The Visitors

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                 "Wait, so your saying a FLAMESILK did all this? Before I get rid of Pantala, please tell me what a flamesilk is again." Glory said angrily, as she stared at Tsunami. Starflight then, absent mindedly answered Tsunami's question for Glory, while still studying the flamesilk "Flamesilk is a type of silk that burns everything it touches, like Peril's scales." Peril blushed at that from overhead, while acting very proud to have this ability. Starflight continued, "Only SilkWings can have flamesilk, but it isn't very common for it to happen, and this WAS a very valuable item on Pantala, because it was the only source of fire." he finished, finally taking his eyes off the silk.

                 "Well, TSUNAMI EXPLAIN. YOU WERE THE ONE THAT HAS SPENT THE MOST TIME ON PANTALA, WHO DID IT? WHO'S LOOKING TO GET BEAT UP?!" Glory asked, she was getting very impatient, she wanted answers , and she wanted them NOW. "Well-" Tsunami started to say, but then they were interrupted by the sounds of wingbeats over them. Glory looked up, to what she thought was a dragon-sized butterfly, two giant leaf, and a bee of some kind. They were coming towards them, she looked back at Tsunami who was getting excited?

                 As the things in the sky got closer, she could now tell it was three dragons, ones from Pantala, it was two LeafWings, one HiveWing, and a SILKWING. The HiveWing and the SilkWing looked completely surprised and devastated about the setting they just landed in, while the LeafWings didn't seem to care, except for the one with the lighter green scales, she seemed, sad? What if they were the ones who took Deathbringer? She had to be ready, so she got in position to attack, but when they landed, Tsunami went running to one of the LeafWings, the one with the clam and sad expression on her face, who had light green scales with darker green here and there, giving them a large hug. 

                 "Heyyyyyyyyy! What are you guys doing in Pyrrhia?" Tsunami asked, once she finished hugging the LeafWing. But, instead of the LeafWing Tsunami hugged responding, it was the LeafWing with the more angry expression on her face, holding pouches on her chest with dark green and yellowish scales who stepped closer, and flared her wings, like telling Tsunami to back off. Then she harshly responded to that question, saying "We came because we care for Blue, Luna went missing, and left a note signaling she ran off to the NightWings-" Glory interrupted her, and frankly, she didn't care, all she wanted was answers, and it sounded like she had them "A SilkWing ran to THE NIGHTWINGS, say, any chance she was a... flamesilk?".

                 All of the Pantalan dragons stood there, looking at her, wide eyed. She didn't like the awkwardness, so to break the silence, she impatiently said " Well? I'm waiting for an answer, I don't have FOREVER you know, I still have to save Deathbringer!". Then the beautiful dragon, the SilkWing, who she suspected was Blue, because of the Blue scales he had spoke very urgently, saying "Yes, do you know her? Or even better yet, where I can find her?" Then the HiveWing spoke asking "It's fine if you know, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, are you Queen Glory?". 

                 " Yes, why do you care?" Glory spat at the HiveWing. All of them gave her a bow, except for the mad LeafWing, until the other LeafWing singled her to bow, and she reluctantly followed, she could never get used to this. Then, after they finished bowing, the HiveWing said "Queen Thorn sent us, to help you, but it turns out, you'll also be helping us. Because it sounds like you know where Luna is." Glory was confused, WHO IN THE WORLD WERE THESE DRAGONS? Apparently Tsunami could tell how confused she was, Sunny and Starflight too.

                 "How about we start with introductions? This is Willow, and her wife Sundew," Tsunami said pointing at the LeafWings, Sundew blushed when Tsunami called her Willow's wife. "And then, this is Blue, he's a flamesilk, and this is Cricket, they're engaged!!! But that's not the point, for now. They all helped me and Turtle when we went to Pantala, and we helped them in return, with the whole 'the Tree Wars are happening again!' thing. And Luna is Blue's sister, she's also a flamesilk, she's the one the Jerboa III found on the beach that day, you remember?" Now that she thought about it, she did remember, embarrassed she said "Yeah."

They all just stood there in awkward silence, all they could hear was Peril's wingbeats, until she finally sat down in the dead and burnt grass. That was until Sundew broke that silence, "So are just gonna sit here and stare at each other? Or save this Deathbringer guy, and oh, I don't know, but EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!!!" Glory silently laughed, she loved the anger within Sundew, and her sarcasm. Then Tsunami said "PLEASE! We DO NOT need another Glory, we have enough sarcasm." Then everyone burst into laughs, once we were all calmed down, Glory told them what happened, in hopes that Queen Thorn had sent them the right dragon s to help her.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now