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                 After a while of watching Rainshadow and Quickfangs fight and Firefly chase bugs, Glory looked up to the moons. They were starting to fall, so it was getting late, and she was getting tired. "Deathbringer, I think it's time we went home." She said, as she turned her head over to Deathbringer, who sighed, but nodded in agreement. 

                  Glory got up, and took a few steps back to stretch out her wings and talons. They'd been sitting there for a couple hours now. Then she walked over to the open eggshells, and pushed them all the way back into the bush in the tree, well hidden from the world. While that, Deathbringer went to grab to dragonets, Quickfangs did not like being held, because he bit Deathbringer's talons. Making him yelp, and drop Quickfangs, as he walked away satisfied.

                  "Wow Deathbringer, do I need a new body guard? You were just beaten by a dragonet, who was just born." Glory said as she grabbed Rainshadow, who gave Glory a death stare for it. "You could never replace me, you love me too much for it." He replied as he went to get Firefly instead, who was chasing a firefly. 

                  "You want to test that theory? Because I'm sure Quickfangs is up for the job." Glory said as she turned to Quickfangs, and asked him "Right Quickfangs? Don't you think you'd be a better body guard then your dad?". Quickfangs nodded in a agreement, and Deathbringer was as shocked as ever by Quickfangs's answer. Quickfangs noticed this and smirked at Deathbringer, as he walked towards Glory. 

                  "Please don't Quickfangs, I have enough smug faces from your father. Not you too." Glory said, as she held out her talons, and he climbed on them. This caused Deathbringer to smirk too, great! Now I have TWO smug faces looking at me! And I thought one was enough! Her thoughts complained as she said "Great. Now I have two frog faces to deal with.", as she swooped into the sky with Deathbringer right beside her holding Firefly.

                  "What was that? Did I hear more of Deathbringer's wonderful handsome faces? Yes, I believe that's what you said. Well, you are my queen, sooo..." Deathbringer said, but before his face could get anymore smug, she bashed into his wing, causing Deathbringer to lose his balance for a moment. "Ouch Glory. What if I dropped Firefly?" He said, as he once again came back to her side, but just before he could say some snarky comment, she spoke. "What if I dropped you? Into a volcano.".

                  "We both know this face is too handsome to be burned into ashes in a volcano." Deathbringer said, as he started smirking with his smug face. Glory didn't feel like starting an endless rivalry between her and Deathbringer, right now. She was just too tired for this kind of stuff so late, so she just rolled her eyes at him, and thrust herself forwards. Leaving Deathbringer behind her, but he quickly caught up to her.

                  "Lets just focus on getting home, and most importantly the dragonets." Glory said as she flew, at a slightly faster pace then before. "Whatever you say my queen." Deathbringer agreed as they flew, it was quiet for the rest of the flight. The only noises can from the rainforest canopy below them, which was jump the sound of crickets, which seemed to make Firefly sleepy. Um, good to know. Just in case I need to get Firefly to sleep. Mental Note: Firefly falls asleep to the sound of crickets. Her thoughts observed, as she watched Firefly's eye lids slowly drop to the noise of crickets below them.

                  While Firefly fell asleep, her brother, Quickfangs, found it wonderful when the wind pushed against his scales. His RainWing scales were changing to dots of blue, pink, and yellow. Look at Quickfangs, he's so happy to feel the wind on his scales. Imagine what I'll be like for them when they feel the sun beating against them. Glory's thoughts wondered as she looked at Quickfangs. 

                  Soon, Glory spotted the cluster of huts, grass, and trees below her and stopped, as she looked around for her and Deathbringer's hut. "That's the RainWing Village, where we live. And so will you guys, you listening Rainshadow, Quickfangs, and you Firefly?" Deathbringer said, as those words woke Firefly up and she stared at Deathbringer in confusion. Quickfangs just nodded absent mindedly, as he went back to pushing on her talons, trying to make Glory fly again. And Rainshadow breathed a small flame of smoke, showing how annoyed she was, and then went back to looking at the village below them.

                  "No love for your father? Glory what did you do?" Deathbringer said, as he eyed her, she laughed and then said "Your just naturally unlikable dragon.". Deathbringer lifted his other talon to his chest in astonishment, as he said "How could anyone not like me? You do, and you don't like most dragons.". 

                  True, her thoughts admitted at the thought, but she'd never actually say it. So instead of giving it to Deathbringer like that, she said "Said who? I don't think those words left my mouth.". "That's because you don't just like me, you love me." He said as he started flying towards our hut, giving her one last smug look. How in all of Pyrrhia does Deathbringer do this wordplay?! I throw a ball of sarcasm at his dumb smug face, and he throws it right back at me even harder! Her thoughts wondered, as she watched Deathbringer take a few wingbeats ahead of her.

                  She threw her thoughts away and started to caught up with Deathbringer within the next few seconds, until they both landed on their doorstep, placing the dragonets down, who had all fallen asleep. And she let a sigh of relief as she said "Home. I'm way too tired anyway.". As Deathbringer opened the door, she grabbed the dragonets, and flew up to the bedroom. 

                  When she got in, she grabbed some leaves, and made a bundle until they looked comfortable enough to sleep on. And then, placed the dragonets on top, as they all shuffled around getting comfortable. Until finally, they were all sleeping in a little pile on top of the leaves. Glory sighed, as she turned around to Deathbringer, who was smiling at her. She walked over to him, smiling too, and just in case, she opened her wings. Hiding her and Deathbringer from the view of the dragonets.

                  They both smiled, until Deathbringer said "Goodnight my queen.". And Glory put her talon over her mouth, signaling him to be quieter. And whispered "Goodnight my king.", Deathbringer blushed, but before he could ruin the moment with his words, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and opened her wings. As Deathbringer gave her an even more loving smile, and she went over to the bed and collapsed on it. 

                  She let her eye lids drop, and herself drift into sleep, as she thought tomorrow is going to be hard. Explaining this to all the kingdom, and my friends. Especially since this is basically putting a big sign, so big that dragons in Pantala could see it, that says 'Glory and Deathbringer's dragonets are the perfect way to get revenge on them!'. Since SO many dragons already hated her and Deathbringer, or one of the two, and the dragonets would definitely be targets. But so what? We've always found a way right? No different, and as Deathbringer said. This is a problem for the future, not now, or something like that. But, what's the worst that could happen, right?

How Rain Falls - A Glorybringer Story: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now