Saving the Dragonets

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Deathbringer's Point of View

                He dove into the rain forest, taking one last look at Glory as he flew in. He was extremely worried, and just wanted to scream, but there was no time for that. And he secretly wanted to go with Glory, and get the dragonets later, he wanted to protect her and the eggs. But I know that Glory can get the eggs herself, she is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay. Glory was a queen after all! What could Glory not do? Deathrbinger thought to himself as he flew down, but he pushed his thoughts aside as he landed in the edges of the clearing, out of the fire. "I just need to get the dragonets. They need me more right now, Glory can take care of herself." Deathbringer said to himself. 

                 The grass was blackened and hard, underneath his claws, with each step he heard a crunching noise escape the grass. And the heat from the fire was pressing on his scales, but it was only going to get hotter as he went. Deathbringer was running at a good pace, soon enough, his running lead him to the dragonets screaming. It was hard to see just where they were in all the smoke, but he spotted them. 

                 There was three NightWing dragonets in the grass, next to a tree, surrounded by fire. They all were screaming very loud, and there was a RainWing dragonet in the tree above them crying. Deathbringer went for the RainWing first, he cautiously flew up to the thick branch the RainWing dragonet was on. Deathbringer wasn't exactly sure how to handle a crying dragonet. When he was a dragonet, if he ever cried, Quickstrike would slap him right across the face her tail, and yell at him for it. It used to scare his tears right off, but he couldn't do that with this dragonet, so he decided to make it up as he went.

                 "Um, dragonet?" Deathbringer asked, and as soon as he said that the RainWing whipped around, she had tears falling everywhere. Deathbringer was now even more worried than before, how can you be crying THIS much? And how exactly am I supposed to deal with you like THIS?! Deathbringer asked himself, then he looked over to the fire, he didn't have much time, he had to hurry. So in a rush he said "You have come with me NOW, unless you want to die.". This made the dragonet cry even more, "Um, uh." Deathbringer said as he thought of exactly how to handle this.

                  Uh! There's absolutely NO time for this! Deathbringer thought to himself, if she wasn't going to stop crying, oh well. Deathbringer grabbed the dragonet in his talons, and started to fly away from the fire. She was actually EXTREMELY heavy, it felt like he was carrying a hundred pounds! And every now and then she would try to attack him, and it was very annoying. "You are so annoying! I'm trying to save your life! And this is the thanks I get?" Deathbringer spat at the RainWing.

                 This, once again, made the dragonet cry. And this was utterly annoying, if she wasn't attacking, she was crying. This annoyed Deathbringer so much, he could claw her to pieces! Soon, Deathbringer realized that he was far enough from the fire, the murderous thoughts had distracted him the way here. "There, now don't go back to the fire, or I'm not saving you!" Deathbringer nearly yelled at the RainWing, as he dropped her onto the ground. And then she broke down crying, again.

                 "OH MY THREE MOONS! WILL YOU SHUT IT UP?!" Deathbringer yelled, and with that he flew off, back to the fire. Not taking one single glance at the RainWing as he flew back to the fire, he went as fast as he could. Partly to get as far away from that little RainWing as possible, partly to get as close as HR could to Glory, and partly because the dragonet needed his help. 

                 Once Deathbringer made it back to the edges of the clearing, he walked, at a pretty fast pace, to the other three NightWing dragonets. Once he spotted then in the smoke of the fire, he called to them "Hey! Over here!". Then the dragonets quit their crying, and turned their heads around to Deathbringer. And he once again called "Hey! Over here!" to the dragonets. 

                 Deathbringer, as carefully as he could, flew over to the dragonets and said "Come on! Fly up, and follow me!". But then the dragonet to the left, who had a very messy star pattern on her wings, and had purple scales dotted here and there, called out and said "Constellations got burned on his wing! He can't fly!". Deathbringer nodded, and grabbed Constellations's talons, and pulled him up. He wasn't as heavy as that very annoying RainWing, but still too heavy for those dragonets to carry.

                 He heard the dragonet whisper "Thank you." to him, Deathbringer just gave him a smile, as he set the dragonet down in the grass, out of the fire. Once he place Constellations down, the other dragonets flew out of the fire. From there they had to walk, as they walked forwards, with him in the lead, the grass got softer beneath his talons. And the trees were in amazing shape, like they should be. 

                 Deathbringer turned around, the eruption of smoke was far enough from the dragonets. "You'll be safe here." Deathbringer said to the dragonets, as the girl nodded back to him. And then Deathbringer once again flew off, towards the fire. Eventually, he'd gotten all fifteen NightWings, and the other two RainWings. In the end of it all, Deathbringer found himself back in the edges of the clearing. His wings were extremely sore, and the heat was starting to build up against his scales. But at least he was used to smoke, since that's how it was in The Old NightWing Kingdom, so he could at least breathe in it. 

                 Then a thought struck through his mind like lightning. Where's Glory and the eggs? She was supposed to come and help me after she brought the eggs to safety. Deathbringer thought in horror at all the possibilities, she could be dead! Along with the eggs! What kind of partner am I? Deathbringer's thoughts yelled at him. "I need to find Glory and the eggs." Deathbringer said to himself. And with that said, he ran off, as fast as he could, to the other edges of the clearing. 

                 The fire was spreading, very fast, and his scales were practically burning, or at least it felt like that. But he couldn't, and wouldn't stop. Soon, Deathbringer spotted the tree top Glory had hid the eggs in. It's on FIRE! What if the eggs are BURNING in there?! No, no, no. I can-I have to trust that Glory brought them to safety, she'd NEVER give up. Deathbringer thought o himself, he had to believe that Glory did it. But then another thought crossed his mind. If Glory did get the eggs, then where is she? And why hasn't she came back?

                 Deathbringer was now more worried, if he was a RainWing, his scales would be covered in all types of green. Deathbringer ran, as fast as possible, he had no idea where he was going, but he knew Glory had to be somewhere. He just kept running, with the thought of Glory and the eggs keeping him going, running and running, with the smoke above him. It was as if it was guiding him to her, but there was no way that was actually that case-, his thoughts were interrupted, and he came to a skidding stop. There she was, Glory, she was just lying there, on the ground, with the eggs in front of her.   

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now