Chapter 28

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November 13, 2003

"What are the plans for Thanksgiving?" I ask Ville as he continues to tickle my bare back. We had sex last night, but we still haven't gotten dressed; we went to sleep right after. 

He furrows his eyebrows. "I've heard of it, but I completely forgot what it is. What's Thanksgiving?"

"I don't even know," I honestly reply. "Something to do with pilgrims and we betrayed them or some shit, but now we have a holiday honoring ourselves."

"How splendid," He chuckles. "What would you like to do for Thanksgiving?"

"Well," I lay down on my back, but the blanket slides down, revealing my breasts. I don't even bother to cover them up. Ville has seen them numerous times before; it's nothing new. "I want to be with my family, of course, but I also want to see your family. But I also don't want to see Axl ever again. Not after what happened the last time."

Ville chuckles. "I'm pretty sure that you guys are over that by now."

Just even thinking about that night is embarrassing enough as it is. I can't believe that I pulled down my pants in front of my brother and he still took me home. 

Jenn had called him and explained to him that I was out of control and super drunk. At first he didn't believe her because I rarely drink, but she pleaded with him and thankfully he showed up because I don't know what else I would've done if he didn't. Jenn was going to ask Ville to take me home, but he wasn't any better. He was probably more drunk than I was--I just reacted more to it. 

Axl didn't see any of my ass, thank God, but it's still humiliating that I did that in front of him. Axl told me the next day that Ville helped a lot, which is surprising to him because Ville was really hammered. He helped me take a shower to wash all the chlorine off, put new pajamas on me and put me to bed. He and Axl then proceeded to have a conversation about me, but they wouldn't tell me what. They still won't. 

I have not spoken to Axl since then; I'm too scared to. I don't want to have to face him after him seeing me like that. I've called him numerous times to thank him for what he did, but that was a couple days after Bam's birthday party. 

Novak called me the day after and said in a very groggy voice, "You have a better ass than I thought you did." Ville was not happy that he said that, but ended up letting it go because Novak was probably still drunk. No one else commented, but I know that they all saw it and that scares me, too. 

Ville and I have gone over there a couple times since then, but none of us have talked about my thong reveal and I hope that they will never speak about it. 

"There's no way that I am over it," I say. "He might be over it, but I never will be."

"So you're just going to avoid your brother and not spend Thanksgiving with him?"

"Precisely!" I gently tap the tip of his nose. 

Rolling his eyes, he says, "No, but seriously. What should we do for Thanksgiving?"

"We could have it at my parents' house," I suggest. "You can also invite your parents, too."

"Invite my parents to come here and celebrate Thanksgiving?" He gives me a look. "Larissa, my parents don't celebrate Thanksgiving."

"They can still come anyway, though," I suddenly get this rush of excitement. "They can meet my family and your brother can come, too." I gasp as I realize something. "Oh my God, yours and Bam's brothers both have the same name."

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