To Jade Mountain Academy

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                 "WHAT IN THE THREE MOONS!" Glory yelled after reading the paper, In the Kingdom of the Sea? There's nothing THERE. Unless there is? She said in the shadows, so I imagine that nobody actually KNOWS. "How in the world are we going to do this? We need help, but no one knows that we have dragonets, we're going to have to have a lot of explaining to do." Glory said with panic, "Well, I think it be best if we went ahead a told the rain forest that were leaving. Right? We don't want the the rainforest to fall into chaos." Deathbringer said, trying to calm her down.

                 She just nodded back at Deathbringer, and from there, they flew off to the center of the RainWing Village. She didn't go there very often unless she had something to say, so when she did, all the RainWings came rushing in. Oh they did, Glory stood tall, and did her best to look queenly and not ridiculous. As she then announced to all the RainWings "RainWings, I will be going, but I will come back. There's something very urgent that requires my assistance. Until then, Treefall will take care of the kingdom.". There was a couple of complaints from the RainWings, which made her very annoyed, but she decided to ignore it.

                 Then, she flew off, with Deathbringer right beside her. They both flew to the center of the NightWing Village, the last place either of them wanted to be. Once she landed, all of the NightWings looked at her confused, some of them even glaring at her and Deathbringer. Ha! I knew it! They are glaring at us! I NEED to make a rule about this. Because I swear I will tear their EYES OUT. Her thoughts yelled half angry and half proud. 

                 There was a lot of noise in the crowd, and just before she could yell at them to shut up, Deathbringer beat her to it. " SHUT YOUR SNOUTS! THE QUEEN IS HERE TO SPEAK! NOT LISTEN TO YOU DRAGONS COMPLAIN AND SHOUT!". Glory turned her head and glared at Deathbringer as she whispered "Hey! That was going to be my line you coconuts-for-brains!". Deathbringer just shrugged, and gave her his signature smug face, making her more mad. 

                 Glory just took a breath, and turned her attention to the now quiet NightWings, then announced "Me and Deathbringer will be leaving-" Glory stopped, all of the NightWings were cheering at this, making her very angry, with scales starting to turn red. She then yelled at the crowd "I SWEAR IF I HEAR ANOTHER NOISE COME FROM ANYONE'S SNOUT, THE NEXT NOISE ANY OF YOU DRAGONS MAKE AND HEAR WILL BE SOUNDS OF PAIN. AND IT'LL BE VERY VERY PAINFUL FOR THE DRAGON MAKING THOSE NOISES." she opened her mouth, showing her fangs to everyone, to make sure they knew what she meant.

                 The whole crowd turned silent once again, as she then closed her mouth back up, and continued talking "As I was saying, me and Deathbringer are leaving for a bit, though we will be back soon. There's something that's happening, and me and Deathbringer are going to help. While were gone, Treefall will be in control of the kingdom. You will treat him with respect, or else I'll treat you with death.". And without a second later, she left, not taking a single glance back to the NightWings.

                 Then she stopped, and so did Deathbringer, as realization hit her hard in the face. "Exactly how are we supposed to get everyone back together? As in Clay, Tsunami, Sunny, Starflight, and the Jade Winglet? It's been years, I mean sure we would all meet at Jade Mountain Academy every once and a while. But still..." Glory said. But before any of them had time to think, Treefall flew up to them. "I know you trust me Queen Glory, and it's an honor really but, HOW IN THE WORLD DO I RULE A KINGDOM?! I CAN BARELY KEEP MY DRAGONETS UNDER CONTROL, MUCH LESS A KINGDOM!". 

                 After those words left Treefall's mouth, he causally went into extreme panic, with green everywhere. Not his natural green scale color, but the type when your scared. "Treefall." Glory started, but he paid no attention. "Treefall." This time just a bit louder, but still no reply. "Treefall!" She yelled, and this snapped Treefall back into reality, as he asked "Yes?". But Deathbringer replied for her, she didn't really know Treefall as well as Deathbringer, but she knew Deathbringer thought he was good and loyal. That's why she chose him, he could keep things under control.

                 "Treefall, you can do it. You may not think you can, but we do, me and Queen Glory. That's why we chose you and not some other dragon, got that?" Deathbringer said calmly, and Treefall nodded,as his scales color turned back to normal, with bits of blue. Then he flew away, back to the RainWing Village, as she sighed in relief. "You are so much better at those kind of things." She said, turning her head over to Deathbringer, and he smirked at her. Oh no. I should have never said that, I nearly gave him that one. Her thoughts worried, as Deathbringer said "I'm so much better at a lot of things now that I think about it. But not better than you, my queen. Unless were talking about looks-".

                 Before he could say anything more, she whacked him in the face with her wing, and pushed herself forwards, ahead of Deathbringer. But he quickly caught up and asked "Hey! What was that for?" she just rolled her eyes at him, and ignored his question. Then saying "First we need to go to Jade Mountain Academy, there, we should find one of my friends or at least one dragon in the Jade Winglet.". Deathbringer just nodded, and the rest of the way there was no words spoken.

                 They both couldn't take their minds off their dragonets, and what Coconut had said. Every now and then Deathbringer would fumble around in his pouch for the note Coconut had written and read it. But it still left her and Deathbringer clueless. But it wasn't super long until Glory had spotted Jade Mountain Academy, and started diving down towards it. 

                 Deathbringer did the same, and soon, he talons hit the rock ground of Jade Mountain. It was getting late, and the moons were already in view, so she had to guess most of the students were already asleep. Perfect! Now I don't have to worry about students, I can just walk right in. Her thoughts exclaimed, but just before she could step inside, a dragon came out and into view. It was a NightWing, with teardrop scales beside her eyes. "Glory?" The dragon said, as the dragon took a few steps closer to see her a little better.

                 Glory took a step closer, so did Deathbringer, who was right beside her. She squinted at the NightWing, now realizing who is was, as she looked up to the dragon's face. They were staring right at each other, as if they were looking into the other's soul. And then Glory cautiously asked "Moon?".

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now