "Well, kind of?" Glory said, as she turned her head to Deathbringer, who was sitting right beside her. "WHAT?!!" Deathbringer said, a little laugh escaped her mouth when she saw how surprised Deathbringer was. "No, no, it's not like THAT. Let me explain..." Glory started to tell Deathbringer what had happened over the course of today, "And that's how I was able to get you to me." Glory finished. Deathbringer's face expression was still as surprised as ever. 

                 "Wow, and you didn't bring me?" Deathbringer said. She smiled, "I'm heading back to Blossom's tomorrow. But the sun setting, so I should probably get some rest, before having to explain all of this to the others." Glory said, but just as she was about to fly off, Deathbringer grabbed her talons, so she sat back down. "Before we go back, one lass kiss?" Deathbringer asked hopefully, knowing that Glory couldn't say no. She said, "One lass kiss." Then they both dove into a kiss, neither of them ever wanting to let go. 

                 Once Glory pulled away, she flew off to where Clay and Peril's home, with Deathbringer right beside her.



How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now