Off to Find Snowhunter

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Deathbringer's Point of View

                 It was now morning, Deathbringer decided not to go back to sleep, knowing he'd have nightmares. And now he was flying off to the pavilion, to do whatever he needed to do today. But it was still early in the morning, and it wasn't likely that any of the RainWings were up. 

                 I could just take sometime to look for Glory... Deathbringer's thoughts suggested, this caused Deathbringer to stop and think for a moment in the air. Besides, no one is awake. And I should be back soon, and Glory needs me more than these RainWings. Deathbringer's thoughts convinced him. Plus, I miss Glory's sarcasm and the way that she calmed me down. Made me feel like I had something to hang onto, and help me when I needed the most. And the way that she hid her love from him, terribly in my opinion, no one could resist loving ME. Deathbringer thought to himself, these thoughts made him proud.

                 Deathbringer found himself smiling, as he turned around and dove down into the rainforest. Carefully scanning the area for any threats. Deathbringer of then found himself in the shelter of of the rain forest canopy. Alright, now I have no idea where I am, but I'm somewhere, ain't I? Deathbringer told himself confidently, as he started pacing around. 

                  Great job Deathbringer! You just dove into the rainforest with no idea of where you were! So smart of you! The Glory in his thoughts told him sarcastically. Why thank you, your right, I am smart, very smart. Deathbringer's thoughts thanked the Glory in his thoughts. Oh great! I'm talking to a fake Glory in my head! What is happening to me?! Deathbringer yelled at himself. 

                 Deathbringer shook himself back into reality, "Focus!" he ordered himself. "Let's see. While Snowhunter was visiting me in my dreams, I was in a cave..." Deathbringer said to himself, deep in thought. Ha! Snowhunter, thinking your so smart! I know just exactly where you are now. Deathbringer's thoughts exclaimed. Oh, Snowhunter isn't smart, but you are? The Glory in his head asked. Just as Deathbringer was going to reply to that comment, he shook himself out of it.

                 "Stop thinking about Glory, and actually save her!" Deathbringer ordered himself. And with those words, he flew up and out of the shelter of the rainforest. He scanned the area, looking for the NightWing village. It wasn't very far from Deathbringer, so he flew right to it. As he looked down into the village, only a few of the NightWings were actually up. A couple of dragonets were playing, and a few more of the older dragons were doing other things. 

                Deathbringer then dove down into the far side of the village, wanting to avoid most of the NightWing's mean glares and rude comments. But it didn't take long for him to spot what he was looking for, the entrance. The entrance to the Old NightWing Kingdom, where Snowhunter would be hiding. It was the only possible place Snowhunter could be hiding, since he couldn't have gotten far from the last time they were face-to-face.

                  It was the only place in the rain forest to have a cave. Deathbringer stared into the entrance, as a flood of memories came back to him, all his memories of this horrible place. So many bad things had happened there, now that I really think about it, this is like the place where all bad guys go. Deathbringer realized as he stared into the darkness of the entrance. Deathbringer took a breath, and stepped in.

                 Once Deathbringer found himself on the other side of the entrance, a sting of realization hit him in the face. Now that I'm here, where exactly do I start? Deathbringer sighed, it was such a big place, what were the chances of finding Snowhunter in a cave he's in? There were so many caves here! Deathbringer! Stop complaining! This is no time for complaining! His thoughts ordered him, and Deathbringer agreed with those thoughts. 

                 Well, even if it takes me years to find her, I will. Deathbringer told himself, but then another realization struck his mind. YEARS! What are you thinking?! Glory doesn't have years! She'd choke to death before you found her if it took YEARS! And by then, the eggs would hatch to no mother! Deathbringer was saddened by the thought of that, what if I don't get Glory in time? One of this thoughts qeustioned, but another thought reminded him. Don't think like that, you WILL get Glory! And everything WILL be okay! And those eggs, OUR eggs, WILL have a mother! 

                  With those thoughts of encouragement Deathbringer flew off, more confident in finding Glory than before. 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now