Taking a Rest at Peril and Clay's

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                 It had been at the dead night when Glory and Peril left the others. The sky was dark, only two moons were left to light the sky, while the other one hid away, and only a few stars shined in the night sky. 

                 It was a long flight to Peril's and Clay's place, but the wind felt wonderful, especially on her wing that had been burned. And Peril looked so happy to be going home to Clay, they were gone looking for Deathbringer and Luna for a couple of days now. So when they got closer to Peril and Clay's place, the sun had started to wake up.

                 Before she knew it, Peril said very excitingly "Alright, were here!", she then pointed her talon towards an area surrounded by trees, in the the mountain. Glory and Peril then flew dove down into the trees, and from there Peril lead the way, as she speedily walked forwards. 

                 There wasn't a whole lot of trees, and they weren't as clumped together, like they were in the rain forest, so Peril could easily walk through, without setting anything on fire. Soon they arrived at a door, that was on the mountain? Peril immediately opened the door without a knock. 

                 "I'm home Clay!" Peril announced as she walked in the house, it looked like a cave, but it seemed to have been redone, and it looked pretty cool. As she stepped into their house, Clay ran up to Peril, hugging her so tight, you'd think that Peril would pop! Glory was so happy to see how happy Clay was with Peril, there was a big smile on his face when he saw Peril, and Peril was  clearly happy to be with Clay again. 

                 "Hey Peril!" Clay said as he let go of Peril, "I missed you so much! You were gone for quite the while." Clay said. "Was I really?" Peril said in disbelief of what Clay said. They both looked at each other and smiled, as Clay gave Peril a kiss on her cheek. "Oh and I brought Glory with me." Peril informed Clay. He looked over to Glory, and said "Hey Glory, it's been awhile, being queen of the RainWings and all." Glory's face dimmed when Clay said that, that when Clay remembered what had happened, and quickly said "Uh, I mean, what I mean to say, was uh, how's Deathbringer? Yeah, how is he?". 

                 Glory's face got even more sad then before, she had forgotten about Deathbringer, all she could do was hope that he was going to be okay. Peril then mouthed no to Clay, and he understood what Peril was trying to say. Clay got the gesture, and then said "The RainWings have been doing okay, right now I think they're just waking up.". Glory then remembered why she came here, for the RainWings, and then remembered Kinkajou, and asked hopefully "How Kinkajou? Is she okay?". Clay's face brightened, realizing he finally said the right thing to Glory, he replied "Yup! Kinkajou is okay, and is good as new, Taramin was so happy. I'll go tell them that your here". As he left, Peril followed close behind, and whispered "We have to work on that.". 

                 Glory patiently waited for Peril and Clay to come back with the RainWings. As she waited, she observed their home, there was a kitchen to the left of her, and a dinning space to the right of it, kind of concealed in its own space, but there was no doors to actually serrate it, just three walls. On the other side of the wall was a desk full of fireproofed papers, and pencils everywhere, with a cute little lamp that lit up the area on the desk, it was probably the most messiest space in their home. And by the desk was bookshelves, full of books and loose papers. In front of the kitchen area was a living space, where there was a couch, a table, and a TV screen. To the left of that was a door, that was most likely Clay and Peril's room. Then if you were to keep walking from the kitchen forward, past the dinner area, there was a little hallway, in it was a half bath,  and on the other side of it was a space where it lead into two extra rooms, with their own doors, it was the way Peril and Clay headed.   

                 Soon, Peril and Clay came back from the rooms, and walked back towards Glory, with the RainWings close behind. Once Peril and Clay let them though, they all came running at her, and hugged her, very tight, and Peril and Clay smiled at her, as they watched her getting hugged by all three of the RainWings. "Alright, alright. Can you let go of me now?" Glory said, but she was still happy to see them. "But we missed you sooo much!" Jambu said, still hugging her. "If you don't let go, your about to miss me way more." She said to Jambu, as he then let go of her, with Kinkajou and Taramin doing the same. 

                 "Did you save Deathbringer?" Taramin asked curiously. "Yeah, WE did, all of us, Peril," Glory said as Peril smiled sheepishly, and Clay smiled at her, Glory then continued saying "Sunny, Starflight, Tsunami, Sundew, Cricket, Blue, and Willow.". Then Glory remembered Nightmare, and was curious if he had DIED, so she asked "Hey, uh, what happened to Nightmare, please tell me you BURNED HIM TO ASHES.". All the RainWings looked at her confused, remembering the didn't know who Nightmare was, she said "I'll explain later." to them, as they nodded back in agreement. 

                 "Oh, Tsunami took him away to the Kingdom of the Sea to be punished dearly, and I can PROMISE you, you will NEVER see him again, not after what I told Tsunami to do with him..." Peril said, as she grinned at that promise. "GOOD." Glory said in relief. "Now that that's out of the way, another problem, what am I going to do with you guys." she said as she looked at the rest of her RainWings. "Well, you could stay at our place, until you can make some type of plan." Clay said to help. Glory looked at Clay with a smile, she was going to thank him, but Clay already knew what Glory meant to say by the look in her eyes. 

                "Alright then, this way." Peril said, as she lead them to the two extra rooms down the little hallway. Glory took the other room, and the rest of the RainWings stayed in the other. Both rooms had their own bathrooms, but they were also empty, since no one had used them, which was fine with Glory. She sat in the room looking out the large window, and saw that the sun was already at it's highest point, which meant it was suntime. And she was sure the other RainWings noticed, because she heard them go outside to sleep. Glory said in her temporary room, looking up at the sun through the window. 

                 I'm going to get though this, I am the Queen, and I can't let my RainWings down, I can't let Deathbringer down, she thought, as she stared at the sun, and let herself drift to sleep. 

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