You're NOT in Control Anymore

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Glory's Point of View

                 It'd only been a few minutes since Snowhunter fell asleep, and Glory was extremely bored. What in the world am I supposed to do?! Just SIT here all night?! I REFUSE to do so! I am A QUEEN! Who is he to do this to me?! He is a NOBODY, that's what! I mean, why is he even DOING this?! I DON'T care the three moons about that toad! Glory's thoughts yelled, as if Snowhunter could hear them, and if he did, she'd have WAY more things to say, that included his DEATH.

                 And from that point on, Glory was imagining wonderful ways for Snowhunter to die, very very painful ways. This was both entertaining and distracting for Glory as she thought about this. But it was soon until her wonderful thoughts were interrupted by the sound of wingbeats coming close. This made Glory alarmed, who's coming? And why? They're going to get themselves killed and- Glory's thoughts were interrupted when the dragon making all the noise came face-to-face with Glory.

                 She was absolutely bewildered by the sight of the handsome black dragon that came into view. Deathbringer! What! How could you be so stupid! He knows that I can't just do what I want anymore! I'm under Snowhunter's control! He should know that I could KILL HIM, and I don't want to! Though, I'll never say it to his face, that's giving just it to him to easy. Glory's thoughts wanted to yell at Deathbringer.

                 He was worried, Glory could tell from the look on his face, they'd been together long enough to know how the other felt. But he was also angry, which is also how Glory felt, VERY angry. But Glory had no way of showing it, right now, her face was expressionless, but she knew it wouldn't be very long until she ended up attacking Deathbringer. "Glory..." the single word escaped his mouth, as he stared at her, she wanted to say YES? I'M RIGHT HERE! Unless you happen to know another Glory that's staring at you.

                 She tried, with all her strength, but her mouth wouldn't budge. Then only seconds later, Glory founder herself leaping towards Deathbringer, with talons extended, and her mouth open wide. This took Deathbringer by surprise, and now they were both falling down. Deathbringer's wings were all over the place, and Glory was slowly digging her claws deeper and deeper into his chest. As Deathbringer said "Glory! After everything, you're really doing this? You should know better than this." as those words left his mouth, his smug little smirk clawed on his face.

                 Glory almost found herself laughing, but a small smile crept on her face, but quickly ran away from her. Oh my moons! I ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING! Something that Snowhunter didn't TELL me to do! Come on Deathbringer! With more of your dumbness, I'll be back in no time! Glory's thoughts exclaimed, but she wasn't the only one to notice that small smile, Deathbringer did too. Which made his smirk even bigger, which, for the record, Glory had no idea that was possible!

                 After those few moments of falling, and staring at each other, words began to whisper into her head, words that weren't her own, more evil sounding, and made her want to scream. Kill him, kill him, kill him! The words got louder and louder, Glory couldn't even control herself to it anymore, it's like it just took her over. And then, before anymore could happen, Deathbringer did some kind of maneuver to escape her hold. 

                 Deathbringer was still smirking at her as he moved anyway from her hold. There was little marks in his shoulders, where blood was trickling down, but he didn't seem to notice. As he moved away, Deathbringer was now flying above her, and she flew over until she found herself right beside him. Then, with the push of her wings, she dove down, right beside a river of lava, and Deathbringer followed her there.

                 Once he landed, she spat her venom right towards his face, but he quickly dodged her attack. "Did you really think I'd go down that easily?" Deathbringer asked, with his smug face still on. Glory's thoughts started, yes! I did! It's not like-, her thoughts quickly came to a halt. Kill him, kill him, KILL HIM! Those evil words wouldn't even let her think, it was all that came to her mind. And those evil words were spreading, throughout her whole body. There wasn't a thing she could do anymore, nothing.

                 After those thoughts, Deathbringer came charging at her, tackling her to the ground. With his talons slightly drug into her shoulders, so she couldn't escape. And before venom could be sprayed all over his snout, Deathbringer bashed his snout on hers. There was a large amount of pain all though her snout, each time she opened it, just a little, a strong pain forced it back shut. "Sorry." Deathbringer said with a little guilt in his voice after doing that, and he gave her a look that meant it. 

                 While he was distracted, that voice, or more specifically the necklace, took that chance. As she rolled over, causing Deathbringer to topple off of her and fall down. Then she got back up, though the necklace couldn't use her venom now, it seemed to have other ideas. Deathbringer was now also getting back up, and now he was on the very edge of the flowing lava. The necklace took this as an opportunity, and had her charge to Deathbringer while he was still getting up.

                 Glory now knew just exactly what the necklace was going to make her do, it was planning on pushing him right into the lava. And Glory knew that there was no way Deathbringer was going to dodge this one. And just imaging him dying, because of her. She couldn't let this happen, she wouldn't let this happen, not as long as she was still breathing.

                 Deathbringer must have realized it too, because he was no just standing there, knowing that it was too late. So with all of the strength she had left, to forced herself to a stop. She forced her talons into the ground, and luckily for her, she stopped right in front of Deathbringer. But she didn't have anytime to pay attention to him, as she staggered back, the necklace around her tried to pull her towards Deathbringer. But she refused, and yelled in a very scaring tone, that she didn't know she had "NO!". 

                 And the necklace stopped, it just dropped, back around her neck. Glory was proud of herself for the accomplishment, and now that everything was back to normal. Deathbringer ran to her with open arms, and hugged her very tightly, and cried with joy. As he drug his face into her shoulder, tears were starting to fall down his face as he whispered "Glory, your okay.". 

                 She smiled back down at Deathbringer who still had his face dug in her shoulder. Then she said "Well, of course I'm okay! I'm right here perfectly-", she stopped. She couldn't talk anymore, and Deathbringer pulled away from Glory very alarmed. The necklace, it was getting tighter around her neck, too tight. She found herself rasping for air, she couldn't breathe. And the necklace kept on digging into her neck, and her breathing stopped. She couldn't, she couldn't do anything, as she flew down to the floor, she saw Deathbringer run up to her with worry in his eyes. 

                 And as the necklace pulled tighter, everything once again went dark. The lava, Deathbringer, the whole kingdom, it disappeared.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now