Chapter 78

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June 21, 2006

Waking up next to Ville feels surreal. His eyes are closed and he's peacefully sleeping. I want to wake him up just to be able to see his piercing green eyes, but I leave him be. Instead, I carefully get up and walk out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. 

I brush my hair and teeth, then go downstairs to find Missy already awake with April. That's how the typical mornings go. The only thing that's different is that I have a smile plastered onto my face. 

"Well someone looks happy," April giggles and pours a sugar packet into her packet while Missy turns in her chair to look at me. 

She smiles. "I need you to tell me what happened."

I sit down next to her, eager to tell her the story. "We were just talking the grass and we kissed. And then we went inside and--" I whisper in her ear that we had sex. I don't want April to hear, but she obviously knows that's what happened. "And then last night we fell asleep together."

"Larissa, I am so happy for you," She takes her hand into mine. 

I pull it away and my smile fades. "Why are you happy for me?"

She looks confused. "Well, you guys are back together now."

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know about that. I mean, I would like to be but I don't know where we stand now. Maybe he needs some time before getting back together."

"If he had sex with you, he does not need time," April chimes in. "Sorry, but that had to be said."

I just wish that things were as simple as that. I know that Ville is not the type to use me, but I also don't know if he's the type that would want to be in a relationship with me again. 

We broke up for a reason. He broke up with me for a reason. Why would he even want to come back to me?

"Stop overthinking," Missy snaps me out of my trance. "Ville's not like that."

"He's a sweetheart," April adds. "And we see the way that he looks at you--even before last night."

"It was obvious that something was going to happen between you two."

I roll my eyes. "No it was not."

She scoffs. "Are you serious?! You guys are like two magnets that were pulling away from each other. You guys are just drawn to each other."

"Maybe it's just because of Bam," I suggest. 

"Larissa," April clears her throat. "When he would come over while he was dating that awful girl after you guys broke up, not once did he act like the way he does when he's around you. Last night was the happiest I've seen him in a long time."

Jonna also fucking hurt him. Of course he's going to be happy; he's away from all of that. What if I have nothing to do with his happiness?

"GOOD MORNING!" A screeching voice echoes throughout the kitchen. I jump in my seat and see Bam and Ville approach the island. It's then that I know that Bam was the one that yelled. 

"Don't do that!" April slaps her son with her hand. 

I chuckle and then look up at Ville to find him staring down at the counter, not looking at me. I know that it has nothing to do with me because his eyes are droopy and he looks exhausted. Bam must've woken him up. 

"Cheer up," Bam slaps Ville on the back and Ville's head immediately jerks up and he rubs his eyes, then yawns. 

"Larissa, would you like a cup of coffee?" April offers. 

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