Too Much Anger to Hold Back

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                 As they walked put of the cave, Glory was tremendously annoyed and mad very very mad. She hadn't found Deathbringer, but instead she had found her village's murder. None of the others talked her, because you don't talk to Glory when she's mad or your just asking to get killed. 

                 She all heard the others curiously asking Luna questions, but she didn't care, and didn't pay attention to it. All she wanted was Deathbringer, and thanks to Luna he might be dead, she scolded at Luna, who was flying ahead of her, they were still looking for him in the Old NightWing Kingdom, but his time Glory was in the back, instead of leading them. 

                 Now, Glory wasn't Tsunami, so she didn't hold very long grudges, and she knew she couldn't stay mad forever. But she still was mad, and she NEEDED to take it out on someone. As they continued looking, Glory saw something, or rather someone fly by, but so fast she couldn't tell what it was. It just an looked like a black glob, that zoomed by. It didn't seem like harm, and she was sure it was nothing, so she kept it to herself, and she didn't like feel like talking to others, unless it so happened to be Deathbringer.

                 But then she became, more and more cautious, as she saw the black glob zoom by them more and more, but it wasn't just one black glob, it was multiple, and each time they zoomed by, they're numbers increase. And it was every where, as if it was following them, feeling concerned for her friends, and Luna, well, not Luna, just the others she said "Guys, I think we have to be careful. I think something, or maybe even... someone.". 

                 "It too late for that my queen." Said a voice, just from the sound of the voice she could tell the person talking was evil, and dark. "Who are you?! And want do you want this us?!" Tsunami yelled angrily. "Yeah, show yourself! Or are you too SCARED of some fire? Ha!" Peril laughed, as she breathed some fire into the air.  "No, I believe the real question is, are YOU afraid of us?" Th voice said. "Us? As in... more than one?" Starflight said as worry spread in his voice, as he thought of what the voice said. 

                 "Yes, US." The dragon speaking in the dark soon arose out of the shadows, then, before they could escape, tons of more dragons appeared out of the darkness. The dragon speaking had no sign of animus magic within him, but still seemed to be a dangerous NightWing. "We've been waiting this whole time for you guys, to come here, to the Old NightWing Kingdom, using Deathbringer and Luna as bait. It was good we let you free her, because now we have you surrounded. You can say you last words, Queen Glory, Luna, Tsunami, Starflight, and Sunny. And if your curious who your killer is, the name's..." 

                 He raised his talons, and started fidgeting with his talons, then finished, and said "The name's Nightmare, you knew my father well, I hated him, for leaving to die in rain forest. He kept me secret from the world, and my mother unknown from me, but HERE I AM FATHER! DOING BETTER THAN YOU EVER DID! Sorry about that, anyway back to the point. Not a single RainWing CARED ABOUT MY LIFE, they passed by me with out a care! As if I was NOTHING! But I do thank you for leaving him to die as well Glory. And for that I will give you mercy," he signaled one of his NightWings to bring out something, or somebody. 

                The NightWing came back, with another NightWing, dragging another NightWing in chains from behind them. One who looked like they hadn't eaten in days, and very ill.  She couldn't quite make out who it was until they threw him in front of her, she covered her mouth, as she looked at the dragon in horror. "Deathbringer?!" She asked, she didn't know what to think, as green,and gray blasted on her scales, the dragon in front of her then said "My love?". 

                 Before she could react or say anything Nightmare said " Here's your choice, it's either Deathbringer, or your friends there." he pointed towards Sunny, Peril, Tsunami, Starflight, and Luna. "Your monster!" She yelled, she couldn't hold her self back, she just spiraled out of control, spraying her venom at every single on of Nightmare's NightWing soldiers.  They we're expecting this from Glory, she wasn't expecting it herself, so all of Nightmare's soldiers didn't move fast enough.

                 Every one of Nightmare's soldiers cried in pain, as Nightmare just stood in fear of Glory, but soon got his face back to a evil grin. Starflight soon got the courage to ask "Who's your father? Just out of curiosity." he then looked down at his talons, trying to avoid Nightmare's ugly grin. "Well-wel, um," Nightmare stuttered, he was trying to calm himself down everyone in the room was just as surprised at what Glory had done as she was, it was just a feeling of rage deep within her she had to get out, and couldn't hold it back anymore.  Regaining his voice, Nightmare said 

                 "My father hated you all, especially... YOU" he pointed at her, somehow finding the courage to speak to her. Then Nightmare continued saying "He's very well know actually," he said it with pride. And finally finished, when he said "His name was Morrowseer.".

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