Making a Plan

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                 "I could BURN THEM ALL TO ASHES! The NightWings I mean, because THEY CAN AND WILL BE PUNISHED" Peril said angrily, once Glory finished telling them what had happened. "I think there'd be some more logical explanation for the NightWing's actions. I mean I can kind of see where they were coming from-" Starflight was saying, when Tsunami interrupted him saying "ARE YOU SAYING THAT YOU ARE SIDING WITH THE NIGHTWINGS!!! AFTER ALL THIS, YOU THINK WHAT THEY DID ISN'T WRONG!!!". Then quietly Starflight said "No, actually I never said that. What they did was wrong, it's just, it's important to understand the otherside of the story...". Tsunami, being as slow as she is, was just realizing she was scaring her friend,  she said " Ughhh! Look, Starflight, I'm sorry for that, I'm just SOOO MAD!" she said.  "It's okay." Starflight said, as though he was used to this kinds of things.

                 Then Sunny asked "What caused the rain forest to light a fire?" With that question, everyone got silent, that was the one question that hadn't been asked, that everyone was now so curious about.  All of them stared at Glory, waiting for an answer, one that she... did not have. Purple started to creep onto her, she was kind of ashamed that she hadn't ask Jambu or Taramin that. "Well... I'm not exactly sure. I only got into the village AFTER the fire started. I was only able to save three RainWings... the rest... didn't-didn't make it..." She said as the number of purple increased, and gray also started spread. 

                She looked down at her talons, actually taking a moment to think about what had just happened. She really only had FIVE RainWings left in her tribe, including her, but who knows if Kinkajou will actually make it? She BARELY survived that fire. And then there was Deathbringer, what if he was already dead?

                 Her friends seemed to notice her worried expressions, as if they could read her mind. Sunny then said "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure Deathbringer is fine, he can take care of himself, besides he's a trained ASSASSIN. He'll live." Sunny did have a point, this brought Glory hope. She raised her head, and stopped fidgeting with talons, then looked to the sky. Then saying "Yeah, I guess your right Sunny."

                 "Now that we're done with the pity party for Glory, what's the plan? How are we planning to do this?" Tsunami said. Then we all sat in silence, trying to come up with some type of idea, with Starlight's face lit up. He then said "Well, it would make the most of sense to look around the rain forest first, wouldn't it? That's where you lost Deathbringer, that's where the fire was, that's where the NightWings live, I think. And the fire on the rain forest should be out by now, at sometime in the morning, so I propose that we start there."

                 Starflight's point did make since, and was the best they had came up with, or at least better then Peril's. Soon she heard Tsunami and Sunny agree with Starflight's idea, so she agreed with them. The only one who objected was Peril, saying "Well, I think my idea of BURNING THEM ALL INTO ASHES is better, but I guess I don't have a choice...". 

                 "Looks like we all agree, so that's the plan. Tomorrow morning, at first light we put it into motion, it's about only half a day's ride there, IF WE DON'T STOP. So get as much sleep as possible, you're gonna need it." Glory said. Then, getting into a comfortable position, she drifted off the sleep with all the others.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now