In the NightWing's Territory

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                 Glory dove down to the NightWing village, only to discover that it was in even worse condition than the RainWing village. She stared at it with horror, the homes were all ruined, all that was left was only pieces of what was once there, and it was all burnt black. It looked as if you were to touch it, it would crumble into pieces. She could tell that Sunny, Willow, Starflight, Cricket and Blue all felt the same way from the looks on there faces. While Peril, Sundew, and Tsunami didn't seem to care a bit. 

                 "Serves them right." Tsunami said as she walked over the remains of homes. Peril just stomped all over then ground and said "HA! That's RIGHT!". Sunny looked as if she would burst into tears, as she turned away, and said "This isn't right, sure what they did was wrong, but they didn't deserve this...". Starflight gave Sunny a hug trying to cheer her up, and Sunny gave him a small smile. "Wow, Luna really DID NOT like being captured, seeming that she did all this, remind me never to get on her bad side. Where was she when we were all up against the Breath of Evil and Queen Wasp?" She said, both amused and surprised at the setting, as she picked up a piece of what looked like to be a drawing, and watched it crumble in her talons. 

                 "Luna, really? How could have she done all this? On purpose? She would never, not in a million years!" Blue said as he stared at Sundew in disbelief. "I'm sorry to say this Blue, but Sundew is right." Cricket held up a piece of flamesilk that she had found on the ground, and showed Blue. His determined face soon turned into a face of worry as he looked at the silk "No! It can't be! Luna would never!" Blue said, but it was obvious that he believed Cricket, because Blue started to break down into tears. "Hey, come on Blue, its okay." Cricket said, as Blue lifted his face to her, " I'm sure Luna had her reasons." Cricket wiped off Blue's tears, "Yeah, I guess your right." Blue said, losing the worry and sadness in his voice. 

                 "Well, it seems like there's nothing here..." Willow said losing the hope in her voice. "Well, there might be another place, a place where they could be holding Luna and Deathbringer, right now." Starflight said. "Of course! Where else would it be!" Glory said, now realizing where Starflight was talking about. She turned to look at Starflight, then Sunny and Tsunami's also lit up, they knew too. "Well? Is it some kind of secret? We don't have forever you know." Peril said impatiently. Then all in sync, they said "The Old NightWing Kingdom!". 

                 "And what's that exactly?" Cricket asked. Glory just realized that Cricket, or any of the others knew what that was, except for Peril, she knew, but never really cared. "It's where the NightWings used to live, with their own queen, Queen Battlewinner. It was before the volcano on their island erupted, Glory saved all the NightWings, but there was a price to pay, they had to surrender their lead ship to Glory. If they didn't they could always fly back to Phyyria, I mean it's a long way, and you'll probably die, but no worries." Tsunami said. Then Starflight explained the rest as they walked to the entrance that lead from the forest to the island. "Ohhh" Cricket said once Starflight finished, "We're HERE!!" Peril said.

They all stared into the entrance, then Glory said "We have to be ready, they could be waiting for us on the other side. One of us can go out first, and of they come back safely, that means the rest of us will go in. And we'll split in to two parts to make finding Deathbringer-" "And Luna" Blue interjected. "Yes, and Luna easier. Team A will go with me, and Team B will go with..." She looked around, she liked Sundew, she was never afraid, and always angry, so "Sundew. Sunny, Starflight, Tsunami, and Peril are coming with me, and Sundew, you take Willow, Cricket, and Blue." Glory finished. Sundew nodded back at her. 

                 "But who's going in first?" Peril asked. "Well, since you mentioned it, why don't you Peril?" Tsunami said. Peril gave her a low growl, as more smoke started to erupt from her snout. "Fine." She said as she glared back at Tsunami. Peril went in, they all early waited for Peril, it was minutes later, when everyone was losing all their patience, when Peril came back out. "About time." Tsunami muttered. Glory singled them to follow her, as all of them obediently followed back into the entrance. And Team B followed close behind, then they both split up, as her team headed south of the island, and Sundew's went west. 

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now