⫣34⫦ Fathers

90 7 3

Pain, stronger than anything I've ever felt explodes in my head.

I think I must have passed out for a moment, because when I open my eyes again, I'm no longer standing.

Shards of porcelain lay around me and dust my clothes.

I see double and my head is a raging beast, sending pulses of sharp pain through my entire body.
I'm shaking as I try to clear my vision, blinking rapidly.

All seven boys are leaning over me, their eyes wide in shock and Taehyung next to me, kneeling on the floor as his hands hold my arms- like he caught my fall.

"Are fucking insane?" he yells, rage and fear written all over his features, the veins at his neck standing out angrily.

I finally manage to breath through the pain and actually find myself able to smile up at them.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" RM lets out, throwing his hands in the air in frustration.

"Couldn't you have discussed it with us before you fucking knock yourself out?"
Jungkook snaps, but there is worry in his eyes- worry and maybe just a little bit of respect.

I start to laugh, but the pain that erupts as a response has me wince instead.

"Fuck, my head hurts."
I grind out, bringing my hand up to the wound, only for it to come away wet and red.

"Yeah. That happens when you hit yourself with a porcelain cup, Lian." J-Hope clarifies.

"How bad is it?"

Jin come kneeling next to me and Taehyung, who still hasn't let go of my arms.
He inspects the wound for a moment, then nods.

"It'll need stitches, but it's not that deep. You'll be fine."

I nod and then make a move to stand.
Both Taehyung and Jin help me up and I stand on shaky feet, the floor a little unsteady under my feet.
I don't let go of either hand.

"Good," I whisper, then take a deep breath for the next step in my crazy, ridiculous plan.

"So, is anyone good with a needle and thread, cause I gotta be home before eight!
Don't wanna miss curfew again, do I?"

"Okay, you definitely are crazy!", Suga puffs out.

I level a smile at all of them, and finally, they break out of their shock.

Suga is the first to return it.

"And we kind of love it."

"Yoongi!" Taehyung growls at him in warning.
"You want her to get even crazier ideas? Don't encourage her!"

Suga only laughs.

But it's Jin who claps his shoulders with a smile of his own.

"Come on Tae. What she did might be stupid but also fucking brave.
And since when do you advice anyone not to do something stupid?
You're the fucking king of stupid!
Don't make me tell her half the shit you usually pull. "

Taehyung shoots his brother a long look, and then the anger and worry finally leave his face as he returns his eyes to me.

He lets out an exaggerated breath and finally one of those gorgeous smiles forms on his lips.

"You get off on shocking us, don't you?"

"It's becoming an addiction.
I don't think I'll be able to stop making you absolutely loose your shit."
I deadpan and add an innocents smile and a few pretty blinks.

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