⫣63⫦ Bad Girl

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Whatever Tae see's on my face has his smile drop, his throat working as he swallows thickly.

Before he has a chance to back out, I use the remaining strength I posses to push him to the side.
He lands on the bed with a little huff and I make use of my agility, rolling over him in the next blink of an eye.

Which means he is now the one lying on his back while I am straddling him, my red dress falling around my exposed legs, my breasts still very much on display.

I suppose I look a lot like a hot mess.

"I'm gonna regret this, won't I?" he rumbles out, trying to sound humorous, but I can hear the tremble of anticipation- and see the way he's staring at me, his desire barely contained.

Slowly, I grin and let myself drop forward, catching my weight with two hands landing flat on his chest.
I can feel his erratic heart beneath as I take on the exact same position he had, angling my lips close to his.

"Oh, yes. And then you're going to admit that you don't want a good girl. You want a nasty, wicked, bad girl."

He opens his lips to respond, but I use that very moment to lower my hands on his chest, curling my fingers so my nails leave marks.

A low moan leaves him instead as I give him a bit of his own medicine, mixing pleasure with pain as I simultaneously roll my hips over his hardness.
I know I'll leave a dark spot where my wetness meets his jeans.

I grin and let her out.
This being inside me which is all lust and seduction, living only to drive men crazy.

Lowering my lips to his neck, I kiss and lick my way down, moaning at the taste of him, my nails continuing to leave trails over his torso while my lips dip lower and lower.

Tae lets out rumbles and growls until his hands find themselves into my hair, messing it up as he pushes my lips closer to his body.

I smack them away and look up.

"No touching. Either you keep your hands to yourself and let me play, or I'll have to tie you up too!"

Tae gapes for a second, then chuckles and lets go of my hair, holding his hands up in defeat before slowly reaching behind him, gripping the metal bars of the bed frame.
"You're the boss," he snickers.

I narrow my eyes, then spread my legs a little wider, knowing Taehyung can now feel the wet heat of my panties against the erection in his jeans.
The smile disappears very quickly, replaced by an almost tortured grimace.

I only offer him a blinding smile.

Only then do I continue my exploration.
Learning him.
Listening to his body and sound.

The way he tenses when I draw closer to his lower stomach, his muscles contracting and forming a spectacular shape.
The way he shudders when my hair tickles his naked skin, following the trail of my lips.
The way his breathing gets heavier when I lick his nipple.
The moan which rumbles out of him when I run my nails down his ribs with enough pressure to leave red marks.

"God's, Lian, you're driving me insane," he groans when I not so gently knead the muscles on his chest.

I blink up at him, faking innocence.

"But I haven't even gotten to the good part yet."

I hold his eyes, which grow in diameter as I shuffle down, getting off his lap only to let my hands lead a trail from his chest all the way to where the v of his hipbones disappear underneath his jeans.
I can tell he's not breathing when I smirk and undo the first button to his pants.

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