Am I Dead?!

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                Glory found herself in a dark place, with Deathbringer's dead body in her talons, and as she looked around, she found all her friends, dead. She dropped Deathbringer, with horror in her eyes, all of her friends, just lying there, lifeless. "Am I in heaven? I hope heaven is supposed to be this dark...Glory said to herself, still horrified. "Last thing I remember, I was being killed, by Blossom." Glory said, still trying to remember what had happened, Blossom, she scolded at the name of her sister. 

                 "Well, if I'm in heaven, then I should see, uh..." Glory thought of all the people who had died, most of them weren't good dragons. "Kinkajou, and maybe Deathbringer?" She thought. "If this is heaven, then shouldn't it be brighter in here?" Glory said, wondering to herself. Then she looked back down at Deathbringer's dead and lifeless body, a single tear fell down her cheek, while looking at his body. When Deathbringer's eyes came back down, "Ah!!" Glory yelled, started by the sight, as she took a couple steps back.

                 "I guessed that you'd be heaven, but I meant it out of love, I didn't actually believe it!" Glory said, as Deathbringer stood up, "Wow Glory. I'm going to ignore that comment." he said as he observed where he was. "And we're not in heaven." Deathbringer clearified, "WE'RE NOT?! OH MY THREE MOONS, I'M IN HELL, NO WONDER IT WAS SO DARK!. But if I'm in hell, where's Tsunami, she should be here." Glory said astonished that she wasn't in heaven, but then she thought about her life, and when she did, it made sense.  

                 Deathbringer laughed at her, and Glory scolded at him, red and black clawing up her scales. But before Glory could respond, Deathbringer said "Glory, you are so funny, not in hell. We're in a dream." he then looked around, and pointed his talon at her, then saying "Your dream, really. A very very, depressing dream, apparently.". Glory stood there with her mouth wide open, but then regained her normal face, trying to convince Deathbringer that she knew that, and said "I knew that, I was just...uh, testing you, yeah. I was testing you.". 

                 "Is that so?" Deathbringer asked in disbelief,  as he stepped towards Glory. "Yes?" Glory said, with question in her voice, then they both stared at each other trying to convince the other that they were right. Glory stared at Deathbringer, holding in her laughter, until they both brust into laughs, and couldn't hold it back anymore. But Deathbringer was quick to calm himself down, and so was she, thinking back to what just happened Glory clarified "Wait, if were in my dream, then I'm not dead? And your talking to me in a dreamvistor?". "Yeah." Deathbringer replied.

                 "Then, why not talk to me in the real world?" Glory asked, confused, and then Deathbringer explained "Because, I needed to know you were okay. After you were shot with venom, I gained my breath back and killed her. Then almost immediately ran to Jambu in the room full of the other RainWings, I didn't explain, I just ran to you, and he shot his venom on you to cancel out Blossom's. Then Peril and Clay ran out of their room, and I explained to everyone what had happened, then Peril angrily turned Blossom's body to ashes, and blew it away. After that, we brought you to a healers hut in the RainWing village under the mountain, and told those RainWings what happened. But, its been two weeks, and I haven't been able to visit you in your dreams until now.".

                 "Also, we have a little surprise for you, but in order to get it, you have to wake up." Deathbringer cheerfully added. Glory scolded at him and muttered "I hate surprises.", then Deathbringer smirked and said "Yup, I know, that's why I made it a surprise.". "Ughhhhh. Fine, but not for the surprise, just because I want to." Glory said to Deathbringer, as everything slowly faded away, the dark space, Deathbringer, the bodies of her friends, everything.

                 Glory tore her eyes open, as she looked around , she saw she was in the healers hut. There was RainWings in the back talking, and she was on a bed, and in the room was a couple more RainWings who were also badly hurt, and still unconscious on their beds. Glory turned her head to the right of her, and found Deathbringer, holding the dreamvistor, smiling a big smile at her. As a single tear fell down his cheek, and on to the tip of her wing, "I missed you, I had to go two weeks alone you know." Deathbringer said.

                 She smiled at Deathbringer, with her cheeks blushing, as she jumped onto Deathbringer, and gave him a big hug, nearly knocking him to the ground. Then Glory got up, but not off the ground, and she found herself staring at Deathbringer, who was trapped under her. Smiling once again, with pink rippling up her scales, she pressed her snout on Deathbringer, and they kissed. Then Glory heard a voice coming from the corner of the hut "Are you two done, Glory you were just injured, and the first thing you do is tackle Deathbringer and kiss him? I can never figure you out.".

                 Glory stopped kissing Deathbringer, and turned her head towards to the dragon, it was Tsunami. "Tsunami I was having a great time, and I'm sure you've done something worst than tackling Riptide, with a follow up kiss." Glory said, getting up from the floor, letting Deathbringer escape her hold. Tsunami looked at the floor, and blushed, but quickly returned her face to normal. 

                 There was a bit a silence, and Glory had never liked that awkwardness that lingered in silence, so Glory said "Changing the subject, what's that surprise you told me about?" as she turned her gaze back to Deathbringer, who now had his signature smug face on, and he said "Well, I think it's better if we tell the others that your okay first. So your going to have to wait.". With that Deathbringer flew off the healers hut, with Tsunami following him, she turned around and yelled to Glory "Come on! What you waiting for?". 

                 She scolded at Tsunami and said "For you and Riptide to get married, oh wait. I don't think that's going to happen, because both of you are too scared!". Tsunami turned her head forwards again, and said something under her breath, but Glory really didn't even care, and with that she flew off the healers hut, following Deathbringer and Tsunami. As she flew, she felt a slight sharp, but small pain in her wing. She turned to look at it, it was still darkened in some areas, but her wing had been healing for the last two weeks. Glory knew it was fine, and nothing to worry about, so she followed the others, into the middle of the village.

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now