Chapter 66

38 2 0

October 25, 2005

Seeing Ville's face everywhere is something that I'm not normally used to. He's not a huge celebrity in the U.S., but according to Bam, he's as good as it gets. Bam's put up more posters in his house of Ville than he does of family portraits of his family...or even his girlfriend. 

Jake, on the other hand, I've been seeing his face everywhere due to his new movie about to be released. There's a bunch of news and speculation around it. Most critics are very shocked by the fact that it's about a gay relationship. 

Jake told me that Heath Ledger is very strong on the fact that no one should care about who's in love with who. It doesn't concern them. 

Bam and Missy sit back down at the table, carrying two bottles of beer. They offered Jake and I some, but I refused and Jake kindly did too--for me. 

"Larissa!" Bam exclaims. "Have you talked to Jenn lately?"

I shudder at the thought of her and the last interaction we had. "Fuck no. Why?"

"She's been fucking trying to break into my house," He laughs at this. 

"It's creepy," Missy says, but she's not laughing. 

My jaw drops. "Are you serious? You're joking right?"

"No!" Bam breaks out into a fit of laughter. 

I'm in shock. I knew that Jenn was crazier than normal, but I didn't know that she was this crazy. I would've never thought that she would be capable of doing something like this. 

"You should add that into the Jackass TV show or whatever," Jake jokes, chuckling at himself. "And make it into a skit."

"Well, we're actually making a new movie soon," Bam says. "We're making a second Jackass and it's going to be fucking awesome."

"Oh, isn't your sister pregnant?" Missy randomly asks me before anyone can respond to Bam. "The last time that we talked you mentioned that she was."

"Yeah," I nod, happy that she noticed. Jenn used to never care about what I said, but Missy is very kind and does pay attention. "Yeah, her due date's next week. She's about ready to give birth."

"That's insane," Missy sighs. "I mean, having a kid is something else."

"Did you know that Larissa was pregnant?" Bam asks Missy. 

I roll my eyes at him. "Bam, shut the fuck up."

"You were?" Missy's jaw drops as she looks at me. "You don't look like you were pregnant."

"That's because I had a miscarriage," I speak up before Bam can. "Ville and I were going to have a kid."

"Oh my God, I am so sorry," Missy tells me, but I've heard that over a hundred times. 

"It's okay," I tell her.

"So how long have you guys been together?" Missy asks me. 

"It's been a year on the 22nd," Jake replies, wrapping an arm around me. 

"Did you guys do anything special?"

"He took me on a boat ride," I reply with a wide smile spread across my face. "And it was so romantic. He rented out the whole thing only for us, so we were able to have a lot of alone time."

"Sex!" Bam exclaims. 

"Bam!" Missy nudges him. "You always have to make things so raunchy."

"That's what relationships are built on: fucking."

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