⫣53⫦ I'll be Your Villain

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"You're lying."

My voice is no louder than a whisper, tears slipping down my face as I try and fail to understand.

"Am I? I heard he was admitted to hospital several times since he came to Seoul.
Serious injuries, almost like he didn't care whether he lived or died.
Fractured bones, knife wounds, extensive bruising.
What do you think made him like that?
Maybe it was his guilt for killing the two people who gave him life?"


I'm still staring at the pictures in front of me.

There is a young, smiling woman in one, her eyes the same glitter in them as I've seen in Taehyung's, her lips drawn into the same smile.

Next to it is her dead body, her appearance not unlike those of the girls I've seen just recently. Beneath it, her cause of death is described as enforced head trauma, the murder weapon a baseball that belonged to her son, V.

"Yes. First his mother- a prostitute who got herself pregnant at 17 by her boss- a pimp- and then didn't even bother to give her son a proper name.
Just one letter.
She probably hated him for being born.
For being the son of the man who sold her to other men and ran the whorehouse she was indebted to.
Ah.. and what a father he must have been."

He skips a page displaying a man and it's the same as before.
First a picture of a normal male in his mid thirties and next to it his crime scene photo.

Apparently he was stabbed several times with a broken glass bottle, V's fingerprint's the only one the scene.
Blood is sprayed everywhere, the broken glass bottle still lying next to the man's dead body.

"He might have been a scumbag, but at least it was said he paid the mother well, made sure she was protected and even allowed his son to stay with her in an apartment he procured for them.
Now, maybe there are some things we don't know, but fact is, that V disappeared after the murders happened, with his handprints all over the crime scenes.
Some of the other prostitutes said V was a troubled kid, always causing problems and getting into fights with his father.
He would stay out late, sometimes not coming home at all, doing who knows what in the streets, but often coming home bleeding and stumbling.
And then he vanished the night it happened- like he never existed.
The police in Daegu are still looking for him, although they doubt ever finding him after five years."

I shake my head again.

"No. You're lying. Taehyung wouldn't do this."

"Oh Lian. You are still so naive.
Can you really know a person?
Truly know them?
Humans wear masks all the time.
They lie to others and they lie to themselves until they believe it's the truth, but it doesn't change anything."

My father sits down again, stroking my hair in a loving gesture.

I smack his hands away.

"Don't fucking touch me."

He sighs.

"Do you really have to make it so hard, darling?
What makes those boys so much better?"

"You don't know them. You don't know anything."

The tears have made my vision blurry, but I'm looking at nothing anyway.

"You're going to pay for this. I'll make sure of it. You will go to prison."
I try to make my threat powerful, but it lacks strength and conviction.

"I wont. But I'm afraid THEY will if you keep acting like that."

I snap for air, the words like a bolt piercing my heart.


He takes my hands into his, and this time, I don't even have the strength to pull away or scream at him.
His voice too, is soft and calm.

"It's simple.
You will do exactly as I say, or those files will go directly to the police.
How long do you think they will get for all they've done?
Vandalizing, identity theft, breaking and entering, blackmailing, battery and assault and the list just goes on.
Oh, and that boyfriend of yours even for double homicide.
I don't think you have to be a lawyer to know it will be a very long time."

He bend his head down as he strokes away some of the strands that have fallen into my hair.
The touch is so soft and caring, even his voice gentle and calm, but the words being spoken rattle me so thoroughly, I am frozen still.

"I will make sure they all get sent to different prisons, locking them up so deep, they will never see sunlight again.
How do you think it will be like for those boys who love their freedom so much?
Who need each other to not fall apart?
Maybe you could as Suga?
He already has some experience sitting in a dark cell all alone.
And what do you think it would do to them if they found out it was none other than you who is responsible for it?
That you could have stopped it, but chose to be selfish?"

I feel numb.
I can't even hear my heart beating or feel time passing.
There is just this hole opening up in my heart, like someone ripped it out and left me an empty shell.

I close my eyes.

There is nothing else I can do- no way out of his.
No way to escape this father of mine.

Perhaps if I had Namjoon's mind, I could come up with something, but I'm not him and he isn't here to help me.
My father is using the one thing against me that I'm willing to die for.

He won.

That easily, he won.

I let him.

"What do I have to do?"

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