Two Tribes, Too Hard

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Deathbringer's Point of View

                 Deathbringer ran as fast as he could to Glory. She's unconscious right now! That is a very unfair advantage! If Glory WASN'T unconscious you'd be dead in a second! I need to get to her, but it seems like this IceWing has animus magic on his side. Ugh!! This is NOT COOL Snowhunter! Deathbringer's thoughts complained as he ran to Glory. But by the time he made it, it was too late, Glory was gone now, and so was the HORRIBLE EXCUSE FOR AN ICEWING. 

                 Deathbringer hit his fist to the ground, Glory was gone now! And Deathbringer didn't do a single thing, he couldn't do a single thing. "Ugh. Why does my past have to smack me in the face?" Deathbringer complained to himself. Then he remembered, the fire! I have to clear that out, as much as I would love to put an icicle down Snowhunter's throat, I can't. At least not right now, I have to take care of the fire before it spreads to the NightWing village, and then the RainWing's village. With that thought, Deathbringer reluctantly stretched his wings a bit, and flew off. 

                 The smoke was hard to see though, but Deathbringer found his way around it. Once he spotted the NightWing village, he dove down into it. He didn't have time to explain to the NightWings about the fire, he just yelled "Gather water! As much as you can! And pour it down into the clearing, into the fire!". All of the NightWings who heard him nodded, without question. Some went into it right away, others went to tell others, until all the NightWings were holding large buckets of water, and flying towards the smoke. 

                  It looked like a big black storm in the sky, all of them were holding large buckets of water, dumping them into the fire. And then rushing back to get more water, it was the same process, over and over, after a while the smoke was dying down, and the fire finally cleared out. Once it did, he started flying over to the RainWing village, as Deathbringer realized something halfway there. The RainWings, and the NightWings, Glory isn't here right now. They don't have a queen, for now. But until then, it's MY responsibility for them, I'm their king. I mean, it can't be as hard as Glory says it is, right? 

One Day Later...

                 Deathbringer was wrong, VERY VERY WRONG. Being ruler was just as hard as Glory said, maybe even harder. Sure it'd only been a day, but the rain forest was an inch away from chaos. Yesterday Deathbringer had all the tribes, RainWings and NightWings, gather, and told them what had happened to their queen. All the dragons after that were going crazy, expect for some of the NightWings, they didn't seem to care. And ever since that happened, the dragons were harder to keep under control. 

                 Today, Deathbringer was sitting down in the pavilion, doing paperwork. How does Glory DO this? About 89% of this paperwork is complaints, and 70% of that 89 are from the NightWings! And that other 19% of paperwork is from the RainWings! AND 11% of this is just junk! Deathbringer complained to himself, he decided to take a break with the paperwork, and put his focus on saving Glory, besides, that was way more important than this. 

                 He looked over around the pavilion, until he spotted a RainWing. There was one reading a couple of scrolls in the far corner, what is he doing here, can't he read scrolls somewhere else? Wait, has he been here the WHOLE time? Deathbringer started to ask himself, but then pushed those questions aside, and ordered "Hey! You, yeah RainWing!". The RainWing looked over at him confused, and kind of sad? That didn't matter he told himself as he ordered "Go get all our soldiers, assassins, and dragons in that category, both NightWing and RainWing. And tell them all to come and meet me in the center of the RainWing village. Got it?".

                 The RainWing nodded back at him in response, and then hurriedly ran off, and out of the pavilion. Deathbringer than ran off to the middle of the RainWing village, he only knew what that was only because of Glory. Glory had grabbed his arm and dragged him into the village, showing him the entire village. He loved listening to the way Glory reacted to his snarky comments, and her sarcasm when she talked. Glory showed him the whole village once he started to live there, and that's when she showed me the center of the village. The place where RainWings gather, both young and old, to have fun. Everyone knew where it was, that's mainly why Deathbringer choose it, also because he couldn't figure out where else to go. 

                 In the middle of the village, all of the dragons had already gathered there. I must have been so focused on Glory, that I didn't realize that I'm LATE! What am I doing! Do something! Deathbringer's thoughts ordered him, so first he took a look around, there was a lot more dragons then he thought. It was actually mostly RainWingsAnd to think, RainWings are one of the most LAZIEST dragons I've ever encountered. And about 70% of these dragons are RAINWINGS! I mean, what happened to all the NightWing assassins?! Deathbringer's thoughts questioned him. But Deathbringer had to focus on what he was doing at the moment. 

                 "Um, attention!" Deathbringer tried, but no one seemed to hear his words, Deathbringer was a little embarrassed. But then thought, let's see, if Glory was here, what would she do? Oh! I know! A threat! That's definitely something Glory would do! "LISTEN UP! OR I SWEAR I'LL BE THE VERY LAST DRAGON YOU EVER SEE." Deathbringer yelled, this snapped everyone's attention at Deathbringer. That actually worked! I should do that more often, no wonder they all listen to Glory so well! Way to go Deathbringer. Deathbringer's thoughts congratulated him. Deathbringer cleared his throat, and ordered "I want a team of the best looking for Glory. You should find her with an IceWing, this IceWing has tons of bracelets on his arms, and goes by the name of Snowhunter. You have to be careful, the bracelets he wears seem to hold animus magic. And I want Snowhunter KILLED.".

                 And with that Deathbringer turned his head over to Treefall, he only knew Treefall from all the days when Deathbringer tried to teach the RainWings and NightWings about killing. Long story short, Deathbringer ended giving up, and gave Treefall the job of doing so. And it turned out great, because now we have a whole bunch of dragons who know who to kill dragons of all different tribes, just in case. "It would be great if you could put the best dragons together for me. If you don't mind Treefall." Deathbringer told Treefall, and he nodded back in response. 

                 Deathbringer spent the rest of the day doing paperwork, which was the last thing Deathbringer wanted to do. He wanted to go and help find Glory, but he had to run these two tribes. Especially with their problems, it seemed like every single five minutes there was a new problem. Dumber than the last! Like how is that even possible?! Earlier today, a RainWing came in complaining that he had to grab the fruits off the tree, when they should fall for him! How does that even make any sense?!

                 Deathbringer looked out the pavilion, the sun was falling, and the moons were starting to wake up. Goodbye paperwork! Deathbringer's thoughts cheered, as he left the pavilion. The wind was exhilarating on his scales, it felt like the whole world was to slow to catch up with him. And it felt nice and cool as it swept past his scales. But that feeling didn't last very long, because Deathbringer soon found himself standing in front of his and Glory's hut.

                 Once Deathbringer reached the bed, he just collapsed on top of it. Deathbringer was extremely tried, taking care of two tribes all at once is harder than you'd think. Especially when those tribes just so happened to be RainWings and NightWings. Deathbringer closed his eyes, as he started to drift off to sleep, his thoughts whispered to him. Glory is going to be okay, Snowhunter is going to die, and everything will be back to normal. Just as they were of what seems like months ago, was only a couple days back.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now